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von Gernet Genealogy and von Gernet Family History Information

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  • Adam* Richard Ernst von Gernet (1878 - 1944)
    Адам (Рихард Эрнст Адам) Фридрихович (Федорович) фон Гернет, Adam Gernet (7/19.08.1878, Kideva mõis, Läänemaa - 1.07.1944, Гамбург) Ohvitseride andmekogu -
  • Lady Annota Gernet of Speke (1111 - aft.1135)
  • Benedict Gernet, Lord of Speke (1145 - 1206)
    'Benedict Garnet (or Gernet or de Gernet), son of Roger de Gernet, Chief Forester of Lancashire , was hereditary Lord of Speke, Lancashire, England. He was born at Speke and died c.1206. He married Mab...
  • Benet Gernet (c.1215 - c.1280)
    Benet Gernet lived at Fishwick, Lancashire, England.1 He lived at Ecclestone, Lancashire, England.1 He was forester of Lancaster Forest.1 He lived at Halton, Lancashire, England.1Child of Benet GernetJ...
  • Joachim Gernet (1648 - 1710)
    Tallinna sündik ja bürgermeister, rendivaldaja a. Hummala (Humala), Keila kihelkond Gernet on Saksamaalt Pommerist pärit baltisaksa aadlisuguvõsa. Suguvõsa esivanemaks oli Gollnowi (Pommeris) bürgerm...

About the von Gernet surname

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