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Wahl Katzenellenbogen Genealogy and Wahl Katzenellenbogen Family History Information

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  • R' Abraham Abrahsky Wahl-Katzenellenbogen (c.1570 - c.1620)
    A dirigé la yeshiva crée par son père à Brest-Litovsk. Puis il devient ABD (Président du tribunal rabbinique) de Vornik, puis de Lvov
  • Beile Frankel-Teomim (Wahl Katzenellenbogen) (c.1610 - c.1669)
    fille de Rav Meir Wahl Katzenellenbogen 1565-1630 et de Hinda Hindel Katzenellenbogen (Horowitz)née en 1608 pour Ofir Friedman? vers 1592 pour Vera Susan Meran? === GEDCOM Note ===Source : David Solomo...
  • Beile Wahl-Katzenellenbogen (b. - c.1639)
    Nr.48 in 'Świadkiem jest ta stela. Stary cmentarz żydowski w Lublinie' by Andrzej Trzciński (Wydawnictwo UMCS (Lublin, 2018))She was the daughter of Rabbi Nachum of Ludmir (Volodymyr Volynskyy). See Ra...
  • R' David Saul Wahl-Katzenellenbogen (1579 - c.1650)
    An old, widely ramified family counting many rabbis among its members, who were and are still found in Italy, Poland, Germany, Alsace, and also in America. It derived its name from the locality of Katz...

About the Wahl Katzenellenbogen surname

Wahl is German for election as Saul Katzenellenbogen was 'elected' king for a day