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  • Andrew Lloyd Webber
    Andrew Lloyd Webber, Baron Lloyd-Webber (born 22 March 1948), is an English composer and impresario of musical theatre. Several of his musicals have run for more than a decade both in the West End a...
  • Anna Heijnricks Cock (1579 - 1674)
    NYGBR article on the Cock family . * Annetje's information is available at
  • Anna Willemse Fonteyn (bef.1671 - 1745)
    Anna Webber was born in New Amsterdam, New Netherlands : 1671 Jul 04 ; Wolfert Webber, Geertruyd Hassing; Anna ; Laurens Van der Spiegel, Aeltie Van Couwenhoven
  • Anna Webber (1752 - 1822)
    Birth: Nov. 12, 1752 Louisa Louisa County Virginia, USA Death: Apr. 11, 1822 Hopkinsville Christian County Kentucky, USAHusband: Philip W. Family links: Spouse: Philip Augustine Webber (1752 - 1821) ...
  • Anna Winslow (deceased)

About the Webber surname

It is a basic germanic name for weaver..My father's people came from Luxembourg.' I have been told by relatives, whom have sent me paper work, that they lived in the same house in Kurich, Luxembourg for five hundred years,'The Weaver's House'. My grandfather came to America with his father and mother and siblings through Philadelphia in 1850. And settled in Belgium, Wsconsin where they kept farms for several generations. My father was related to the Schlitz Brewery's original owner's wife. And he told me that while he managed the firm at the turn of the century he introduced the slogan "The Beer that made Milwaukee famous" He had a label from the original bottle with his name on it as manager with the slogan.He showed it to me from his trunk.They were Catholics, but my father became a 32 degree Mason in his lifetime. He said that his father often spelled the name with two B's and other relatives have told me the same. Probably because they felt no kinship with the actual Germans during WWI and WW II, who spelled the name with one B. My mother's family is Scots, Irish and English and came to America in the early sixteen hundreds..I grew up only knowing about her side of the family, except for what I have related here.