There are already 1,023 users and over 30,030 genealogy profiles with the Welch surname on Geni. Explore Welch genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Her mother's maiden name was Blackshear.
She married Richard Welch and Parson Jonathan Merritt.
BURIAL: Bethel United Methodist Church Cemetery, Reno, Grady County, Georgia, USA
PLOT, Row 5, Plot 11...
HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF STONINGTON, County of New London, Connecticut, from its first settlement in 1649 to 1900, by Richard Anson Wheeler, New London, CT, 1900, p. 458 * MANNING, Abigail * b. 25 NOV 17...
Senator Adonijah Welch
Welch was a United States Senator from Florida and the first president of Iowa State Agricultural College (now Iowa State University). Welch also served as Michigan Sta...
Capt Alexander Welch
BIRTH unknown
DEATH 11 Jan 1810 Greenbrier County, Virginia, USA
BURIAL Welch Cemetery (sometimes called the Ballard Smith Lewisburg Greenbrier County West Virginia, USA
A Pat...
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