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Wilhelm Genealogy and Wilhelm Family History Information

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  • Agnes May Wilhelm (1856 - 1946)
  • Alois Wilhelm (1851 - 1889)
  • Amália Wilhelm (1865 - 1946)
    1912 Hungarian Marriage Record - Valter KORNFEIN (born 27/10/1889, son of Jakab KORNFEIN and Emilia FELLUER) married Irma WILHELM (born 24/10/1893, daughter of Sandor WILHELM and Amalia POLITZER) on 10...
  • Anna Catherine Williams (1720 - 1743)
    FamilyFrom & Anglicised from Johann Heinrich Wilhelm as Henry Williams as are most the names in the German New River Settlement. He was the son of Hans Valentine WILHELM (b. 3 Oct 1688 in Finkenbach/Un...

About the Wilhelm surname

Benjamin Wilhelm was the son of Avraham Abba and Chana Tzirel Wilhelm who lived in or around Lodz, Poland (formerly Austria Hungary). Benjamin immigrated to the US during the first decade of the 20th century. I am the mother of Benjamin's grandchildren, Blima Wilhelm Moskoff and Philip Wilhelm.