There are already 403 users and over 11,827 genealogy profiles with the Winters surname on Geni. Explore Winters genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Not the same as Andrew Winter, of Middletown
Andrew Winters
Born 1690 in Dutchess, NY
Son of [father unknown] and [mother unknown]
Husband of Harriett Wood — married [date unknown] [location u...
Zwillingsschwester von Maria Anna Wießmann
Peter and Mary Winters came to America with their four sons with them in 1855, settling on a farm near Hillsdale Michigan. Peter was a brick maker by trade. ...
The SSDI shows her last place of residence as 20014 Washington, District of Columbia. * Reference: RootsWeb's WorldConnect - SmartCopy : Jun 16 2016, 19:23:54 UTC * Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - Smar...
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