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  • Agnes Duchess of Austria (1206 - 1238)
    Albert I, Duke of SaxonyFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMarriages and issueIn 1222 Albert married Agnes of Austria (*1206–before 29 August 1238*) daughter of Duke Leopold VI of AustriaBernard (d. ...
  • Agnes von Thüringen (1206 - 1246)
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  • Akiva Atzmon-Wittenberg (1916 - 1976)
    Akiva Atzmon Wittenberg : [%D7%A2%D7%A7%D7%99%D7%91%D7%90 עצמון ויקיפדיה] (born 9th January 1916 – died 5th April 1976) [source: Akiva Atzmon Wittenberg was the born in Jerusalem on 9th January 1916 ...
  • Albert Leonard Wittenberg (1909 - 1945)
    Born in Paramaribo, Suriname. Woonde in Amsterdam, President Brandstraat 32-II. Zoon van Christina Henriette Wittenberg. Huwde op 28 juni 1933 met Janna Hendrika Jetten (1 oktober 1911 Amsterdam). Var...
  • Herzog Albrecht II von Sachsen-Wittenberg, Herzog und Kurfürst zu Sachsen, Herzog zu Sachsen-Wittenberg (1248 - 1298)
    Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Find A Grave * Wikipedia * Duke of Saxony: Joint Reign 1260–1296 (joint rule with his elder brother John I until 1282 and then with the latter's sons Eric I, John II, ...

About the Wittenberg surname

The name Wittenberg was originally Wittenberger and only when immigrating to Israel was the name truncated to Wittenberg.

That may be a specific Wittenberg family. My great grandparents arrived in the USA about 1881 under the name Wittenberg from then Russia and now Lithuania.