Ha'Gaon Ha'Adir Reb Avraham (Eshel Avraham) Broda

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Ha'Gaon Ha'Adir Reb Avraham (Eshel Avraham) Broda (Braude) (1645 - 1717)

Hebrew: הגאון האדיר הרב אברהם אשל ברודא "אשל אברהם"
Also Known As: "Broda", "Brodt", "Brod", "Eschel Avraham Broda", "Abraham"
Birthplace: Bumsla, near Prague, Boehmen
Death: April 12, 1717 (71-72)
Frankfurt Am Main, Darmstadt, HE, Germany (Neglected Chest Infection)
Place of Burial: Frankfurt, Germany
Immediate Family:

Son of Rabbi Shaul Brod and Mella Zippora Brod
Husband of Reik Broda and Rachel Rechla Braude (Broda)
Father of Moishe Moses Broda (Brod); Unknown Bresslau; Ha'Gaon Reb Yossef Broida; Ha'Gaon Reb Chaim Broida; Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Braude, A.B.D. Mergentheim and 4 others
Brother of Chaya Redisch? and Ha'Aluf Reb Simon Brod

Occupation: Oberrabbiner, Chief Rabbi In Praha, then Metz, then Frankfurt
Managed by: Private User
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About Ha'Gaon Ha'Adir Reb Avraham (Eshel Avraham) Broda


Broda, Avraham ben Sha’ul (ca. 1650–1717), rabbi and Talmudist. Born in Prague, Avraham ben Sha’ul Broda studied in Poland with Yitsḥak ben Ze’ev Ḥarif, later chief rabbi of Kraków. Returning to Bohemia, Broda lived in Bunzlau (Mladá Boleslav). He served as a rabbi in Lichtenstadt (Hroznětín) before 1692, and in Raudnitz (Roudnice) from 1692 to 1693.

Beginning in 1689, Broda was involved in disputes over the posts of chief rabbi of Prague and Bohemia. Within the Prague Jewish community, he was opposed by the wealthier Catena group (known earlier in the century as the “Bassevi-ist” group, after the wealthy Ya‘akov Bassevi, leader of the group in the 1620s), but supported by the less wealthy Liga faction (known earlier as the “anti-Bassevi-ist” or “troubled” party). In 1692–1693, a compromise led to Broda’s appointment as one of two chief rabbis of both Prague and Bohemia, one representing each party. He also served as head of the Prague yeshiva. In 1702, the new chief rabbi of Prague, David Oppenheim (who was also head of the court, or av bet din), was made the sole chief rabbi of Bohemia, but Broda remained in charge of the Prague yeshiva until 1709. It was said that Broda’s and Oppenheim’s students would not speak to one another.

From 1709 until 1712, Broda was chief rabbi of Metz and from 1712 until his death in 1717 he was chief rabbi in Frankfurt am Main. Broda had a great many students, including Talmudic scholars Netanel Weil, Yonah Landsofer, Pinḥas Katzenellenbogen, Yosef Kosman, and YitsÕak Wetzlar, author of the Libesbrif (Love Letter; composed about 1748). He himself wrote a number of volumes of pilpul and Talmudic commentary, including Eshel Avraham (Abraham’s Inn; 1747) and Shema‘ata ḥadeta (New Lecture; 1737). He also wrote sermons (which remain unpublished) and a Hebrew poem celebrating a Habsburg victory.

Broda’s relationship to Sabbatianism is unclear. Although he opposed radical Sabbatian antinomianism, several of his students may have been members of the Sabbatian circle in Prague.

Broda was a controversial figure, due to the factional disputes surrounding his office in Prague and to his championship of pilpul as a method of Talmudic exegesis. Nevertheless, during his lifetime he had a reputation for saintliness. Students such as Katzenellenbogen and Wetzlar, and even other contemporaries such as Glikl of Hameln, noted his generosity, his abstention from meat (except on the Sabbath and festivals), his lack of snobbery, his extraordinary talent as a Talmud teacher, his devotion to his students, and his willingness to support pupils (such as Wetzlar) who could not afford tuition. Broda is said to have studied Torah until the moment of his death.

Suggested Reading Pinchas Katzenellinbogen, Yesh manḥilin (Jerusalem, 1985/86), pp. 178ff; Yehuda Liebes, Sod ha-emunah ha-shabta’it (Jerusalem, 1995), pp. 135–136; Alexandr Putík, “The Prague Jewish Community in the Late 17th and Early 18th Centuries,” Judaica Bohemiae 35 (2000): 4–140.

Author Joseph Davis

"Die Grabschriften des Alten Judenfriedhofes in Wien"

Band II- by Dr. Bernhard Wachstein-pg. 166

1913-1996- Eger Family Association- pg. 3

1913-1990- Eger Family Association אילן אא-


chapter 1

written about him in the "jewish encyclopedia":


Author of Eshel Avraham: http://www.hebrewbooks.org/14610 Author of Toldos Avraham: http://hebrewbooks.org/35801

Author of the Sefer "Eishel Avraham".



Page 8


Text of Gravestone in Frankfurt:-

הגאון אב"ד ור"מ פה הקהלה|
החסיד מ"ו אברהם זצ"ל ברודא מפראג נפ' יום א דר"ח אייר תע"ז לפ"ק
פנה זיווה והדרה א' א' דר"ח אייר
אראלים ומצוקים אחזו בארון הקודש
איש צדיק תמים הי'
טהור ‏וקדוש הרביץ תורה וחכמהּ
ומאיר עיני ישראל עם קדוש
אור תורתו זרח בכמה קהילות הקודש
רבן של כל בני הגולה
ושמעתתי מבדרן בעלמא הדין
והניח אחריו ברכה מלא וגדוש
נשמתו אתיא למעלה בצד כסא רחמים
מוה"ר אברהם, בן מוה"ר שאול

The Gaon, President of the court and head of the Yeshiva in the community here, the Pious, our teacher and master Avraham, the memory of the righteous is a blessing, Broda from Prague.
departed Sunday 1st day of the new moon Iyar,
Its splendor and glory have turned away Sunday 1st day of the new moon Iyar, 477 of the (small) count.
The terrestrial and celestial seized the holy ark; He was a righteous, and perfect man, pure and holy, he taught Torah and wisdom, and enlightened the eyes of Israel, the holy nation, and the light of his teaching shone in several holy communities. Rabbi of all children of the exile, his teachings became widespread in this world; he left a blessing completely fulfilled, His soul went up beside the throne of mercy and may his soul be bound in the bond of life, our teacher, master Avraham, son of our teacher, master Shaul.

view all 16

Ha'Gaon Ha'Adir Reb Avraham (Eshel Avraham) Broda's Timeline

Bumsla, near Prague, Boehmen
Mlada Boleslav, Mladá Boleslav District, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic
April 12, 1717
Age 72
Frankfurt Am Main, Darmstadt, HE, Germany

מצבת קדשו בביה"ח בפראנקפורט לפני השואה
רואים מימין לשמאל את מצבות רבי ישראל יוסף שמואל מקראקא - בעל מסורת הש"ס, רבי אברהם ברודא - בעל אשל אברהם, רבי שמואל הכהן שאטין - המהרשש"ך, ורבי אברהם אביש מפפד"מ, זכותם יגן עלינו ועכ"י
