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  • Ha'Gaon Ha'Adir Reb Avraham (Eshel Avraham) Broda (1645 - 1717)
    Broda, Avraham ben Sha’ul (ca. 1650–1717), rabbi and Talmudist. Born in Prague, Avraham ben Sha’ul Broda studied in Poland with Yitsḥak ben Ze’ev Ḥarif, later chief rabbi of Kraków. Returning to Bohe...
  • Emma Reif Broda (1883 - 1958)
  • Moishe Moses Broda (Brod) (c.1680 - 1741)
    Rabbiner in Hanau, Bamberg, WormsMany books show Moshe to be the son of Rechla Ulmo (second wife), but this is completely wrong. In his introduction to Eshel Avraham, Moshe specifically mentions Lippma...
  • R' Markus (Mordechai Zeev) Braude (1869 - 1949)
    Braude, Markus (1869–1949) , rabbi, educator, Zionist leader, and parliamentarian. Born in Brest-Litovsk (Brisk), Markus Braude (Mordekhai Ze’ev Broda) was raised in Lwów (Lemberg) where his maternal g...