Matching family tree profiles for Aaron Clark
Immediate Family
About Aaron Clark
Parents: Daniel Clark and Hannah Pratt Wife: Susannah Wade Clark
The Old Northwest Genealogical Quarterly, Pg. 293 Aaron (Daniel, Daniel) Clark, son of Daniel and Hannah (Pratt) Clark, was baptized in Hartford, Nov. 13, 1687. He married there in the old First Church, May 31, 1711, Susanna Wade. (Kingsley's Records say she was a daughter of Robert Wade) July 12, 1709, his father Daniel Clark, then of Hartford conveyed to him, one-half of his "messuage and tenement and home-lot" of land lying in Colchester. Hence they were together in the latter place from about 1710. Aaron Clark was a weaver by trade. He removed from Colchester to Lebanon, and from there to Mansfield; whence he died in January, 1745. As his Grandfather before him, Aaron Clark was a participant in town and colony affairs. His name appears frequently in the colonial records. In "Thomas Newcomb's Account Book" kept by him at Lebanon, Conn., in the years 1735-38, the following names among others, appear: "Aaron Clark, his son Aaron, his son Eliphalet, Aaron Clark, Jr., Benony Clark, Eliphet Clark, Gershom Clark, Jonathon Clark, Jonathan Clark, Jr.., Joseph Clark, Timothy Clark, and William Clark, Jr.," Aaron Clark left a will dated Jan. 1, 1744-45, and admitted to probate Jan. 7, 1744-45. This will recites "Aaron Clark of Mansfield in the County of Windham and Colony of Conn." He gives to his wife Susanna use of all real and personal property in town of Lebanon and also in town of Mansfield, until sons Israel and Lemuel are of age twenty-one; mentions son Aaron, as having given him land at Union; mentions daughter Susannah Loomis as having given her part of his estate; same, son Eliphalet; same son Wade, same son Oliver; same daughter Jerusha Swift; same daughter Ester Clark; same daughter Damaris Clark; same daughter Desire; devises to son, Lemuel Clark, "one hundred acres of land in Ashford and Mansfield, being the one hundred acres I now live on with my dwelling house - said farm I value at three hundred pounds old tenor exclusive of the building thereon", devises to "my son Israel Clark one hundred acres of land, part of my farm, I now live on, to be laid out for him on the southwesterly part of my said farm, which I value at three hundred pounds old tenor"' devises "rest and residue of my farm in the Town of Mansfield, which I now live on" to his wife; provides that "each son shall have double to each daughter", and names wife Susannah as sole executrix. It is thought that after the death of her husband, Susannah returned to Lebanon, and married again a Mr. Johnson, although she deeds lands as Susannah Clark to her son Israel as late as 1778 (Mansfield Records) Mr. Aaron Clark died Jan. 9, 1744 age 58 years (From an inscription in Exeter Cemetery in the Town of Lebanon, Connecticut)
- Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy: Mar 27 2017, 8:39:00 UTC
Aaron Clark's Timeline
1687 |
November 13, 1687
Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Colony
November 13, 1687
1712 |
May 14, 1712
Lebanon, New London County, Connecticut, United States
1717 |
Hatfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts
1720 |
January 11, 1720
Connecticut Colony
1721 |
September 4, 1721
Lebanon, New London County, Connecticut Colony
1723 |
August 3, 1723
Lebanon, New London County, Connecticut, United States
September 3, 1723
Medfield, Suffolk County, Province of Massachusetts
1728 |
August 3, 1728
Norwich, New London County, Connecticut Colony