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Clark Genealogy and Clark Family History Information

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  • Clark (b. - bef.1638)
    From Margery Freas, correspondent.The puzzle of Francis Randall Clark(e) has not been unraveled. It has been said that she was the wife of Joseph Clark(e) tough that has been disproved. His wife did no...
  • (John) Charles Clark (1784 - 1853)
  • ? Clark (deceased)
    This is not the Lewis Clark family. Do not confuse with John Clark, son of Jonathan Clark & Elizabeth Wilson, who married Ann Paulette Rogers, daughter of John Rogers & Rachel Eastham. Washington ...
  • Aaron Clark (1662 - 1709)
    Not the son of James Clark, of New Haven Origins Genealogical guide to the early settlers of America (1898) Pg. 89 JAMES CLARK, of Boston, by wife Elinor, had Martha 1648, Hannah 1649, James 165...
  • Aaron Clark (1687 - 1744)
    : Daniel Clark and Hannah Pratt Wife: Susannah Wade ClarkThe Old Northwest Genealogical Quarterly, Pg. 293 Aaron (Daniel, Daniel) Clark, son of Daniel and Hannah (Pratt) Clark, was baptized in Hartford...

About the Clark surname

The surname Clark is derived from cleric, clerk, or scholar - one who can read and write. It is from the Latin clericus, meaning scribe or secretary. It is also from the Gaelic "Mac a' Chlerich/Cleireach"; son of the cleric or, sometimes, clerk. During the Middle Ages, the common pronunciation of -er was -ar, so the man who sold items was the marchant, and the man who kept the books was the clark. At the time, the primary members of the literate class were the clergy, which in minor orders were allow to marry and have families. The term clerk (clark) eventually came to designate any literate man.

The Cleary / O'Clery surname, one of the oldest surnames in Ireland, is often anglicized to Clarke or Clark.
