Matching family tree profiles for Abigail Hills
Immediate Family
About Abigail Hills
Abigail Wheeler Hills
- BIRTH 2 Feb 1655 Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
- DEATH 13 Apr 1742 (aged 87) Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
- BURIAL Bridge Street Cemetery (also called Rock Bridge), West Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
- MEMORIAL ID 89106018 Photos by Jack Parker
Abigail Wheeler, b. Newbury, Feb 2, 1655: d. Newbury, April 13, 1742. She was daughter of David and Sarah (Wise) Wheeler, of Newbury (son of John), b. Salisbury, Wiltshire, Eng. 1625, came to New England in the Confidence," 1638. [7]
Abigail married Samuel Hills 20 May 1679 in Newbury, Essex Co., MA. He was the son of Joseph Hills Jr. & Hannah Smith. Children: Samuel, Joseph, Benjamin, Agigail, Henry,William, Josiah, John, Abigail, James,
Hannah, Daniel, Smith.
JOHN WHEELER. He is said to have been born at Salisbury, Wiltshire, England, and to have sailed for America on March 24, 1633-34 in the ship "Mary and John," bringing his wife Ann and six children and leaving four sons in England. He spent the first year of his residence at Aggawam (now Ipswich), Mass. The following year he removed to the settlement on the north bank of the Merrimac River that was called Salisbury after 1640, and as one of its original proprietors, in 1641 he received land there which he still held and paid tax on as late as 1653, notwithstanding he had removed to Newbury, Mass., before 1650. He died at Newbury, Aug. 29, 1670, aged 52, and his wife Ann died there Aug. 15, 1662. [13]
David Wheeler
Sarah Wise Wheeler 1625–1707
Samuel Hills 1652–1732
Sarah Wheeler Hopkinson 1652–1732
Nathaniel Hiiis
Samuel Hills
Joseph Hills
Benjamin Hills 1684–1762
Abigail Hills
Henry Hills
William Hills
Josiah Hills
John Hills
Abigail Hills
James Hills
Hannah Hills
Daniel Hills
Smith Hills
[1a] Abigail Hills
[1b] Abigail Hills
[2] https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/89106018/abigail-hills
[3] Ancestors of Mary Ann Gillam and Stephen Old
[4] Dave Utzinger's Database
[5] http://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p2554.htm#...
[7] http://www.ourfamilyhistories.org/getperson.php?personID=I23487&tre...
[8] http://www.familycentral.net/index/search.cfm?ref1=4241:3129
[9] http://www.werelate.org/wiki/Person:Abigail_Wheeler_%2840%29
[10] William Sanford Hills. The Hills family in America; the ancestry and descendants of William Hills, the English emigrant to New England in 1632; of Joseph Hills, the English emigrant to New England in 1638, and of the great-grandsons of Robert Hills, of the parish of Wye, county of Kent, England, emigrants to New England 1. (page 25 of 72)
[12] The genealogical and encyclopedic history of the Wheeler family in America (1914)
[13] https://archive.org/stream/genealogicalency00whee#page/394/mode/1up 5400. Will of John Wheeler. .... etc.
[14] Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury, Edition 1897, pages 253,254.}
[15 Genealogical and Encyclopedic History of the Wheeler Family in America (1914). By Albert Gallatin Wheeler. page 396
Notes== (much of the following should be organized above CDA)
- * .... etc.
- 5402. .... etc.
- https://archive.org/stream/genealogicalency00whee#page/396/mode/1up
- 5401. DAVID WHEELER, son of John (5400) and Ann (-- -- ) Wheeler. He is stated to have been brought to America in the ship Confidence, sailing from Southampton, England, April 24, 1638, by a friend of his father. After his arrival he joined his father at Aggawam, and, probably with him, removed to Newbury, Mass., where he married May 11, 1650, Sarah Wise, daughter of Humphrey Wise. He removed to Rowley, Mass., before 1669. Children:
- 5410. JOHN WHEELER, born Dec. 5, 1653; m. Mary -- --.
- 5411. ABILGAIL WHEELER, born Feb. 2, 1655-6.
- 5412. JONATHAN WHEELER, born Jan. 6, 1657.
- 5413. NATHAN WHEELER, born Dec. 27, 1659.
- 5414. LYDIA WHEELER, born May 7, 1662.
- 5415. JETHRO WHEELER, born March 28, 1664.
- 5416. WILLIAM WHEELER, born April 21, 1666.
- 5417. BENJAMIN WHEELER, died between April 19, 1690, and Sept. 29, 1691.
- 5418. JOSEPH WHEELER, born at Rowley, Mass., Sept. 15, 1669.
- 5419. It is claimed that he also had a daughter, Sarah, who was his first child. It is very probable that she married March 29, 1675, John Spofford.
- https://archive.org/stream/genealogicalency00whee#page/397/mode/1up
- 5411. ABIGAIL WHEELER, dau. of David (5401) and Sarah (Wise) Wheeler. Born Feb. 22, 1655-6; died April 13, 1742. Married May 20, 1679, Samuel Hills, who died Aug. 8, 1732, in his 81st year, son of Joseph Hills and Hannah (Smith) Mellons Hills. Chilren:
- NATHANIEL HILLS, born Feb. 9, 1682; m. (Int.) Oct. 24, 1709, Anna Worm.
- ABIGAIL HILLS, born Sept. 2, 1686; d. Aug. 11, 1688.
- HENRY HILLS, born April 23, 1688.
- WILLIAM HILLS, born Oct. 8, 1689; m. (Int.) Jan. 31, 1712-13, Ann Kelle.
- JOSIAH HILLS, born July 27, 1691; probably m. Sept. 30, 1718, Mary Bartlet.
- ABIGAIL HILLS, born June 27, 1695; probably m. Dec. 26, 1723, Joseph Brown.
- DANIEL HILLS, born Dec. 8, 1700. ________________________
- Genealogical and personal memoirs relating to the families of Boston and Eastern Massachusetts Volume 2 edited by William Richard Cutter
- http://books.google.com/books?id=kFoLBC2TwFYC&pg=PA738&lpg=PA738&dq...
- Pg. 905-908
- (I) Joseph Hills, the immigrant, was born in the parish of Great Burstead, Essex county, England, and was baptized there in March, 1602. His father was son of George Hills, who married Mary Simonds, of Billericay, Essex, England, widow of William Simonds of Billericay, tanner. Their marriage license bears date October 13, 1596, at which time George Hills did not use the final "s" in his surname. It first appears as Hills in the records in February, 1608, and perhaps was so written by some new vicar who had charge of the parish books.
- Joseph Hills married Rose Clark, at Great Burstead, July 22, 1624. They removed with several children to Maldon, Essex, where John, Steven and Sarah were born. In 1638 he became a stockholder or "undertaker" in the ship "Susan and Ellen," in which he sailed with is family for Boston, arriving there July 17, 1638. He settled at Charlestown, Massachusetts, and in 1644 he was made a selectman there, in 1646 was in the general court and in the next year was elected speaker. He lived on the Mystic side of Charlestown, in the part that became Malden, which was named from Mr. Hills' old home in England. . . . . It is of interest to note that John Waite, who succeeded him, was representaive for nineteen years and that he was his son-in-law. . . .
- His wife Rose, whom he married in England before he came to America, died in Malden March 24, 1650. He married second, June 24, 1651, Hannah Smith, widow of Edward Mellows, and who died about 1655. His third marriage, in January, 1656, to Helen (Ellina or Eleanor) Atkinson, daughter of Hugh Atkinson of Kendall, Westmoreland, England, was attended with some unusual . . . . . His third wife died January 6, 1663, and he married, March 8, 1665, at Newbury, Massachusetts, Anne Lunt, widow of Henry Lunt, and lived at her house in Newbury during the remainder of his life. She was born about 1621, probably in England. . . . . He became totally blind in 1678. He died at Newbury, February 5, 1688, aged about eighty-six years. He was the father of fifteen children: 1. Mary, baptized at Great Burstead, England, November 13, 1625, died in Malden, Massachusetts, November 25, 1674. 2. Elizabeth, baptized at Great Burstead, October 21, 1627. 3. Joseph, baptized at Great Burstead, August 2, 1629, died young. 4. James, baptized at Great Burstead, March 6, 1631, died young. 5. John, baptized Great Burstead, March 21 1632, died in Malden, July 28, 1652. 6. Rebecca, baptized at Maldon, England, April 20, 1634, died at Malden, Masschusetts, June 16, 1674. 7. Steven, baptized Maldon, May 1, 1636, died there before 1638. 8. Sarah, baptized at Maldon August 14, 1637, died there same day. 9. Gershom, born at Charlestown, Massachusetts, July 27, 1639, died at Malden between 1710 and 1720. 10. Mehitable, born at Malden, January 1, 1641, died there in July 1652. 11. Samuel, born at Malden, July, 1652. 12. Nathaniel, born Malden, December 19, 1653, died there 1664. 13. Hannah, born at Malden. 14. Deborah, born Malden, March, 1657, died there October 1, 1662. 15. Abigail, born Malden, October 6, 1658, died there October 9, 1662.
- (II) Samuel Hills, son of Joseph Hills, the immigrant, was born in Malden, Massachusetts, in July, 1652, and died at Newbury, Massachusetts, August 18, 1732. He was . . . . He married at Newbury, Massachusetts, Abigail, daughter of David and Sarah (Wise) Wheeler, of Newbury. David was a son of John Wheeler, who was born in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England, in 1625, and came to New England in the "Confidence" in 1638. He married Sarah Wise, May 11, 1650. Abigail Hills died April 13, 1742. Children of Samuel and Abigail (Wheeler) HIlls: 1. Samuel, born February 16, 1680, died at Rehoboth, Massachusetts, July 27, 1732. 2. Joseph, born July 21, 1681, died at Newbury, Massachusetts, November 6, 1745. 3. Nathaniel, born February 9, 1683, died at Hudson, New Hampshire, April 12, 1748. 4. Benjamin, born October 16, 1684, died at Chester, New Hampshire, November 3, 1762. 5. Abigail, born September 2, 1686, died at Newbury, August 11, 1688. 6. Henry, born April 23, 1688, died at Hudson, New Hampshire, August 20, 1757. 7. William, born October 8, 1689, died at Newbury, before January 20, 1724. 8. Josiah, born July 27, 1691, died at Newbury, April 26, 1726. 9. John, born September 20, 1693, died after 1734. 10. Abigail, born June 27, 1695. 11. James, twin, born February 26, 1697. 12. Hannah, twin with James, born February 26, 1697. 13. Daniel, born December 8, 1700, removed from Nottingham West to Halifax, Nova Scotia, about 1754. 14. Smith.
- (III) Smith Hills, youngest child of Samuel and Abigail (Wheeler) Hills, was born at Newbury, Massachusetts, April 10, 1706, and died at Leominster, Massachusetts, August 23, 1786. He married first, at Newbury, October 14, 1730, Mary, daughter of Samuel and Abigail (Goodrich) Sawyer. Samuel Sawyer was son of Samuel Sawyer and Mary Emery, his wife, and grandson of William Sawyer, who came from England. Mary Sawyer, wife of Smith Hills, was born at Newbury, Massachusetts, October 3, 1712, and died there July 24, 1744. Smith Hills married second (published January 12, 1745), in Newbury, Rachel Lowe, daughter of Nathaniel and Abigail (Riggs) Lowe, of Ispwich, Massachusetts. She was born November 29, 1725, and died at Leominster, Massachusetts, June 1, 1819. He had twenty children, seven by the fist wife and thirteen by the second, of whom all but the four youngest were born at Newbury; they were born at Leominster, where Smith Hills was one of the early settlers. Children of Smith Hills: 1. Abigail, born October 27, 1731. 2. Judith, born June 4, 1733; married Isaac Foster. 3. Mary or Molly, born July 31, 1735, died December 26, 1805. 4. Hannah, born October 31, 1737; married ___ Bartlett. 5. Samuel, born October 1, 1739. 6. An infant. 7. Martha, born May 19, 1743. 8. Nathaniel, born June 4, 1745, died in West Newbury, September 29, 1832. 9. Ruth, born September 13, 1747, died August 26, 1803. 10 Rebecca, born October 25, 1749, died young. 11. Obadiah, born Newbury, August 23, 1751, died at Rowley, June 22, 1825. 12. Rachel, born November 10, 1753. 13. John, born May 2, 1756. 14. Rebecca, twin, born July 14, 1758. 15. Silas, twin with Rebecca, born July 14, 1758, probably died young. 16. Silas, born September 4, 1760, died January 8, 1855. 17. Smith, born Leominster, September 30, 1763, died at Leominster, September29, 1816. 18. Huldah, born February 1, 1766, died at Leominster, August 30, 1851. 19. Judith, born 1768, died at Leominster, March 15, 1851. 20 Betsey, died May 31, 1799. .... etc.
Accused, but found not guilty of witchcraft.
- Abigail Wheeler Barker
- Birth: unknown
- Death: Oct. 16, 1743 Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
- She married Ebenezer Barker on May 25, 1686 in Andover MA
- Family links:
- Spouse:
- Ebenezer Barker (1651 - 1747)*
- Burial: Unknown
- From: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=76494588 __________________________________
- WHEELER, Abigail
- Family:
- Spouse: BARKER, Ebenezer
- b. 22 MAR 1651/2
- Children:
- BARKER, Nathan
- From: http://www.genealogyofnewengland.com/f_374.htm#43 __________________
- The Essex Antiquarian: An Illustrated ... Magazine Devoted to the ..., Volume 6
- http://books.google.com/books?id=jrsTAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA61&lpg=PA61&dq=E...
- Pg.60
- RICHARD BARKER1 of Andover is the ancestor of the principal family of Barkers in America. He was in Andover as early as 1643, being the first person known by the records to be living there. He was a husbandman, and married Joanna ---, probably at the time of his settlement in Andover. She died April 11, 1687; and he died march 18, 1692-3. Children born in Andover: --
- 2--I. JOHN2, b. about 1644. See below (2).
- 3--II. WILLIAM2, b. about 1646. See below (3).
- 4--III. SARAH2, m. John Abbot nov. 17, 1673; and was living in 1688.
- 5--IV. ESTHER2, m. John Stevens Aug. 10, 1676.
- 6--V. EBENEZER2, b. March 2, 1651. See below (6)
- 7--VI. RICHARD2, b. April 10, 1654. See below (7).
- 8--VII. HANNAH2, b. Oct. 21, 1656; m. Christopher Osgood May 27, 1680; and d. before 1688.
- 9--VIII. STEPHEN2, b. July 6, 1659. See below (9)
- 10--IX. BENJAMIN2, b. Feb. 28, 1663. See below (10).
- Pg.61
- 6
- EBENEZER BARKER2, born in Andover March 2, 1651. He was a carpenter; and lived in Andover. he married Abigial Wheeler May 25, 1686; and she died Oct. 16, 1743. He died Jan. 22, 1746-7, aged "ninety-six." He conveyed his homestead to his son Philemon. Children, born in Andover:--
- 32--I. EBENEZER3, b. March 17, 1687; d. June 7, 1687.
- 33--II. NATHAN3, b. Sept. 24, 1688. See below (33).
- 34--III. PHILEMON3, b. April 22, 1695. See below (34).
- 35--IV. ABIGAIL3, m. ---- Banister of Marlborough, N. H., Nov. 26, 1723; lived in Marlborough; and d. before 1741.
- Pg.63
- 33
- NATHAN BARKER3, born in Andover Sept. 24, 1688. He was a yeoman and housewright, and lived on the west side of the Shawshin river in Andover. He married Bethia Bodwell May 28, 1711; and she died April 24, 1760, aged seventy-seven. He survived her, but the date of his death in unkown. Child, born in Andover:-- .... etc.
- 34
- PHILEMON BARKER3, born April 22, 1695. He was a husbandman, and lived in Andover until 1747, when he removed to Methuen. He married Mary Lovejoy April 29, 1724; and they were living in Methuen in 1760. Children, born in Andover:-- .... etc. ______________________
- American Marriage Records Before 1699 edited by William Montgomery Clemens
- http://books.google.com/books?id=1ZgYZ0Qr1IgC&pg=PA30&lpg=PA30&dq=e...
- Pg.30
- BARKER, Benjamin and Hannah Marstone, 2 Jan 1688, Andover, Mass.
- BARKER, Ebenezer and Abigail Wheeler, 25 May 1686, Andover, Mass.
- BARKER, Esther and John Stevens, 10 Aug 1676, Andover, Mass.
- BARKER, Ester and Ambrose Due, 10 December 1651, Boston, Mass.
- BARKER, Hannah and Christopher Osgood, 27 May 1680, Andover, Mass.
- BARKER, Isaac and Judith Prence, 28 December 1665, Duxbury, Mass.
- BARKER, James and Mercy Jones, 6 January 1675, Springfield, Mass.
- BARKER, John and Judith Symonds, 9 December 1668, Concord, Mass.
- BARKER, John and Mary Stevens, 6 July 1670, Andover, Mass.
- BARKER, Mary and John Gillette, 8 July 1669, Windsor, Conn.
- BARKER, Mary and Richard Temple, 7 June 1699, Concord, Mass.
- BARKER, Richard and Hannah Kemball, 21 April 1682, Andover, Mass.
- BARKER, Sarah and John Abbott, 17 November 1673, Andover, Mass.
- BARKER, Stephen and Mary Abbott, 13 May 1687, Andover, Mass.
- BARKER, William and Mary Dix, 20 February 1676, Andover, Mass.
- Pg.229
- WHEELER, Abigail and Samuel Hills, 20 May 1679, Newbury, Mass.
- WHEELER, Abigail and Ebenezer Barker, 25 May 1586, Andover, Mass.
- WHEELER, David and Sarah Wise, 11 May 1650, Newbury, Mass.
- WHEELER, Elizabeth and Francis Fletcher, 11 October 1656, Concord, Mass.
- WHEELER, Elizabeth and William Green, 13 July 1659, Malden, Mass.
- WHEELER, Elizabeth and Jonathan Rice, 12 February 1691, Sudbury, Mass.
- WHEELER, Esther and Samuel Prescott, 5 May 1698, Acton, Mass.
- WHEELER, James and Elizabeth Meek, 13 January 1696, New York.
- WHEELER, John and Elizabeth Wells, 25 June 1685, Marlboro, Mass.
- WHEELER, Joseph and Jane Hodges, 1 July 1695, Boston, Mass.
- WHEELER, Joseph and Elizabeth Pell, 14 December 1697, Boston, Mass.
- WHEELER, Lydia and Daniel Ennes, 25 April 1683, Andover, Mass.
- WHEELER, Mary and Eliphalet Fox, 26 October 1665, Concord, Mass.
- WHEELER, Mary and Samuel Greene, 4 May 1694, Malden, Mass.
- WHEELER, Nathaniel and Mary Bridges, 9 November 1697, Boston, Mass.
- WHEELER, Obadiah and Elizabeth White, 17 July 1672, Concord, Mass.
- WHEELER, Rebecca and John Pierce, 10 June 1654, Boston, Mass.
- WHEELER, Rebecca and John Curtis, 26 December 1661, Boston, Mass.
- WHEELER, Richard and Elizabeth Turner, 4 March 1644, Dedham, Mass.
- WHEELER, Richard and Sarah Prescott, 2 August 1658, Lancaster, Mass.
- WHEELER, Roger and Mary Stone (widow), 23 November 1659, Boston, Mass.
- WHEELER, Ruth and Ephraim Jones, 7 May 1673, Concord, Mass.
- WHEELER, Samuel and Mary Perry, 10 November 1673, Stratford, Conn.
- WHEELER, Sarah and John Greene, 18 October 1660, Malden, Mass.
- WHEELER, Sarah and Francis Dudley, 26 October 1665, Concord, Mass.
- WHEELER, Sarah and Joseph Rice, 22 December 1677, Dedham, Mass.
- WHEELER, Thankful and Jonas Prescott, 15 October 1699, Concord, Mass.
- WHEELER, Thomas and Sarah Beers Stearns (widow), 23 July 1677, Concord, Mass.
- WHEELER, Timothy and Lydia Wheeler, 19 May 1692, Concord, N. H.
- WHEELER, William and Hannah Buss, 30 October 1659, Concord, Mass. _____________________
- The "Witches" of Massachusetts
- Abigail Wheeler Barker (1656-1743) - From Andover, Massachusetts, Abigail was accused of witchcraft and imprisoned. Abigail was born to David and Sarah Wise Wheeler in 1656. She grew up to marry Ebenezer Barker, also of Andover. Abigail's sister was Lydia Wheeler Eames, who was married to Daniel Eames. By the early part of August, 1692, Abigail's brother-in-law, Daniel Eames, and his mother, Rebecca Blake Eames, both found themselves in prison accused of witchcraft. On August 29, 1692 Ebenezer's brother, William Barker Sr., and his niece, Mary Barker were also imprisoned for witchcraft. Three days later, Ebenezer's nephew, William Barker, Jr, was also arrested on September 1st.
- On September 7th, the Reverend Thomas Barnard conducted what was known as a "Touch Test" in the Andover Church. In this ludicrous exercise, those who were accused of witchcraft were blindfolded and forced to touch the "afflicted" girls, which could identify them as a witch. With such evidence, Abigail Barker was arrested. Her husband, Ebenezer Barker, quickly joined the newly formed Andover resistance and was a signer of petitions of October 12, October 18, and December 6 sent the governor and the high court. Despite the petition, the grand jury at the Superior Court of Judicature indicted Abigail. However in a trial by jury on January 6, 1693, she was found not guilty. She was released, having been imprisoned for 18 weeks in Salem. Afterwards, Abigail went back to her life in Andover and was 87 years-old when she died there in 1743.
- From: http://www.legendsofamerica.com/ma-witches-b.html ________________________________
- Name Abigail WHEELER
- Born 7 Mar 1660 Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts
- Died 16 Oct 1743 Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts
- Father Henry WHEELER, b. 8 Feb 1635, d. 1695, Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts (Age 59 years)
- Mother Abigail ALLEN, b. 4 Jan 1640, Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts , d. 1696, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts (Age 55 years)
- Family Ebenezer BARKER, b. 22 Mar 1651, Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts , d. 22 Jan 1746/47, Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts (Age 95 years)
- Married 25 May 1686 Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts
- Children
- 1. Ebenezer BARKER, b. 17 May 1687, Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts , d. 7 Jun 1687, Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts (Age 0 years)
- 2. Nathan BARKER, b. 24 Sep 1688, Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts
- 3. Philemon BARKER, b. 22 Apr 1695, Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts
- Sources
- 1.[S16] SalisburyMAVR, website: www.ma-vitalrecords.org/MA/Essex/Salisbury.
- 2.[S15] AndoverMAVR, website: http://ma-vitalrecords.org/MA/Essex/Andover/.
- From: http://www.familyrecord.net/getperson.php?personID=I5005&tree=Corli... _______________________________
- Genealogical and family history of the state of Connecticut : a record of the achievements of her people in the making of a commonwealth and the founding of a nation (1911) Vol. 1
- https://archive.org/details/genealogicalfami001cutt
- https://archive.org/stream/genealogicalfami001cutt#page/25/mode/1up
- Pg.25
- (The Wheeler Line).
- (I) John Wheeler, immigrant ancestor, was from Salisbury, England, and was an inhabitant of Hampton, Massachusetts, soon after the settlement of that town. He received land in Salisbury, Massachusetts, in 1641. He removed to Newbury, Massachusetts, before 1650, but was taxed in Salisbury in 1652. He was a barber by trade. He married Anne ___, who died August 15, 1662, Newbury. He died in 1670. His will was dated March 28, 1668, proved October 11, 1670. Children: Adam, remained in Salisbury, England, 1668 ; Edward, remained in Salisbury, England, 1668; William, remained in England, 1668; David, born about 1625, in England, married. May 11, 1650, Sarah Wise; Anne, married Aquila Chase; Mercy, living in 1668; Elizabeth, married a Bultom or Button, living in 1668; Roger, married, December 7, 1653, Mary Wilson ; Henry, mentioned below ; George, married, April 30, 1660, Susanna Stowers; Joseph, died October 13, 1659.
- (II) Henry, son of John Wheeler, married, about 1659, Abigail Allen or Allan. She was a member of the Salisbury church in 1687 ; a widow of Boston, 1696. He was admitted to the Salisbury church, August 26, 1694, and died before 1696. Abigail Allen was the daughter of William and Ann (Goodale) Allen, and was born January 4, 1639-40. Her father, William Allen, was a "house-carpenter" in Salisbury and received land there in the first division, also in 1640. His name appears on the list of "townsmen and commoners" in 1650 and later lists. He married (first) Ann, daughter of Richard Goodale, who died May, 1678; he married (second) Alice, widow of John Roper and of John Dickison. He died in Salisbury, June 18, 1686. Children of Henry Wheeler : Henry, born April 13, 1659, Salisbury; Abigail, March 7, 1660-61, Salisbury; William, September 6, 1663, Salisbury; Moses, June 24, 1665, Salisbury; Ann, (twin) May 27, 1667, Salisbury; James (twin), mentioned below; Josiah, April 23, 1669, Salisbury; Ruth, July 15, 1671, Salisbury; Nathaniel, March 28, 1675, Salisbury; Jeremiah, July 17, 1677, Salisbury; Benjamin, January 15, 1681-82, Salisbury; Mary, June 5, 1685, Salisbury. _________________________________
- Abigail Wheeler
- F, #13801, b. 9 March 1660/61
- Father Henry Wheeler b. 1634
- Mother Abigail Allen b. 4 Jan 1640, d. 1696
- Abigail Wheeler was born on 9 March 1660/61 at Salisbury, Essex, MA.
- From: http://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p459.htm#i... ____________________________
- Links
- http://www.mhl.org/andover/Abbott/Barker%20Family.pdf
- http://www.werelate.org/wiki/Person:Ebenezer_Barker_%281%29
Abigail Hills's Timeline
1656 |
February 2, 1656
Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts
1670 |
September 4, 1670
Age 14
Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts
1679 |
1680 |
February 16, 1680
Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts
1681 |
July 21, 1681
Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony
1683 |
February 9, 1683
Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, United States of America
1684 |
October 2, 1684
Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States