There are already 224 users and over 9,249 genealogy profiles with the Hills surname on Geni. Explore Hills genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Abigail Wheeler Hills
BIRTH 2 Feb 1655 Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
DEATH 13 Apr 1742 (aged 87) Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
BURIAL Bridge Street Cemetery (also called R...
Married to Joseph Chaffee---From the Chaffe Genealogy: Chaffe was married in Maiden, Mass., December 1, 1709, by Mr. Parsons, to Abigail, daughter of Gershom and Elizabeth (Chadwick) Hills [Maiden Reco...
Alizina C. Hill (Welch)
Find A Grave Memorial ID # 46891018
Boston, August 20, 1890 - The Cape Cod and Woods' Hole train on the Old Colony railway was wrecked at Quincy, just the other side of the...
Amy married John Harris (born about 1625) of Charlestown and North Yarmouth before 1656 as his 2nd wife.Ame Harris, the wife of John Harris, was admitted to the First Church in Charlestown on 9 August ...
Samuel Hills was one of two pioneers of an area in Sydney New South Wales Australia. The area is known as Terrey Hills using the two surnames of its Terrey and Hills.
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