Besides the identification of Alice le Boteler's parentage, we are
given two additional children of this couple, namely Margaret and
Eleanor, both of whom were ignored by Complete Peerage.
Curiously, Complete Peerage reveals in a footnote that "it has been
stated that she [Alice] was da. of Sir John Beauchamp of
Powick." [Reference: C.P. 12 (1) (1953): 418, footnote k]. However,
no sources whatsoever are given for this statement. So one is left to
wonder who and whenever it was stated that Alice, wife of Thomas le
Boteler, was a Beauchamp. The author then proceeds to discredit the
Beauchamp connection by referring to a mangled record in the Patent
Rolls in which Sir Ralph Boteler, son of Thomas and Alice le Boteler,
is called "uncle" of Elizabeth Beauchamp, daughter of Sir William
Beauchamp, of Powick. Complete Peerage states: "These facts cannot be
made to tally with the account of Beauchamp of Powick given by
Dugdale, Baronage, vol. i, p. 249."
That the published Patent Rolls item cited by Complete Peerage
contains a manifest error was caught in recent time by Chris Phillips,
of England, who took it upon his himself to examine the original
record. His review of the original shows that Sir Ralph Boteler [son
of Thomas and Alice] was actually called "kinsman" [consanguinei] to
Elizabeth Beauchamp of Powick in the original record, and that it was
Walter Beauchamp who was called her "uncle" [Auunculi]. Walter
Beauchamp was in fact Elizabeth Beauchamp's uncle and Ralph Boteler
was in fact her near kinsman.
As for evidence that Alice, wife of Thomas le Boteler, was a Beauchamp
of Powick, her identity and parentage are indicated by no less than
three published visitation records:
1. Hawley et al., Vis. of Essex 1552, 1558, 1570, 1612 & 1634 2
(H.S.P. 14) (1879): 563-565 (Misc. Peds.) (Cooke pedigree: "Sr Thomas
Butler. = Alice d. of John Beauchamp of Powick.").
2. Harvey et al., Vis. of Bedfordshire 1566, 1582, 1634 & 1669
(H.S.P. 19) (1884): 162-163 (Bray pedigree: "Thomas Butler Baron of
Sudley = Allice d. and heire of John Beauchampe of Powick.").
3. Benolte et al., Vis. of Surrey 1530, 1572 & 1613 (H.S.P. 43)
(1899): 219-221 (Vincent pedigree: "Sir Thom. Botteler Knt. =3D Allice
d. of Sir John Beauchamp of Powick Knt.").
Amazingly, all of these records were in print at the time Complete
Peerage published its account of the Boteler family, and all were
simply ignored or suppressed.
As for direct evidence of Alice's maiden name, I've elsewhere learned
that a contemporary seal of Alice le Boteler, Lady Sudeley, has
survived, which seal displays the arms of Boteler of Sudeley impaling
Alice's own arms, Beauchamp of Powyk. The seal is described below:
Reference: Source: Report on the MSS of Lord de L'isle & Dudley 1
(Hist. MSS
Comm. 77) (1925): 149:
"1410, February 5. - Indenture whereby John Lonseforde, abbot of
Robertsbridge, demises at farm to Alice, widow of Sir John
Dalyngregge, part of a meadow called Frerenmede in Iwehurst. Seal:
round, 1 1/4 inch, impaling, Boteler of Sudley, quarterly two bendlets
and a fess chequy between six crosses patee fitchee, and Beauchamp of
Powyk, a fess between six martlets. Between the shield and border
three lizards or crocodiles. SIGILLVM DNE. ALICIE DE BOTELER DNE. DE
SUYDLE. (See Archaeologia lxv. Plate xxxiii., 10)." END OF QUOTE.
It is regretable indeed that Complete Peerage gave the account of the
Boteler family in Coll. Top. et Gen. such short shift. Had more
attention been paid to its statements, the author of Complete Peerage
would surely have found that its identification of the various Boteler
wives was in fact correct.
1366 |
Griffe, Warwickshire, England (United Kingdom)
1385 |
Wem, Shropshire, England, United Kingdom
1387 |
Hales, Staffordshire, England
1394 |
Wem, Shropshire, England
1395 |
Griffe, Warwickshire, England (United Kingdom)
1398 |
Sudeley Castle, Sudeley, Gloucestershire, England
1443 |
February 2, 1443
Age 77
Lillesdon, Somerset, England (United Kingdom)
???? |