Historical records matching Alma Ziegler (Hart) (Burgess)
Immediate Family
About Alma Ziegler (Hart) (Burgess)
The Auntie Alma that I remember was fun-loving, vivacious and very sociable. Slim and elegant, she was always impeccably and stylishly dressed. She was the cook at the Marine Hotel, Picton Street, Howick, for a time. Alma also lived in Papakura.
At the time of her death she was married to Ivan Ziegler and they lived in Beachlands, an eastern coastal suburb of Auckland.
- Robin Marlene Lane
BDM1926/10756 Alma Burgess; Reginald Mervyn Hart
BDM1945/11418 Alma Hart; James Benjamin Craven
Franklin Times, 22 November 1926
HART—BURGESS. Wedding at Morrinsville. A pretty wedding was celebrated at the Anglican Church, Morrinsville, on Wednesday, when Miss Alma Burgess, well-known in Pukekohe, and youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs T. Burgess, of Patetonga, was married to Mr R. Hart, only son of Mr and Mrs Geo. Hart, of Pukekohe. The Rev. J. A. Kempthorne officiated. The bride looked charming in a white satin gown trimmed wilh silver lace. She wore the usual orange blossom and carried a pretty flower bouquet. The bridesmaid, Miss Edna Burgess, sister of the bride, wore a becoming dress of apricot crepe-de-chine.
After the ceremony members of the family were entertained at a reception. The Rev. Mr Kempthorne proposed the health of the new-married couple, and Mr Hart suitably replied. The bride and bridegroom left by train for Rotorua, the bride travelling in a frock of cyclamen repp with hat trimmed in a biscuit shade. Mr and Mrs Hart wilt reside at Pukekohe.
PERSONAL Franklin Times, 8 October 1926 Miss Alma Burgess, of Pukekohe, was admitted to Auckland Hospital last evening suffering from an attack of diphtheria.
Alma Ziegler (Hart) (Burgess)'s Timeline
1906 |
November 10, 1906
New Zealand
1927 |
October 5, 1927
1977 |
January 10, 1977
Age 70
Ashes scattered, Purewa Cemetery & Crematorium, Meadowbank, Auckland, New Zealand
January 1977
Age 70
Middlemore Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand