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  • Alma Ziegler (Hart) (Burgess) (1906 - 1977)
    The Auntie Alma that I remember was fun-loving, vivacious and very sociable. Slim and elegant, she was always impeccably and stylishly dressed. She was the cook at the Marine Hotel, Picton Street, Howi...
  • Mary Ziegler (Rominger) (1785 - 1872)
    Married March 25, 1809 in Stokes Co., North Carolina.Find A Grave Memorial #53008630 Married March 25, 1809 in Stokes Co., North Carolina.* Updated from Find A Grave Memorial via brother Johann Philip ...
  • Andrew Pawling Ziegler (1748 - 1786)
    A Patriot of the American Revolution for PENNSYLVANIA with the rank of PRIVATE. DAR Ancestor # A130735
  • Ann Porter (1751 - 1784)
    Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy : Mar 24 2018, 5:52:22 UTC

About the Ziegler surname


Nom alsacien ou allemand qui correspond au métier de tuilier (allemand Ziegel, du latin tegula = tuile).


Balázs Déri

Some Ziegler families,of more or less recent provenience from the Holy Land
of America,as are some Germans themselves and German speaking "Jews ",
might have been given their name after one of the provinces of the land ,
now generally spelled Chile .
It might have originally sounded namely Chigle ,and might be pronounced
even today by some local people,in their dialect,Tsile .
The origin of this name may go back to the ethnonym Lecheyel ,or - in this case -
Le-Cheiegel ,one of the tribes related to Alakaluf people in the region,
who may form one of the subtribes of Sha-meg-Ra-ya-Na called by Greek
Aigyptians Hermés Trismegistos ,ancestor of Hermion peoples ,
now counted among Germans .
German language itself is the Levitic dialect at this tribe,that of
Er-Ge-Mar-Ramma ,son of Ak-Qa-Het - likely called Akhtoés in
early Aigypt .

Che-Har-Re was the one of Hermés' sons ,who may be the
ancestor of Cheharaimak people in Khazaria,related to some
measure to Hazara ,and also of some of the Aimara of the higher Andes ,
called Lupaka ,from whom Al-Akalup ethonym may come .
Some of them ,assimilated to Araucanians ,might have retained theis
ancestral name in the form of either Reche or (H)ara-Auka-Che .

Not so long ago,a cruel war took place between Athila's sons ,
Aladari and Choba,and their mostly German and Hun followers
respectively .
The chronicle says ,some of the remaining Huns retired to a
place called fields of Chigle .
This may thus be identical with what is now spelled Chile ,
with its rather lower parts .

It is where Mapuche people had appeared ,likely only a few years 

before Spanish conquest.
This was the time after the first battles - whereever they may have
taken place - between Atahuallpa and his half-brother Huascar ,
sons of Huayna Capac .
Mapuche-Incas ,including the aforesaid persons ,may be descended from
Chima-Panaca ( Che-Mapu-Inaca ) clan,founded by their Inca ancestor,
Manco Ayar .

The battle took place some months after Athila's death in 453 according to
the Seleucid aera of beginning in 312 BC ,that corresponds to 1528 of the older
Spanish one,used nowadays generally,of begin in 1387 BC,both being equal to 141
of linear counting .
Athila,king of the Huns ,ruling in the isles of Ocean and in Scythia ,

thus may be identical with Huayna Capac,king of Peru inhabited largely 

by Huno ,that is Uro tribes,among others ,and his two sons opposing each
other with those two of Huayna Capac,with Atahuallpa and Huascar .

Araucanians,mostly of Inca origin and race ,
thus may be identical with the remainders of  noble 

Huns of the battle between the latter two ,finding new home ,
after having to flee from Hunnia ,in the fields of Chigle,that is Chile .
Araucanians may indeed be the successors of Hun and allied kings ,
finding refuge from the war between Atahualllpa and Huascar in the
fields of Chigle ,that is Chile .
Their royal ancestors are still called Antypainko ,after Antipa Inka,the chief of
Aguaruna / Awakhún ( Awar-Hun ) people,called also Antipa ,
called by Goths Hunuil,that is Hun-Newil ,the Hun of the Nile,or Aigypt .

Followers of Huascar and citizens of Lupaca state might have joined them too ,
joining their relatives in place ,later to form Qa-Wasqhar and Al-Akalup tribes ,
as well as genuine Hunos ,or Uros ,living among the Chango too .

Emigrating from Hunnia - in a return to the original homeland,America - ,
now approximately Hungary and Ucraine ,might explain the presence of some
specially Hungarian words in Araucanian language .
Such are ,for instance , FÜW file FŰ grass ,YOFÜ tame person YÓFIÚ good boy ,
ÜRKÜ exhaust KI-ŰR empty ,and maybe some others .
On the other hand ,modern Hungarian language uses a number of
Araucanian / Chango words too :
ÜDV salvation ÜDWE absolute peace , ÁPOL tend APOL make complete,
KÖNYÜ tear KELLENYU tear,and some others .

See Chile,Elsass,Salamanca,Charro,Wilczek,Csaba,Pasternak,Csobánka,
Pinka,Hazara and others !
