Historical records matching Anne Boykin
Immediate Family
About Anne Boykin
Not the daughter of William Gwaltney & his wife Alice; dates do not work.
Edward BOYKIN (Sr) "The Immigrant" Sex: M Birth: ABT 1650 in Wales or Huntington, England Death: 27 MAY 1728 in Isle of Wight Co., Virginia Occupation: Land owner, planter, home owner.
His wife was Ann, traditionally seen as Ann Gwaltney; but more likely Ann Gwaltney was the wife of his son John.
Edward and Ann and had the following children (not necessarily in correct order)[5]:
- Edward H. Boykin b. abt 1676. (second son)
- William Boykin b. aft 1676.
- John Boykin b. 1678.
- Thomas Boykin.
- Mary Boykin b. Isle of Wight Co., VA, m. 1751, in Southampton Co., VA, George Rotchell, (son of John E. Rotchell and Ann Rochelle). [Re Marriage date: Did she really marry when she was about 70 years old and the year her husband died?Watt-266 16:46, 23 June 2014 (EDT)]
NOTE: Boddie does not mention children Thomas or Mary.[6]
Disputed Marriage
Edward Boykin definitely married a woman by the name of Ann, but there are two theories as to the identity of Ann.
Edward and Ann and had the following children (not necessarily in correct order)[5]:
- Edward H. Boykin b. abt 1676. (second son)
- William Boykin b. aft 1676.
- John Boykin b. 1678.
- Thomas Boykin.
- Mary Boykin b. Isle of Wight Co., VA, m. 1751, in Southampton Co., VA, George Rotchell, (son of John E. Rotchell and Ann Rochelle). [Re Marriage date: Did she really marry when she was about 70 years old and the year her husband died?Watt-266 16:46, 23 June 2014 (EDT)]
NOTE: Boddie does not mention children Thomas or Mary.[6]
Traditional Biography
From https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/98213076/ann-boykin
Ann Gwaltney was born at Isle of Wight Co., Virginia, in about 1652. Ann was the daughter of William Gwaltney and Alice Flake, daughter of Robert Flake and his wife Margaret Marriott, grand-daughter of Thomas Warren, of the famous Smith's Fort Plantation, Surry, Virginia.
About 1675, Ann married Edward Boykin, with whom she had five known children:
- Edward Boykin Jr. (1676 - 1745)
- William Boykin (1680 - 1731)
- John Boykin (1682 - 1729)
- Thomas Boykin (1684 - 1748)
- Mary Margaret Boykin (aft 1684 - )
Disputed birth date and marriage
From https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Gwaltney-8
Edward Boykin definitely married a woman by the name of Ann, but there are two theories as to the identity of Ann.
This Note was originally written by Cynthia Billups [Billups-130]:
There is evidence that Ann Gwaltney was the wife of John Boykin, son of Edward Boykin, Sr, and not the wife of Edward Sr. Based on her G'grandmother's birth date, Ann Gwaltney could not have been born at the time Edward Sr's children were born. See below.[1]
Ann Gwaltney's great-grandmother Alice Warren was born in 1645, per her 1677 deposition at age 32. There is no way 4 generations could squeeze into less than the probable 45 years between the two women. Time constraints lead to the following lineage:
- Alice Warren, b. 1645 mar. Matthias Marriott
- Margaret Marriott, b. ca. 1660 mar. Robert Flake, Jr.
- Alice Flake, b. ca. 1675 mar. William Gwaltney
- Ann Gwaltney, b. 1690 mar. someone named Boykin and had a son named Edward Boykin mentioned in grandfather Gwaltney's will. This seems to indicate that the women married at the age of 15. Edward Boykin, Sr. was having children in the 1670-1680 time period but their mother was not Ann Gwaltney. It is more likely she was married to John Boykin, son of Edward, Sr.
John Bennett Boddie states that that her name was Ann Gwalthney, the daughter of William Gwaltney, Sr. He cites the Will of William Gwaltney, Sr.: "Wm. Gwaltney 'gave his GRANDSON EDWARD BOYKIN one cow'. This was Edward Boykin, Jr., who returned an account of the estate of his father Edward Boykin, March 1730 - 31, in Isle of Wight."[Emphasis in original][2]
Some state that there is evidence that the wife of Edward Boykin Sr. was actually Ann Williamson, giving the following lineage:
Edward1 Boykin, Sr. was born Abt. 1650 in Huntingdonshire, Kent County, England, and died Bef. 27 May 1728 in Isle of Wight County, Virginia. He married Ann Williamson Abt. 1675 in Isle of Wight County, Virginia, daughter of William Williamson and unknown. She was born Abt. 1650 in Virginia, and died Bef. 1730 in Isle of Wight, Virginia.[1] Boddie states that Ann Williamson may have been the wife of Edward's son John, but he also states that there is no proof.[2]
From https://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/boykin/1509/
The genealogy of the maternal side of our history has been confirmed through Ann Gwaltney Boykin, wife of Edward Boykin, Sr.(they had the wrong Boykin) * They were married in VA.Ann, born ca.1686 was the daughter of William and Alice Flake Gwaltney, Surry Co., VA.
his wife was evidently a daughter of William Gwaltney, Sr., who made his will in Surry county, 28 March 1728, same probated 2 March 1732.Will Book 8, page 257 (Ref. Historical Southern Families, Vol. II, page 116).William Gwaltney gave his "GRANDSON EDWARD BOYKIN one cow."This is Edward Boykin, Jr., who returned the final account of estate of Edward Boykin March 1730-31 in Isle of Wight Co., Va. (C11-51). (Historical Southern Families, Vol. III, page 102) by John B. Boddie. This only proves that a daughter of Wm Gwaltney's married a Boykin, does not specify which Boykin.
Ann Boykin died soon after her husband; also John Boykin died soon after his father who had given him the plantation "whereon I now live" and prior to settlement of his father, Edward Boykin, Sr.'s estate.
Dates confusions
From https://www.ancestry.com/boards/surnames.gwaltney/124.4/mb.ashx
Posted: 08 Jan 2017 03:42AM
I feel the conclusion that the immigrant Edward Boykin's wife was Ann Gwaltney is almost certainly incorrect. Most records show Edward Boykin born about 1650 and William Gwaltney born about 1655. This would mean he was five years junior to the his son-in-law, so any daughter of his would be at least 25 years younger than Edward Boykin (not unheard of, but perhaps not as likely in that era). Some records show Anne being born about 1652, but since her supposed father died about 1732, this would mean he would have been almost 100 years old when he died.
In addition, there is an item in Surry County (Virginia) Records by Eliza Timberlake Davis, page 281: 4 Oct 1666 wherein Thoms Pitman gives bond to the "widdowe Gualtney after marriage with him ... her youngest son, Wm. Gwaltney, may have two years' schooling." It is likely that this is the same William Gwaltney, which would make him a minor in need of schooling, which would confirm a date of birth of about 1655.
William Gwaltney names his grandson Edward Boykin in his will, but doesn't name any daughter named Ann (or any other name) Boykin, so it is almost certain that she died prior to her father. Edward Boykin names a wife Anne in his will, and many researchers seem to have leapt to the conclusion that because William Gwaltney's grandson is named Edward, then the father of that boy must have been named Edward.
Is it not much more likely that "daughter" Gwaltney married one of Edward's Boykin sons, and that son named the child after his father Edward? Since William Gwaltney died in approximately the same era as the senior Edward's sons, it could even be possible that one of his daughters married one of their sons, and that Mr. Gwaltney's grandson was quite young when his grandfather died.
Unfortunately, Edward Boykin's will shows only one son by name (John), but does split part of his estate amongst his other children, so we know he did have others. Most researches believe his other sons were Thomas, Edward, and William, and that both Thomas and Edward moved to Northampton County, North Carolina. The names of any daughters is not known.
- https://www.culpepperconnections.com/ss/p10005.htm
- Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy: Mar 14 2020, 18:47:11 UTC
- Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy: Nov 20 2020, 23:00:08 UTC
Anne Boykin's Timeline
1652 |
May 20, 1652
Isle of Wight County, Virginia, British Colonial America
1676 |
Isle of Wight, VA, United States
1678 |
May 5, 1678
Isle of Wight County, Virginia, Colonial America
1680 |
Isle of Wight Co,Virginia
1684 |
Isle of Wight, Virginia, USA
1685 |
Isle of Wight County, Virginia, British Colonial America
1728 |
February 24, 1728
Age 75
Isle of Wight County, Virginia, British Colonial America
February 24, 1728
Age 75
Edward Boykin Family Cemetery Southampton County, Virginia, USA MEMORIAL ID 98213076