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Boykin Genealogy and Boykin Family History Information

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  • *Amanda Boykin Pierce (1830 - 1857)
    Amanda Boykin Pierce, dau. of Benjamin K. Pierce and Amanda Boykin, was born . 1830 and m. James Owen Boykin on Feb. 1,1847 at Dallas Co., Alabama. She died age 27.Children were 1.) William Boykin c. 1...
  • Amelia Mildred Pace (c.1715 - 1765)
    Not a known child of Edward Boykin, Sr.
  • Ann Boykin (aft.1690 - c.1760)
    Not a known daughter of Dr. Robert Williamson Generation No. 2 2.John2 Boykin (Edward1) was born Abt. 1678 in Isle of Wight County, Virginia, and died 05 May 1729 in Isle of Wight County, Virginia....
  • Anne Boykin (1652 - 1728)
    Not the daughter of William Gwaltney & his wife Alice; dates do not work. Edward BOYKIN (Sr) "The Immigrant" Sex: M Birth: ABT 1650 in Wales or Huntington, England Death: 27 MAY 1728 in Isle of Wigh...
  • Anne Bowers Williams (1728 - 1798)
    Name: Ann Bowers BOYKIN Birth: ABT 1715 in Northampton County, North Carolina Death: BET 1761 AND 1766 in Society Hill, Darlington District, South Carolina Burial: BET 1761 AND 1766 Millwood Plantation...

About the Boykin surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Boykin surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Boykin surname.

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