Not the son of William Bletsoe & Agnes Bletsoe
George Bledsoe came to America in 1652 as headright for Col. Hugh McGwin.
Alternate Birth Year: 1635 https://www.geni.com/documents/view?doc_id=6000000195169371825&graph_node_id=profile-6142207&mode=tagged''' Original Baptism Record George Bletsoe
George Bledsoe, b. ca. 1630 England d. between 23 Jan 1704/5 and 15 Aug 1705 .....perhaps m. (1) -, the mother of Sarah Bledsoe who married Thomas Dameron .....married (1) or (2) Anne --, the mother of his 5 sons; Cisco in his book, Historic Sumner Co., says all Bledsoes are Jennings descendants, so she may be a Jennings. Anne was alive 20 May 1691 and deceased by 1698. .....married (2) or (3) ca1698 Elizabeth ---, widow of Clement Lattimore, who d. 1698. Elizabeth died after the date of her will 13 Feb1707/8
Children by Anne
First Bledsoe in America
George Bletsoe was transported by Col. Hugh Gwin from England to America in 1652, and Col. Gwin received a land grant for his colonization efforts as follows: "CoL. Hugh Gwin (Gwyn) 300 acs. upon W. side of a tract called Gwins Island, being the surplusage of sd. island bounded SW. upon the Narrowes, W. opposite to mouth of Peanketank Riv., S. upon Deep Cr. which layeth toward S. side of sd. Island. 6 Dec.1652, p.120. Trans. of 6 pers: John Cookeley, Nathaniel. Walters, Mary Joyce: Robert Wilson al. Wiffon (or Wisson), George
Bletsoe, Benja. Sarrow, Peter Cade: Humph. Higgins, Susan Parker, Susan Hillary, one Negro woman. Note: Land due for the last five. Land patented for four of the five, one remains still due being the Last."
Bledsoe researchers for the past 50 years have accepted this person as the emigrant George Bledsoe who thereafter appears in Northumberland Co., VA.
"Will of George Bledsoe:
In the name of God, Amen, I George Bledsoe of the county of Northumberland: in the colony of Virginia, being sick and weak of body, but of sound and perfect memory, do make this my last will and testament, revoking and disannulling all former wills by me heretofore made.
Imprimis: I bequeath my soul to God, my Maker, hoping to be saved by the merits of the blessed Saviour, Jesus Christ, and my body I commit to the earth there to be buried in decent and Christian manner as my executors hereafter named shall think meet and convenient, and the worldly estate I dispose of as followeth:
Item: I give to my loving wife Eliza. Bledsoe all that estate she finds upon the plantation she brought along with her, (Huh ?) and if she thinks it not convenient to leave the same estate and take her proportionable part with the rest of my children and likewise allow one cow and the negro Nan, and if it pleases God to call me home before the crop is disposed of that she shall have her share with my children of the aforesaid crop.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my son John Bledsoe the proportionable part of my land lying and adjoining Mr. Thomas Damerone, Senr's land and my will is that my son George Bledsoe have the liberty to work upon the said land without trouble or molestation of the said John, provided he takes care to manage the same during his natural life, but not to make waste or havoc of the same nor rent, sell or embezzle it to anyone.
Item: I give unto my son William Bledsoe the plantation I now live upon and his part of the land, together with all houses, fences, orchards, etc. that are upon it.
Item: I give unto my son, Abraham Bledsoe, my proportional part of the land lying and adjoining next to John Nickless and running along the ridge next to the school house and my will is that if any of the three sons: Abraham, William, and John Bledsoe should die without issue lawfully begotten of their body, that then their said land or lands to fall to my son Thomas Bledsoe his heirs and assigns forever.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Bledsoe one feather bed and my will is that my three sons: Abraham, William and John be at equal charge to keep my son Thomas three years at school, and to hire upon the plantation along with William till he comes to the age of 2l years, and for the remainder of my personal estate my will and desire is that my good friends:
Mr. James Waddy, Mr. John Nickless, and James Richardson, divide it proportionally to the best of their judgments and discretion amongst my children.
Item: My will and desire is that what hogs I die possessed with not be shared amongst my children, but be left for the use and benefit of those that live upon the plantation.
Lastly: I do hereby ordain and appoint my two sons: Abraham and William Bledsoe, sole executors of this my last will and testament. In witness
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 23d day of January 1704/5
George Bledsoe his mark X
Signed, sealed and declared to be his last will and testament in the presence of us:
James Richardson: John Nickless; Tho. Dameron, Jr . Aug. 15, 1705.
This will was probated in Northumberland Court to be the last will and testament of George Bledsoe, deceased: by the oaths of John Nickless and Tho. Dameron, Jr., two of the subscribing witnesses thereto, and same is recorded.
Information about Barton Seagrave Northamptonshire.
George is thought to be the father of all Bledsoes in America. Col. Hugh Gwin transported George from England to America in 1652. George, a headwright, was transported along with six other men to work as builders in the New World. Each man was given land for his efforts.
1632 |
April 8, 1632
Barton Seagrave, Kettering, Northamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)
April 8, 1632
Barton Seagrave, Northamptonshire, England
1650 |
Virginia, USA, VA, United States
1651 |
Dividing Creek, Wicomico Parish, Northumberland County, Virginia Colony, Colonial America
1661 |
Virginia, United States
1673 |
September 1673
Wicomico Parish, Northumberland, Virginia, Colonial America
1674 |
Dividing Creek, Wiscomoco Parish, Northumberland County, Virginia Colony, Colonial America
1676 |
Wicomico Parish, Northumberland,, Virginia Colony, Colonial America
1680 |
Wiscomoco Parish, Northumberland, Virginia, USA