(Given Name Unknown, #2) Ware

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(Given Name Unknown, #2) Ware

Also Known As: "One of two children who died young and may not have been named."
Death: 1644 (Less than 1 year) (Died at birth)
Immediate Family:

Child of Peter Ware III of Hampton Parish and Mary Hickes
Sibling of Thomas Ware; Elizabeth Garrett; Unknown Ware, died young 1; Nicholas Ware, l; John Ware and 4 others

Managed by: Marsha Gail Kamish
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About (Given Name Unknown, #2) Ware

http://www.bigballoonmusic.com/Ware/WareLineage.htm In 1636 Peter left Ireland for England and then on to Virgin

PETER WARE SR. (1608 - 1650) CHART Married: Mary Hickes (1599 - 1659) Had: Thomas, Nicholas, John, Elizabeth, 2 children who died young, Edward, and descending son Peter Jr.

Sources: 1.Title: Virginia Genealogies (under Glassell Family excursus)

After coming to the Virginia Colony, Peter, his wife and family were soon adjusting to the difficulties of colonial life. During this time period, Chesapeake families were relatively few, small, and short-lived. Many came to America as individuals free of paternal control, and tended to die while their own children were young. Due to the lack of available wives and the hardships women had to face alone, widows often remarried within a few months. In one Virginia County, more than three-quarters of the children had lost at least one parent by the time they married or reached twenty-one. For parents to live long enough to know their grandchildren was a rarity, even in England.

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(Given Name Unknown, #2) Ware's Timeline