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Ware Genealogy and Ware Family History Information

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  • (Given Name Unknown, #2) Ware (1644 - 1644)
    In 1636 Peter left Ireland for England and then on to VirginPETER WARE SR. (1608 - 1650) CHART Married: Mary Hickes (1599 - 1659) Had: Thomas, Nicholas, John, Elizabeth, 2 children who died young, Edwa...
  • Abigail Ware (1760 - d.)
  • Abigail Force (1702 - 1793)
  • Ada May Mary Ware (1876 - 1953)
    Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922* Name: Ada M Levingstone* Birth Date: 1876* Birth Place: New South Wales* Registration Year: 1876* Registration Place: Armidale, New South Wales, Australia* Father: Ro...

About the Ware surname

The surname Ware for me is my mothers maiden name. I started doing genealogy to find my mothers family. She passed away when I was a baby 16 months old . So I have been trying to find her side of my family. I know her dad was born in Shanghai China. Dr. James , G, Ware. His father was James Ware born in England . His father was Stephen Ware ? I have found a cousin in Australia. And cousins in England. I am still trying to put all of the information together. I anyone has info I would love to share .