Margaret Jane Holmes

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Margaret Jane Holmes (Jennings) (1672 - 1727)

Also Known As: ""Jane""
Birthplace: Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Death: May 31, 1727 (54-55)
Immediate Family:

Wife of James Holmes
Mother of Janette Baldridge

Managed by: Joshua Andrew Walsh
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Margaret Jane Holmes


She was first-cousin to Sarah Jennings Spencer-Churchill, First Duchess of Marlborough.

Lady Margaret Jane Scott Jennings of Belfast, Ireland married Sir James A. Holmes [1] b=1668 d=01 Jun 1727.

She predeceased her husband & their only child & heir was Janette Scott Jennings Holmes who moved to the USA circa 1700s.

Research Notes

Margaret Jane Jennings is supposed to have been baptized on 2 Jul.1694 in County Down, Ireland, but the certificate is known to have been forged. The date seems likely enough.

Unsubstantiated info says the Holmes Estate is still intact, lodged in the Bank of England & worth billions. Don't get too excited. For over a hundred years, many descendants &/or their attorneys have tried to find a way to get at it, but their quests always ended with no money & if they were too persistent, mysterious accidents. It's said the British government will never let it go!


  1. "Baldridge Family" p18 by Dr. Chester Kennedy.
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Margaret Jane Holmes's Timeline

Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
June 24, 1694
County Down, Ulster, Ireland
May 31, 1727
Age 55
March 13, 1999
Age 55
March 31, 1999
Age 55