James Holmes Jr: (or #2) Born in Londonderry N.H. USA 25th Dec 1826
Died 28th August 1904 in Montpelier, Idaho, Bear Lake County. USA Married: Harriet Wight Phelps Holmes 25th of Dec 1848 USA Harriet Wight Phelps Holmes was born: 7th of April 1832. In Independence, Missouri. USA
Harriet Wight Phelps Holmes Died: March 19,1893 in Montpelier, Idaho Bear Lake County USA
Son: Of James Holmes Jr:(or # 2) Morris Charles Holmes, Born 18 Oct 1849 in Council Bluff, Iowa USA Died: Feb 27, 1907 in Montpelier, Bear Lake County, USA Married: Catherine Ann Weaver Holmes 4 Sept 1889 Catherine Ann Weaver Died: 10 Dec 1959 Montpelier, Idaho Bear Lake County, USA
Son: Of Morris Charles Holmes: Oliver Wendell Holmes:
Born: 19 Feb 1893 in Montpelier, Idaho Bear Lake County, USA. Died: 10 Dec 1959 Montpelier Idaho Buried : in Bennington, Idaho USA. Married: Isabelle Janette Hall Holmes, 16 June 1915. Isabelle Janette Hall Holmes Died: 25 May 1991 Montpelier, Idaho Bear Lake County USA. Buried: Bennington, Idaho, Bear Lake USA