OTTO (-1037 or before). Graaf van Zutphen. The Brunwilarensis Monasterii Fundatio names "Ottonis comitis de Sudveno" when recording the marriage of his daughter[1257]. m ---. The name of Otto's wife is not known. Graf Otto & his wife had two children:
a) ADELHEID . The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. Heiress of Zutphen, and the Vogteien of Münster and Borghorst. "Comiti Godescalco et uxori suæ Adelhaidæ et eorum filiis Gebehardo et Ottoni" reached agreement with Wilhelm Bishop of Utrecht concerning certain payments, by charter dated 1059[1258]. M GOTTSCHALK, son of HERMANN & his wife --- (-killed in battle 1063 or 1064).
b) MATHILDE van Zutphen . The Brunwilarensis Monasterii Fundatio names "filiam Ottonis comitis de Sudveno nomine Mathildem" as wife of Ludolf[1259]. m LUDOLF Herr von Waldenburg, son of EZZO [Erenfried] Pfalzgraf of Lotharingia & his wife Mathilde of Germany [Ottonen] (-11 Apr 1031, bur Brauweiler).
1015 |
1017 |
Zutphen, Germany
1019 |
Bavaria, Germany
???? |
Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands
???? |
Y, Somme, Picardie, France