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van Zutphen Genealogy and van Zutphen Family History Information

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  • Adelheid van Zutphen (c.1015 - c.1059)
    In the previous MyHeritage tree, this is identical to this MP profile: Adelheid van Zutphen More concrete sources than the MyHeritage is needed before suggesting a merge.
  • Aléïda van Zütphen (c.915 - d.)
  • Ermengarde of Zutphen (c.1091 - bef.1179)
    Ermengarde of Zutphen (died 1138) was countess of Zutphen (1122 - 1138), succeeding her elder brother Henry II of Zutphen (her other two brothers had taken holy orders and died respectively). Their par...
  • Jutta van Zütphen (1040 - 1118)
  • Matilda of Zutphen (deceased)
    OTTO (-1037 or before). Graaf van Zutphen. The Brunwilarensis Monasterii Fundatio names "Ottonis comitis de Sudveno" when recording the marriage of his daughter[1257]. m ---. The name of Otto's wife is...

About the van Zutphen surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the van Zutphen surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the van Zutphen surname.

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