Historical records matching Olav III, King of Norway
Immediate Family
About Olav III, King of Norway
Olav Haraldsson, III
Olaf III (Old Norse: Óláfr Haraldsson, Norwegian: Olav Haraldsson; c. 1050 – 22 September 1093), known as Olaf Kyrre (Old Norse: kyrri, English: Peaceful), was king of Norway from 1067 until his death
- Son of Harald III "Hard ruler", king of Norway and Tora Giske
- BIRTH: 1050 in Norway
- Reign: 1067 – 22 September 1093
- DEATH: 23 Sep 1093, Hakeby, Tanum, Bohuslän, Sverige
- BURIAL: Nidaros Cathedral, Norway
- Married: ([1070]) INGERID Svendsdatter, illegitimate daughter of SVEND II Estridsen King of Denmark & his mistress. Morkinskinna records the betrothal of “King Óláfr” and “King Sveinn…his daughter Ingirídr”, dated to soon after his accession as sole king in Norway. Snorre records the marriage of King Olav and "Ingerid, a daughter of Svein, the Danish king".
- Mistress (1): THORA, daughter of [JOHAN or ARNI Lagi] & his wife. Snorre names "Thora, Joan's daughter" as mother of King Olav's son Magnus. Morkinskinna names “Thóra, the daughter of Árni lági” as the concubine of King Olav. Twelfth-century Earl Kali Kolsson was given the name Rognvald "because Kali's mother claimed that Rognvald Brusason had been the most able of all the Earls of Orkney, and people saw this as a sign of good luck."[14]
- The Orkneyinga Saga is largely silent regarding Rognvald's personal life and there is no mention of a marriage or children. However, Anders Stølen has argued that Magnus Barelegs's mother, whose identity is uncertain, was a daughter of "Ragnvald jarl" as stated in the genealogical text Sunnmørsættleggen.[15] This Ragnvald has in turn been identified as Rognvald Brusason by Ola Kvalsund.
- Kings Parents: King Harald 3 Hardråde (1015–66) and Tora Torbergsdatter (b. 1024).Married to Ingerid Svendsdatter, daughter of the Danish king Svend Estridsen (c. 1020–1076); relationship with Tora Arnesdatter. Daughter's daughter's son Erling Skjalgsson (died 1027); nephew (half-brother son) of King Olav 2 Haraldsson the Holy (995-1030); brother of King Magnus 2 Haraldsson (1049-1069); father of King Magnus 3 Olavsson Berrføtt (1073–1103); uncle to King Håkon Magnusson Toresfostre (1069–95).
Project MedLands, Norway Kings
OLAV (-Håkeby, Sweden 22 Sep 1093, bur Nidaros [Trondheim], Christ's Church). Snorre names Magnus and Olav as the sons of King Harald and Thora. Morkinskinna names “the older…Magnus, the younger Óláfr” as the two sons of King Harald and “the daughter of Thorbergr Árnason…Thóra” 346. He fought with his father at Stamford Bridge 1066. He succeeded his father in 1066 as OLAV III "Kyrre/the Gentle" King of Norway, jointly with his brother Magnus, ruling in the eastern part of the country. Snorre records that King Olav remained as sole king after the death of his brother[348]. Pope Gregory VII addressed a document to "Olauo Noruecchorum regi" dated 15 Dec 1078. Snorre records that King Olav "when he was east in Ranrike, on his estate of Haukby, took the disease which ended in his death" and that he was buried at "Nidaros…in Christ Church which he himself had built there". married ([1070]) INGERID Svendsdatter, illegitimate daughter of SVEND II Estridsen King of Denmark & his mistress ---. Morkinskinna records the betrothal of “King Óláfr” and “King Sveinn…his daughter Ingirídr”, dated to soon after his accession as sole king in Norway. Snorre records the marriage of King Olav and "Ingerid, a daughter of Svein, the Danish king". Mistress (1): THORA, daughter of JOHAN or ARNI Lagi & his wife. Snorre names "Thora, Joan's daughter" as mother of King Olav's son Magnus. Morkinskinna names “Thóra, the daughter of Árni lági” as the concubine of King Olav.
King Olav had [two] illegitimate children by his Mistress THORA
- a) MAGNUS (-killed in battle in Ireland 24 May 1103). Snorre names Magnus as son of King Olav and Thora, commenting that he was brought up at the king's court[355]. Morkinskinna names “Magnus nicknamed…berfœttr and…Styrjaldar (Battle-Age) Magnus” as son of King Olav and his concubine “Thóra, the daughter of Árni lági”[356]. He succeeded his first cousin in 1095 as MAGNUS III "Berrføtt/Barfod/Barfot/Barefoot" King of Norway.
- b) SKJALDVOR, Snorre names "the king's relative, Sigurd Hranason" when recording that he "came into strife with King Sigurd", adding in a later passage that King Eystein reminded King Sigurd that Sigurd "was married to their aunt, Skialdvor" and that ultimately Sigurd forgave him and gave him "leave to go north to his farm, gave him employment, and was always afterward his friend". Morkinskinna records that “Skjaldvor…sister of King Magnús berfoettr” married “Sigurdr Hranason”[358]. It is possible that Skjaldvor was only uterine sister of King Magnus, in view of the refusal of her son to become king on the grounds that "some one should be chosen king who was of the royal race" as reported by Snorre. married SIGURD Hranason, son of unknown.
Biography by Wikipedia
Olaf was a son of King Harald Hardrada and Tora Torbergsdatter. Olaf joined his father during the invasion of England during 1066. However, he was only 16 years old during the Battle of Stamford Bridge in September 1066. He stayed on a ship and did not participate in the fighting. After the Norwegian defeat, he sailed with the remains of the Norwegian strike force back to Orkney, where they wintered. The return journey to Norway took place in summer 1067.
After the death of his father, Olaf shared the kingdom with his brother Magnus II (Magnus 2 Haraldsson) who had become king the previous year. When King Magnus died during 1069, Olaf became the sole ruler of Norway.
During his reign, the nation of Norway experienced a rare extended period of peace. He renounced any offensive foreign policy, rather he protected Norway as a kingdom through agreements and marriage connections. Domestically he laid emphasis on the church's organization and modernizing the kingdom. The latter resulted in, among other things, the reorganization of the body-guard and of measures under which key cities, especially Bergen, could better serve as a royal residence. According to the Heimskringla by Snorri Sturluson, Olaf is said to have founded the city of Bergen (originally called Bjørgvin).
The death of Harald Hardrada and the serious defeat suffered by the Norwegians in 1066 tempted the Danish king, Svend Estridsen, to prepare for an attack on Norway. King Svend no longer felt bound by the ceasefire agreement signed with Harald Hardrada in 1064, since it would only be valid for the two kings during their own lives. However Olaf made peace with King Svend and married the king's daughter Ingerid. Later, Olav's half sister Ingegerd of Norway married King Svend's son and heir Olaf I of Denmark, who would later become the Danish king. Although there were some attacks on England by Danish forces, peace persisted between Denmark and Norway. Olaf also made peace with William the Conqueror of England.
King Olaf broke with his father's line in his relationship to the church. Harald Hardrada had developed a continuing conflict with the Archbishopric of Bremen due to the archbishop's authority over the Norwegian church. Unlike his father, Olav recognized that authority fully. Political considerations may have been behind this conciliatory attitude, as may have been Olaf's concern with the church organization. Until his time bishops had formed part of the king's court and traveled with him around the country to take care of the ecclesiastical affairs while the king took care of worldly matters. The bishops established fixed residence in Oslo, Nidaros and Bergen. King Olaf also took the initiative for the construction of churches, including Christ Church in Bergen and Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim.
Olaf strengthened the power of the king and instituted the system of guilds in Norway. There are strong indications that the government of King Olaf began writing secure provincial laws to a greater extent. The Norwegian law Gulatingsloven was probably put in writing for the first time during his reign.
King Olaf died of illness on 22 September 1093 in Haukbø, Rånrike, then part of Norway (now Håkeby, Tanum Municipality, Sweden).[1] He was buried at the Nidaros Cathedral.[1] His marriage to Ingerid did not produce any children. His successor as king, Magnus III nicknamed Magnus Barefoot (Magnus Berrføtt), was acknowledged to be his illegitimate son.
- http://www.friesian.com/germania.htm#norse
- http://www.tacitus.nu/svenskhistoria/kungar/stenkil/sveakungar3.html (blev kung 1067)
- http://genealogics.org/getperson.php?personID=I00140270&tree=LEO
- http://www.heimskringla.no/wiki/Soga_um_Olav_Kyrre
- http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olav_Kyrre
- http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olav_III_Kyrre
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olaf_III_of_Norway
- http://www.snl.no/.nbl_biografi/Olav_3_Haraldsson_Kyrre/utdypning
- Claus Krag Olav 3 Haraldsson Kyrre (Norsk biografisk leksikon)
- "History of Bergen". The 27th Meeting of the European Crystallographic Association. Retrieved 20 May 2016.
- Per G. Norseng Olav 3 (Haraldsson) Kyrre (Store norske leksikon)
- "Olav 3. Kyrre". Den Store Danske. Retrieved 20 May 2016.
- Claus Krag. "Magnus 2 Haraldsson, Konge". Norsk biografisk leksikon. Retrieved 20 May 2016.
- "Saga of Olaf Kyrre". Heimskringla by Snorri Sturluson. Retrieved 20 May 2016.
- Hallvard Magerøy. "Bjørgvin". Store norske leksikon. Retrieved 20 May 2016.
- Odd Brochmann Nidarosdomen (Store norske leksikon)
- Per G. Norseng Gulatingsloven (Store norske leksikon)
- Claus Krag. "Magnus 3 Olavsson Berrføtt, Konge". Norsk biografisk leksikon. Retrieved 20 May 2016.
- Morkinskinna chronicle, quoted in History of the Norwegian people, Gjerset, Knut, New York, MacMillan, 1915.
- Tennant, Roy. "Heimskringla or The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway Saga of Olaf Kyrre". The Online Medieval & Classical Library. Retrieved April 21, 2015.
Om Olav Kyrre, Kung av Norge (svenska)
Olav Haraldsson, III
- Son of Harald III "Hard ruler", king of Norway and Tora Giske
- BIRTH: 1050 in Norway
- Reign: 1067 – 22 September 1093
- DEATH: 23 Sep 1093, Hakeby, Tanum, Bohuslän, Sverige
- BURIAL: Nidaros Cathedral, Norway
- Married: ([1070]) INGERID Svendsdatter, illegitimate daughter of SVEND II Estridsen King of Denmark & his mistress. Morkinskinna records the betrothal of “King Óláfr” and “King Sveinn…his daughter Ingirídr”, dated to soon after his accession as sole king in Norway. Snorre records the marriage of King Olav and "Ingerid, a daughter of Svein, the Danish king".
- Mistress (1): THORA, daughter of [JOHAN or ARNI Lagi] & his wife. Snorre names "Thora, Joan's daughter" as mother of King Olav's son Magnus. Morkinskinna names “Thóra, the daughter of Árni lági” as the concubine of King Olav.
Project MedLands, Norway Kings
OLAV (-Håkeby, Sweden 22 Sep 1093, bur Nidaros [Trondheim], Christ's Church). Snorre names Magnus and Olav as the sons of King Harald and Thora. Morkinskinna names “the older…Magnus, the younger Óláfr” as the two sons of King Harald and “the daughter of Thorbergr Árnason…Thóra”[346]. He fought with his father at Stamford Bridge 1066. He succeeded his father in 1066 as OLAV III "Kyrre/the Gentle" King of Norway, jointly with his brother Magnus, ruling in the eastern part of the country. Snorre records that King Olav remained as sole king after the death of his brother[348]. Pope Gregory VII addressed a document to "Olauo Noruecchorum regi" dated 15 Dec 1078. Snorre records that King Olav "when he was east in Ranrike, on his estate of Haukby, took the disease which ended in his death" and that he was buried at "Nidaros…in Christ Church which he himself had built there". m ([1070]%29 INGERID Svendsdatter, illegitimate daughter of SVEND II Estridsen King of Denmark & his mistress ---. Morkinskinna records the betrothal of “King Óláfr” and “King Sveinn…his daughter Ingirídr”, dated to soon after his accession as sole king in Norway. Snorre records the marriage of King Olav and "Ingerid, a daughter of Svein, the Danish king". Mistress (1): THORA, daughter of [JOHAN or ARNI Lagi] & his wife. Snorre names "Thora, Joan's daughter" as mother of King Olav's son Magnus. Morkinskinna names “Thóra, the daughter of Árni lági” as the concubine of King Olav.
King Olav had [two] illegitimate children by his Mistress THORA
- a) MAGNUS (-killed in battle in Ireland 24 May 1103). Snorre names Magnus as son of King Olav and Thora, commenting that he was brought up at the king's court[355]. Morkinskinna names “Magnus nicknamed…berfœttr and…Styrjaldar (Battle-Age) Magnus” as son of King Olav and his concubine “Thóra, the daughter of Árni lági”[356]. He succeeded his first cousin in 1095 as MAGNUS III "Berrføtt/Barfod/Barfot/Barefoot" King of Norway.
- b) SKJALDVOR, Snorre names "the king's relative, Sigurd Hranason" when recording that he "came into strife with King Sigurd", adding in a later passage that King Eystein reminded King Sigurd that Sigurd "was married to their aunt, Skialdvor" and that ultimately Sigurd forgave him and gave him "leave to go north to his farm, gave him employment, and was always afterward his friend". Morkinskinna records that “Skjaldvor…sister of King Magnús berfoettr” married “Sigurdr Hranason”[358]. It is possible that Skjaldvor was only uterine sister of King Magnus, in view of the refusal of her son to become king on the grounds that "some one should be chosen king who was of the royal race" as reported by Snorre. m SIGURD Hranason, son of unknown.
Source Project MedLands, Noway Kings - https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NORWAY.htm
- http://www.friesian.com/germania.htm#norse
- http://www.tacitus.nu/svenskhistoria/kungar/stenkil/sveakungar3.html (blev kung 1067)
- http://genealogics.org/getperson.php?personID=I00140270&tree=LEO
- http://www.heimskringla.no/wiki/Soga_um_Olav_Kyrre
- http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olav_Kyrre
- http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olav_III_Kyrre
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olaf_III_of_Norway
- http://www.snl.no/.nbl_biografi/Olav_3_Haraldsson_Kyrre/utdypning
- Claus Krag Olav 3 Haraldsson Kyrre (Norsk biografisk leksikon)
- "History of Bergen". The 27th Meeting of the European Crystallographic Association. Retrieved 20 May 2016.
- Per G. Norseng Olav 3 (Haraldsson) Kyrre (Store norske leksikon)
- "Olav 3. Kyrre". Den Store Danske. Retrieved 20 May 2016.
- Claus Krag. "Magnus 2 Haraldsson, Konge". Norsk biografisk leksikon. Retrieved 20 May 2016.
- "Saga of Olaf Kyrre". Heimskringla by Snorri Sturluson. Retrieved 20 May 2016.
- Hallvard Magerøy. "Bjørgvin". Store norske leksikon. Retrieved 20 May 2016.
- Odd Brochmann Nidarosdomen (Store norske leksikon)
- Per G. Norseng Gulatingsloven (Store norske leksikon)
- Claus Krag. "Magnus 3 Olavsson Berrføtt, Konge". Norsk biografisk leksikon. Retrieved 20 May 2016.
- Morkinskinna chronicle, quoted in History of the Norwegian people, Gjerset, Knut, New York, MacMillan, 1915.
- Tennant, Roy. "Heimskringla or The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway Saga of Olaf Kyrre". The Online Medieval & Classical Library. Retrieved April 21, 2015.
Olav III, King of Norway's Timeline
1050 |
1066 |
- 1093
Age 16
The Kingdom of Norway
1073 |
Vik, Norway - aka Magnus Bareleg - Berrf0tt
1093 |
September 22, 1093
Age 43
Haukbø, Ranrike, Norway
Age 43
Nidaros Cathedral, Trondheim, Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway
???? |
Norway - aka Olaf Kyrre or Haraldsson the Gentle
???? |