Rev. John Browne

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Rev. John Browne

Also Known As: "Brown"
Birthplace: High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England
Death: 1706 (78-79)
Providence, Rhode Island, British Colonial America
Place of Burial: Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island, United States
Immediate Family:

Son of Rev. Chadd Browne and Elizabeth Sharparowe Browne
Husband of Mary Browne
Father of Hannah Thompson; Martha Jenks; Sarah Pray; Elder James Brown; Mary Aylesworth and 7 others
Brother of James Brown; Jeremiah Brown; Judah Chad Browne; Daniel Brown; Deborah Brown and 5 others

Occupation: Surveyor, Captain, Mariner, (immigrant), Elder with the First Baptist Church of Providence, Baptist minister, militia captain
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Rev. John Browne

HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF STONINGTON, County of New London, Connecticut, from its first settlement in 1649 to 1900, by Richard Anson Wheeler, New London, CT, 1900, p. 251

John Brown was born around 1629-1630 in Wycombe Buckinghamshire, England and died 1706 at about age 77 in Providence, Providence, Rhode Island. He was the son of Chad Brown and Elizabeth Sharparowe.

John Brown married Mary Holmes in Providence, Rhode Island in 1654. They had seven children:

Sarah Brown, born in 1657 
• John Brown, born in 1662 
• James Brown, born in 1666 
• Obadiah Brown, born about 1668 
• Martha Brown 
• Mary Brown 
• Deborah Brown 

Alt. d.o.d. 1706

Charles Aspinwall shared this piece of his personal genealogical research:

John Brown, 2nd generation, of Providence, RI, is usually referred to as Elder except by Homer Aylsworth in his genealogy, "Arthur Aylesworth & His Descendants" where he is called Reverend. In a deposition made Oct 9, 1664, John states that his age was 35 years. His house is mentioned as being near the Great Swamp. In 1655 he ws made freeman, and on June 6, 1659, he was surveyor of highways.

Providence, Rhode Island is the home of John Brown University, Chartered in 1764, is the country's 17th oldest college

John Brown, eldest son of Rev. Chad and Elizabeth Brown, was born in England, in 1630. Of his life and character very little had been handed down through the intervening centuries. It is evident from the offices of trust in the colony which he held that he was respected and honored in early Providence. We find him one of the commissioners from Providence to meet commissioners chosen to represent other towns in the colony of Warwick, August 31, 1654, the purpose of the meeting being to adjust certain difficulties which threatened to disturb the peace and harmony of the colony. He served as surveyor of highways in 1659; was a freeman in 1655; was subsequently a moderator, and deputy to the Rhode Island General Assembly, and assistant for Providence.

He was appointed in 1662, an associate with Roger Williams and Thomas Harris, Jr., the three constituting the Town Council of Providence. In 1672 he sold the home lot of his father to his brother, James, of Newport, who resold it the same day to Daniel Abbott. Nearly one hundred years later a part of it was repurchased by his great-grandsons, John and Moses Brown, and by them presented to the College of Rhode Island, at the time of its removal from Warren to Providence. The cornerstone of University Hall, for may years the only building, was laid by John Brown, May 31, 1770. John Brown married Mary, daughter of Rev. Obadiah and Catherine Holmes, of Newport.

JOHN BROWN (1628-1706) "was a surveyor, and an elder in the Baptist Church. He inherited the home lot, which he sold in 1672 to his brother, James Brown, who resold it to John Abbott, but whose great-grandsons, John and Moses Brown, more than a century later, repurchased and presented it to the College of Rhode Island, which was then removed from Warren, Rhode Island to its present site in Providence; the corner stone of University Hall was laid by John Brown, one of the donors, and in 1804 the name was changed to Brown



58       Book:  Vital Records of Rhode Island, Volumes 1-12

91 Book: The New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Volume 65, 1911
94 Book: Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island, by J. O. Austin, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore,
1969 reprint
98 Book: Representative Men & Old Families of Rhode Island 3 Volumes, by J. H. Beers & Company, Chicago,
112 Book: Chad Browne of Providence, R.I., by William Bradford Browne. Author-corrected copy in possession

         of Berkshire Athenaeum, Pittsfield, Massachusetts.  Author's corrections extremely important in proving this

particular line.
118 Book: Genealogy & Family History of the State of Vermont, by Hiram Carleton, Lewis Publishing Co., New

         York, 1903

Alternate death year 1667.

1638, Immigrated in ship "Martin." Landed at Boston, MA on 13 July 1638. Settled in Providence, RI the same year.

1645, February 19- He obtained a free grant of 25 acres of land, and a right of commonage from the free inhabitants of Providence, RI. He then subscribed his name, promising obedience to the State of England (King and Parliament).

1650, September 2- He is taxed 3 shillings and 4 pence.

1651/2, March 7- He is one of 12 signers of the Providence Oath of Allegiance to the "Commonwealth of England as it is now established without a King or House of Lords."

1652, 55, 59-60, 64: Juryman.

1653, August 24- Constable.

1655- Freeman.

1659, June 6- Surveyer of Highways.

1660- Land deed references "the field where John Browne his dwelling house now standth near the Great Swamp." This home lot with a dwelling house was east of the tier of home lots, with a field between it and the "Great Swamp", which extended north from the present Cypress Street, between the present East Avenue and Swan Point Road, nearly as far as the present Pidge Avenue.

1661, March 25- He is on a committee to levy a rate of 35 pounds for a colony prison.

1661, May 10- He, Thomas Olny, Sr., and Roger Williams receive a deed on behalf of Providence, Rhode Island, from Wuttiashant, Indian Sachem, of a tract called Wayunckeke (presently the area north of Greenville, RI. near the Glocester, RI town line).

1662, June 24- An agreement is made between Wesauomog, Sachim and imhabitant of mishoaskit for good consideration..... and the town of Providence, RI represented by Thomas Olny, Sr., John Browne, Valentine Whitman, and Roger Williams "yt the English may freely cutt the meadows, build houses, feed Cattel, and plant ye ground in peace and safetie" the land bounded by "Wayvnckege, the pond of Mishovsakit, the pond called Nanipsick, neere Sakesakit and westward about seuen miles"...

1662, 64-65: Town Council.

1663-64: Deputy.

1664, October 9- He states in a deposition that his age is 35.

1664- Surveyor.

1665-66: Assistant.

1666, May 31- Swears allegiance to his Majesty King Charles II.

1666, July 2- He is a Justice of the Peace in the Colony of Rhode Island.

1672, December 31- He sells the home lot that had belonged to his father, Chad, to James Browne of Newport, RI, his brother. Part of this land was later purchased by John and Moses Brown, and presented to Brown University.

1679, July 1- Taxed 5 shillings.

1701- He and Pardon Tillinghast, as elders of the church, ordain James Clarke, of Newport, RI, as Pastor of the Second Baptist Church there.

1703, March 13- He records the ear mark of his cattle, "in each ear a hole."

1706- Land deed mentions the lands of John Brown are located "at ye head of ye second river which cometh into ye West River at ye north side thereof."

Siblings: James, Jeremiah, Judah, Daniel, Chad, Jr., Mary, and Deborah.

John Browne married Mary Burwell, daughter of John Burwell and Esther Winchester, say 1645.1,2 He died 6 November 1690 at Newark, Essex Co., New Jersey.3

John Browne was living in Milford Connecticut by 1646, but was not one of the original settlers. His home lot contained three acres, was number 61, and was at the west side of the palisades, lying between William Brooks' lot on the north and the highway on the south. He agreed "to erect a good house" on his lot within three years or it was to go back to the town.

He and his wife Mary, with two other couples, were admitted to the church there on 9 Apr 1649, but were not fully entered until December, when John was admitted on the ninth; his children John, Mary, and Esther were baptized a week later, on the sixteenth, and his wife was admitted on the following Sunday, the twenty-third.

He was one of the ten Milford men who became proprietors of a large tract of Indian land at a place called Paugasuck or Paugasett, more than ten miles above Milford, bought from the claims of three New Haven men in 1655, the bounds being "the Naugatuck river on the west, a small rock South, with swamp on the east, and a little brook or spring, that runs into the Beaver river north." When the plantation was eventually established the name was changed to Derby, and it was put under the jurisdiction of the New Haven colony. John's future father-in-law, Edward Riggs, and a few others from Milford settled there, but John himself did not go there until 1665.

Taken from:

Sailed to Boston Mass on 7/13/1638 on The Martin

Source <The Chad Browne Memorial Par Abby Isabel Brown Bulkley> :

"John, the eldest son of Chad, was born in England, in the year 1630, being eight years of age at the time of his arrival in Boston. His mother's name was Elizabeth; but her maiden name we have not been able to ascertain. He married Mary, daughter of the Rev. Obadiah Holmes, of Newport.

Mr. Holmes was the successor of the Rev. John Clark, M. D., the distinguished founder of Newport Colony. He was a native of England, and was edueated, says Ross, at Oxford University. Formerly he was settled in Rehoboth, Mass. He is noted in history as the first martyr to Baptist prineiples in New England, having been apprehended in Massaehusetts, in eompany with John Clark, and eruelly whipped " for eonseienee sake."

Concerning Mr. Brown's life, but few memorials have eome down to us. He appears to have been a man of influenee in the colony, and to have inherited in a measure the character and spirit of his father. 

We first find his name on reeord in a document dated Jan. 19, 1646, which reads as follows :

" We, whose names are hereafter subscribed, having obtained a free grant of twenty-five acres of land, apiece, with the right of commoning according to the said proportion of lands, from the free inhabitants of this town^of Providenee, do thankfully accept of the same; and do hereby promise to yield active or passive obedience to the authority of (King and Parliament) established in this colony, according to our charter, and to all such wholesome laws and orders, that are or shall be made by the major consent of the town of Providence, as also, not to claim any right to the purchase of the said plantations, nor any privilege of vote in town affairs, until we shall bo received as freemen of the said town of Providence."

This doeument has the signature of John Brown, followed by twenty-seven other signatures, including that of his brother Daniel.

A few years after this transaction, commenced the most trying period in the early history of Rhode Island. In consequence of the ambition of Gov. Coddington, the local jealousies of the towns, and the refractory disposition of individuals, a spirit of disunion and misrule sprang up, which continued several years, and had well-nigh proved fatal to the peaee of the colony. A happy settlement of all diffieulties was at length effected by a full court of commissioners, six from each town, whieh assembled at Warwick on the 31st of August, 1654.

One of the commissioners from Providenee was John Brown, who was then twenty-four years of age. In the year 1662 he was appointed, with Roger Williams and Thomas Harris, Jr., to make up the town council. Mr. Baekus, in his Chureh History, further adds that he was a minister in the ehureh. These reeords, scanty as they are, give all the information that ean be obtained respeeting his eharaeter and life. At what time he died is not known.

In the year 1667, we find his name as a witness to the signature of Roger Williams to the " initial deed," so called, whieh Williams originally granted on the 8th of Oetober, 1638.

He left five ehildren ; namely, John, born Mareh 18, 1662 ; James, Obadiah, Martha, and Deborah. Martha was married to Gov. Joseph Jenekes, " of happy memory," who was therefore the brother-in-law of Elder James Brown, and not a son-in-law, as erroneously stated by Dr. Benedict in his History of the Baptists.
Source <> :


John Brown was born in England in 1630, the eldest of five sons of Chad and Elizabeth Brown. He came with his family came to America on the "Martin.

Mary Holmes was born about 1632 to Obadiah and Katherine Holmes in England. Her family sailed to Boston in 1638 and then moved in turn to Salem and Rehoboth in Massachusetts and finally to Newport, Rhode Island.

John Brown married Mary Holmes in Providence, Rhode Island in 1654. They had seven children:

Sarah Brown, born in 1657 
• John Brown, born in 1662 
• James Brown, born in 1666 
• Obadiah Brown, born about 1668 
• Martha Brown 
• Mary Brown 
• Deborah Brown 

A deed in 1660 made reference to "the field where John Browne his dwelling house now standeth near the Great Swamp."

John Brown was born in 1630 in England to Chad Brown and Elizabeth Sharparowe He immigrated to New England from England on the ship “Martin” with his mother and father; the family arrived in Boston in the Massachusetts Colony in July 1638. His family soon moved to Providence which was recently purchased by Roger Williams from the indigenous Americans. Sometime between 1639 and 1644, his father Chad Brown and twelve others signed an agreement sometimes called the Providence Compact, an agreement of "second comers" as opposed to the original proprietors.[1] Chad Brown was also one of 39 who signed an agreement for a government in Providence in 1640.

John Brown married Mary Holmes. He was the eldest of nine children. His siblings include:

Daniel Brown I, b. about 1645; d. 29 September 1710; m. Alice Hearndon.

Phebe Brown, b. England; m. (1) Thomas Lee; m. (2) Greenfield Larrabee.

James Brown I - b. England; d. 1683; m. Elizabeth Carr. Rhode Island's Brown University is named for Nicholas Brown, Jr. a descendant of Chad and Elizabeth Brown through James Brown II, and his son, Nicholas Brown, Sr. .
Jeremiah Brown I, born in 1634, England; d. 1690; m. (1) Mary Gardner; m. (2) Mary Cook

Judah Brown

Chad Brown II, d. May 10, 1663.

Mary, d. May 10, 1643.

Debrah, d. May 10, 1645.

John Brown died in 1706.

Source: Wikipedia 

Find A Grave Memorial# 60729666


Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015 Operations, Inc. GenealogieOnline 1,9289::0 1,9289::7109182


Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015 Operations, Inc. GenealogieOnline 1,9289::0 1,9289::7109182

John Browne was known as "old goodman Brown". He lived in Ipswich, Massachusetts as early as 1656, and he was married to Mary.[5] John and Mary married before 1643 at Ipswich.[6]

John Brown(e) was first mentioned in Ipswich, Massachusetts records in 1640.[1] His wife's name was Mary. John and Mary had the following known children:[2][3]

John, b about 1639 (about 1643 per Perley source)

Martha, m Barnard Thorne between 1670 and 1679

Sarah, m Thomas Jacobs Dec 21, 1671 (Parish Record)

Nathaniel, b about 1652 (about 1654 per deposition given in 1679 [4])

John Browne died in Ipswich Sep 13, 1677.[2][5][3] John's estate was probated in Ipswich, and in it he named his wife, eldest son, John; his son Nathaniel, and daughters Martha Thorne and Sarah Jacobs.[4]

Profile last modified 19 Jan 2021 | Created 13 Jun 2016 | Last significant change: 19 Jan 2021

John Brown Sr (abt. 1615 - 1677)

John Brown Sr aka Browne

Born about 1615 [location unknown]

Son of [father unknown] and [mother unknown]

[sibling%28s%29 unknown]

[spouse%28s%29 unknown]

Father of John Brown, Sarah (Browne) Jacob, Martha (Brown) Thorne and Nathaniel Browne

Died 13 Sep 1677 in Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts Bay Colony

14:55: S (Hill) Willson edited the Primary Photo for John Brown Sr (abt.1615-1677). [Thank S for this]

John Brown Sr migrated to New England during the Puritan Great Migration (1620-1640).


↑ Davis, Walter Goodwin The ancestry of Phoebe Tilton, 1775-1847, wife of Capt. Abel Lunt of Newburyport, Massachusetts., published 1947. Reference page 81
↑ 2.0 2.1 Waters, Thomas Franklin Candlewood, an Ancient Neighborhood in Ipswich: With Genealogies of John Brown, William Fellows, Robert Kinsman, published 1909. Reference pages 88-92 ↑ 3.0 3.1 Essex Institute historical collections, published 1912. Reference Volume 48, page 88 ↑ 4.0 4.1 Essex County, MA: Early Probate Records, 1635-1681. Online database. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2015. Reference Volume 3, pages 160-162. Subscription ↑ 5.0 5.1 Perley, Sidney The Essex Antiquarian, Volume 12, published 1908. Reference page 156 ↑ New England Marriages to 1700. (Online database. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2008.) Originally published as: New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Boston, Mass.: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2015. Reference Volume 1, page 220. Subscription See also:

T. Frank Waters, Candlewood An Ancient Neighborhood in Ipswich (The Salem Press Co., Salem MA 1909) em Press Co., Salem MA 1909. The Great Migration Directory, Robert Charles Anderson, FASG; NEHGS; “Brown, John: Unknown; 1639; Ipswich [ITR 68; Phoebe Tilton Anc 81-83; Essex Ant 12:156].”

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Rev. John Browne's Timeline

March 9, 1627
High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England
Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts Bay
Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island, Colonial America
May 2, 1658
Milford, New Haven County, Connecticut, British Colonial America
May 2, 1658
Providence, Providence County, Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, United States
March 18, 1662
Providence, Providence County, Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, United States
March 18, 1662
Providence, Providence County, Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, United States
July 26, 1666
Providence, (Present Providence County), Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Colonial America
May 18, 1668
Providence, Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations