King Magnus "Berrføtt" Olavson, King of Norge
(c.1073 - 1103)
Magnus Barefoot, King of Norway=* Son of Olaf III «the Peaceful», King of Norway and Thora Arnesdotter Låge * Magnus Olafsson (Old Norse: Magnús Óláfsson, Norwegian: Magnus Olavsson; 1073 – 24 August 1...
Lope de Moscoso y Mendoza, IV marqués de Almazán
(1604 - d.)
LOPE HURTADO DE MENDOZA Y MOSCOSO (D.) IV Marques de Almazan, y Conde de Monteagudo, nació en la Parroquia de S. Gines, hijo de D. Gaspar de Moscoso Osorio, VI Conde de Altamira, natural de la Ciudad d...
Princess Sofia, Duchess of Värmland
Stockholm, Sweden
Princess Sofia of Sweden Duchess of Varmland. ==Links:==* Wikipedia * kungahuset.se: Information om fröken Sofia Hellqvist
Geoffrey IV "Ferréol", count of Gâtinais
(aft.1000 - c.1045)
Attention: shifted numbering.
Wikipedia: Geoffrey II, Count of Gâtinais
Please NOTE: Geoffroy II was NOT the son of Geoffroy I Comte de Gâtinais. Rather, his mother, Beatrix, was first married to Ge...
Tapio Rautavaara
(1915 - 1979)
Kaj Tapio Rautavaara was a Finnish athlete, singer (bass-baritone) and film actor.===Early years=== Tapio Rautavaara was born in the municipality of Pirkkala (now Nokia), a suburb of Tampere. Just thre...
Henrik Knudsen Gyldenstjerne
(1455 - 1517)
Knudsen Gyldenstierne ødsel 1463 Store Restrup Herregaard (Hornum H., Aalborg) Død 14 Nov 1517 Wedellsborg (Ivernæs), Husby, Vends, Odense, Danmark * Rigsråd, Havde Horsens i pant af kronen, Lensma...
 Photo from La Vanguardia (9 June 1934, p. 28): https://prensahistorica.mcu.es/es/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.do?path=1000380227&posicion=28&presentacion=pagina
Original file: https://ibb.co/tYnb2qc or https://imgbox.com/p8Moln6b or https://pixhost.to/show/847/469614546_bvph20160000757_19340609_0028.jpg
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This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published in the United States between 1929 and 1977, inclusive, without a copyright notice. For further explanation, see Commons:Hirtle chart as well as a detailed definition of "publication" for public art. Note that it may still be copyrighted in jurisdictions that do not apply the rule of the shorter term for US works (depending on the date of the author's death), such as Canada (50 p.m.a.), Mainland China (50 p.m.a., not Hong Kong or Macao), Germany (70 p.m.a.), Mexico (100 p.m.a.), Switzerland (70 p.m.a.), and other countries with individual treaties.
Luis Francisco
(1888 - 1954)
Luis Francisco was a Filipino civil engineer and politician. He represented the second district of Batangas at the House of Representatives of the Philippines from June 5, 1934 to September 16, 1935.
Iivo Henrik Niskanen
Kuopio, Finland
Iivo Henrik Niskanen (s. 12. tammikuuta 1992 Oulu) on suomalainen maastohiihtäjä, joka edustaa seuratasolla Vuokatti Ski Teamia. Niskanen on kaksinkertainen olympiavoittaja. Hän voitti parisprintin oly...
Paula Vesala
Paula Julia Vesala (ent. Paula Anneli Kivivuori) on suomalainen laulaja, muusikko, sanoittaja ja näyttelijä.
Vesala oli PMMP-yhtyeen toinen laulusolisti ja sanoittaja. Nykyisin hän tekee soolouraa tait...
Liudger von Sachsen, Graf von Lesum und Westfalen
(b. - 1011)
Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland
(1599 - 1658)
comments Given name has also been reported to be Oliverus .
links Cromwell's death and funeral order
Diary of Thomas Burton esq
No. VII. [supra, p. 480.]
The Death, Funeral Order, and Procession, o...
Adam Sandler
Meir G. Gover 06/2017: see: Academia Y Chromosome NGS test conducted on Adam Sandler's patronymic line indicates @ close to 100% certainty, that Adam Sandler is member in the Levite Haplogroup. His Lev...
Edwin Rawlings
(c.1575 - 1647)
Almanzo James Wilder
(1857 - 1949)
Pioneer, Farmer, Literary Subject. Born on February 13, 1857, near Malone, New York. Almanzo was the fifth of six children born to James and Angeline Day Wilder. The Wilder family moved from Malone to ...
Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor
(1016 - 1056)
III. (* 28. Oktober 1017; † 5. Oktober 1056 in Bodfeld, Harz) aus der Familie der Salier war von 1039 bis zu seinem Tod 1056 römisch-deutscher König und seit 1046 Kaiser. (English) Leben Heinrich wurde...
N. N. Hermansdotter Svärd
Jeppe Kurjen äiti.Tapio Vähäkankankaan tutkimuksen mukaan Jeppe Kurjen äiti oli Herman Svärdin nuorin tytär. Tapio Vähäkangas: Jeppe Kurjen esivanhemmat ja jälkeläiset
William X, Duke of Aquitaine
(1099 - 1137)
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy: GUILLAUME d'Aquitaine (1099-Santiago de Compostela 9 Apr 1137, bur Santiago de Compostela). The Chronicle of Saint-Maxence records the birth in 1099 of "Willelmo comi...
Andrew Carnegie
(1835 - 1919)
Andrew Carnegie was a Scottish-American industrialist, businessman, and entrepreneur who led the enormous expansion of the American steel industry in the late 19th century. His Carnegie Steel Company w...
Abel Smith, MP
(bef.1717 - 1788)
See family tree:
? Birthplace = Snelsdon East Stoke, Nottinghamshire?
Abel Smith (14 March 1717 – 12 July 1788) was a British Member of Parliament and one of the leading bankers of his time.
 Unknown artist; stained glass window at Tewkesbury Abbey, as published in 1843 by Henry Shaw.
Gilbert de Clare, 7th Earl of Gloucester
(1243 - 1295)
"Gilbert de Clare, 6th Earl of Hertford, 7th Earl of Gloucester (2 September 1243 – 7 December 1295) was a powerful English noble. Also known as "Red" Gilbert de Clare or "The red earl", probably becau...
(aft.690 - c.755)
Count Hardrad was a Thuringian nobleman.
HARDRAD, son of --- . m ---. The name of Hardrad's wife is not known. Hardrad & his wife had one child:
a) ROTHARD [Chrothard] (-after 9 Dec 771). Se...
Mickel Jönsson Kyrö
(c.1593 - c.1666)
Enligt Erik Wahlberg: Husbonde Saukkooja, hemman norr om Jolmanpuddas i Pello Var husbonde på Kyrö gård, Saukkoja hemman i Pello 1632-1666Barn:* Mickel Mickelsson Olkkuri i Helsingebyn 1620 - ?* Jöns M...
Alice de Courtenay, comtesse d'Angoulême
(c.1160 - bef.1218)
Descended from the Capet line. of Courtenay, Countess of Angoulême (1160- 12 February 1218)[1] was a French noblewoman of the House of Courtenay. Her father was Peter of Courtenay and her brother was P...
Robert fitz Picot de Say
(1051 - 1094)
Named as son of Robert "Picot", he became implicated in a conspiracy against king William Rufus, known as "the rebellion of 1088", and fled the country. His estates were forfeited, and given to Pain ...
Adélaïde-Wera de Bourgogne, Chalon et Troyes
(c.915 - bef.967)
Adelais (de Chalon, de Vergy, d'Autun, de Bourgogne) was the daughter of Giselbert Duke of Burgundy (Duc des Bourguignons, Comte de Chalon-sur-Saône et de Troyes) and Ermengarde de Dijon (de Bourgogne)...
Thibault "Le Grande" IV de Blois, II de Champagne
(1093 - 1151)
THIBAUT de Blois = From Medlands: THIBAUT de Blois , son of ETIENNE Comte de Blois & his wife Adela of England ([1090/95]-10 Jan 1152, bur Lagny). Orderic Vitalis records that “Stephanus Blesensis pala...
Alberade de Lothringen (Lorraine) von Hennegau von Hainault de Roucy, Countess of Lorraine
(c.931 - 1005)
of Lorraine b. c. 929. Parents: Gilbert de Lotharingia & Gerberga von Sachsen Spouse: Renaud (originally as Ragenold), a Viking chieftain who became the Count of RoucyLINKS LANDS Two brothers, parents ...
Arnold Schoenberg
(1874 - 1951)
2025: Music History and Contemporary Art Destroyed in the Deadly Los Angeles Wildfires An archive of scores by composer Arnold Schoenberg and the collections of countless contemporary artists have been...
Sancho Sánchez, señor de Erro
(c.1075 - 1127)
Sancho Sánchez (fl. 1075–1127) was an important magnate of the Kingdom of Aragon in the late 11th and early 12th centuries, during the reigns of Sancho Ramírez, Peter I and Alfonso I. He was go...
Yitzhak ben Moshe, [of Ellenbogen]
(1445 - 1530)
Subject: סדר הדורות אבותיו של מהר"ם מפדואה עד רש"י:[%D7%9E%D7%94%D7%A8"%D7%9D מפדואה]*יצחק קנצנלנבוגן [%D7%A0%D7%A9%D7%90 את יוליה מלכה, בת יחיאל לוריא השני]* יחיאל לוריא השני עבר מאלזס לבריסק* אהרן לו...
Erik Larsson i Gästerby
(aft.1450 - bef.1556)
Nimismies. Gästerby, Sipoo. Aatelisen Ekelöf-suvun kantaisä. Länsman, Gästerby, Sibbo, Finland. Stamfar för ätten Ekelöf. 'Sheriff. Gästerby, Sipoo, Finland. Forefather for the Ekelöf Noble family. Eri...
Reverend Joseph Hull
(bef.1596 - 1665)
Additional Curator's Notes: Rev. Joseph Hull was not married to Joanna Coffin!
The name comes from some inventive and quite persuasive speculation by an eary Hull researcher, Orra Eugene Monnette. He ...
Freiherr Peter Ludwig Konstantin* von Ungern-Sternberg, auf Grossenhof,Dagö,Wenden...
(1779 - 1836)
Peter Ludvig Constantin von Ungern-Sternberg, till Grossenhof ], Kertell och Pardas på Dagö, Wenden, Jess och Keskfer i Poenahls socken, Linden i Roethels socken samt Hark och Hüer i Kegels socken, Est...
Sir Ralph de Chesney, I
(c.1044 - c.1086)
Ralph de Quesnay in Geneagraphie
Chesney of Rudham and Horsford, Norfolk, England
The biography on William de Chesney, Sheriff on wikepedia gives this: Robert FitzWalter de Windsor, Sheriff of No...
Pope Francis
Vatican City
Pope Francis, The People’s Pope - Times Magazine >>* Pope Francis on 60 Minutes >>* Photos of Pope Francis from Childhood O! Signore protegici!!!♡♡♡
Mathilde de Clare, Lady Bramber
(c.1185 - d.)
Matilda (Joan) de Clare=* Daughter of Richard de Clare 3rd Earl of Hertford and Amice FitzWilliam * Married (1) William IV de Braose * Married (2) Rhys ap Rhys From Charles Cawley's FMG MedLands databa...
Wigmund, king of Mercia
Prince Wigmund MERCIA7,139,140,141,299,465,466 was born about 792 in Mercia. The information in this GEDCOM has been compiled by David Lovegrove. Contact h im at dlovegrove@cheerful.com . Parents: . Pa...
Dietric II von Wettin, margrave of the Saxon Ostmark
(c.989 - 1034)
DIETRICH [Theoderic], son of --- (-before 976). [Graf im Hassegau]. The Annalista Saxo calls him "Theodericus egregie libertatis vir" and names his two sons[248]. "Otto…rex" confirmed previous grants t...
Zoltán, Grand Prince of the Hungarians
(c.896 - 949)
Zoltán of Hungary From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaZoltán of Hungary Grand Prince of the Magyars Predecessor Árpád Successor Fajsz Spouse Unnamed daughter of Menmarót Issue Taksony Full name Zol...
Alice of Saluzzo, Countess of Arundel
(1269 - 1292)
"Alice of Saluzzo, Countess of Arundel (died 25 September 1292),[1] also known as Alesia di Saluzzo, was an Italian-born noblewoman and an English countess. She was a daughter of Thomas I of Saluzzo, a...
Olav I Tryggvason, King of Norway
(c.963 - 1000)
Tryggvesson, King of Norway (1) M, #42895, b. 968, d. 999Last Edited=13 Jul 2005 Olav Tryggvesson, King of Norway was born in 968. He was the son of Tryggve Olavsson, King in Vigen and Romerike and Ast...
Eschina of London
(1107 - 1186)
Eschina domina de Molla; Echina de Molla; Eschener de Molla: Eschina de Lodoniis, Eschina de Ludonijs; Eschina de Londoniis
Spurious Pedigree
According to Lord Lindsay...
Alesta nic Morggán, of Mar
(c.1130 - 1182)
2nd wife. Daughter of Morgand, Earl of Mar. 2nd wife. Daughter of Morgand, Earl of Mar.
Davy Crockett
(1786 - 1836)
Rare yDNA I-Y32632
From Notable Southern Families: The Crockett Family and Connecting lines, by Janie Preston Collup French & Zella Armstrong. It lists that the famous Davy Crockett descends from Jos...
Elizabeth Elston
(1770 - 1859)
Alfonso II el Casto, rey de Aragón
(1157 - 1195)
don RAMÓN de Aragón (Villamayor del Valle, Huesca 1/25 Mar 1157-Perpignan 25 Apr 1195, bur Poblet, monastery of Nuestra Señora). The "Corónicas" Navarras name (in order) "don Pedro…el rey don Alfonso, ...
Juana de Danmartín, reina consorte de Castilla
(1220 - 1279)
Jeanne of Dammartin or Joan of Dammartin (b. 1229 – d. Abbeville, March 16, 1279) Queen consort of Castile and León (1252), Countess of Ponthieu (1237-1279) and Montreuil.
She was daughter of Si...
Rabbi Nathan Flekeles Horowitz
(bef.1627 - d.)
Æflæd (?) (1)M, #152555Last Edited=2 Aug 2005 Æflæd (?) is the son of Ceolwulf I, King of Mercia. (1) He married Wigmund (?), daughter of Wiglaf, King of Mercia and Cyneðryð (?). (1)Children of Æflæd (...
Chester A. Arthur, 21st President of the United States
(1829 - 1886)
United States President. He was born in Fairfield, Vermont the fifth of eight children to a abolitionist Baptist minister. He was tutored at home until age nine then enrolled at a primary school in the...
Fletcher Christian (mutineer; HMS Bounty)
(1764 - 1793)
The history of the Mutiny
Fletcher Christian.....
Fletcher Christian (25 September 1764 – 20 September 1793) was a master's mate on board the Bounty during William Bligh's fateful voyage to Ta...
Kirill (Kirka) Babitzin
(1950 - 2007)
Pop-, rock-, soul- ja iskelmälaulaja.Helsinki. Kirill ”Kirka” Babitzin (ven. Кирилл Бабицын; 22. syyskuuta 1950 Helsinki – 31. tammikuuta 2007 Helsinki) oli suomalainen pop-, rock-, soul- ja iskelmälau...
Siiri "Äitee" Rantanen
(1924 - 2023)
Helsingin Sanomat 5.5.2023: Siiri Rantanen on kuollut
Siiri Rantanen - Äitee, Suomen hiihtokuningatar
Wikipedia: Siiri Rantanen In English
Noah .
(-2704 - -1754)
Genesis 5:28-32 Wikipedia:* Noah and נח * Also See - Sons of Noah. * Islamic view of Noah & Nuh (sura). * There are many different traditions about who Noah's wife was. See Geni project Biblical Tree -...
Resolved White, "Mayflower" Passenger
(c.1615 - 1687)
Descendant of Mayflower passengers William White and Susanna (Winslow) White. Resolved WHITE - RIN:18524 (William ) was born on 9 Sep 1616. He died on 19 Sep 1687 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts....
Jöns Olofsson Tavast
(c.1370 - bef.1439)
Äldre Svenska Frälseätter - kts. Media - se Media
Jöns (Juho) Olavinpoika oli Liedon Värtsilän ja Paraisten Kuitian (Qvidja) herra. * Sai Kuitian linnan veljeltään Turun piispa Maunu Tavastilta vuonna...
Boniface I, count & duke of Lucca
(c.740 - bef.823)
His ancestry is unknown, He was probably a Frank sent to Bavaria by Pépin the Short about 750.
Many Internet genealogies call him a son of Richbold . - Boniface I (died 823) was appointed governor of ...
Sir William de Stanley of Stourton
(1311 - 1360)
Sir William Stanley of Stourton (son of Sir John de Stanley and Emma Lathom of Lathom, Lancashire.[1]); his wife was Alice Massey of Timperley, Cheshire. Sir William Stanley was Master-Forester of...
Henry the Lion, Duke of Saxony & Bavaria
(1129 - 1195)
Heinrich "der Löwe", Herzog von Sachsen und Bayern
Heinrich der Löwe - Ein Bayer prägt den Norden
Navigator Allgemeinwissen: Wer war Heinrich der Löwe – und warum geriet er in Konflikt zu Bar...
Grace Kelly
(1929 - 1982)
Grace Patricia Kelly (November 12, 1929 – September 14, 1982) was an American actress who became Princess of Monaco after marrying Prince Rainier III , in April 1956.After embarking on an acting career...
Roger II of Sicily
(1095 - 1154)
- ...iniziò a regnare nel 1112. È suo merito l'aver accorpato sotto un unico regno tutte le conquiste normanne dell'Italia meridionale e di aver organizzato un governo efficiente, personalizzato e cent...
Peter I the Just, King of Portugal
(1320 - 1367)
I (Portuguese: Pedro, IPA pron. ['ped?u]; 8 April 1320 – 18 January 1367), called the Just (Portuguese: o Justiceiro), was the eighth King of Portugal and the Algarve from 1357 until his death. He was ...
Álvaro Gonçalves Pereira, prior do Crato
(c.1310 - 1375)
Wikipédia PT D. Frei Álvaro Gonçalves Pereira (? - Amieira do Tejo, c. 1379), foi um nobre português, prior da Ordem do Hospital, que viveu no século XIV.Pai de Nuno Álvares Pereira , 2º Condestável de...
Hereswintha of the Saxons
(c.700 - c.747)
Chapter 1. DUKES of ALEMANNIANEBE [Hnabi] . "Nebe" son of "Huochingus" is named by Thegan[26]. m HERESWINT, daughter of --- & his wife [Williswint] ---. Hereswint is named as wife of Nebe Not a lot is ...
 Licensed by Sailko under CCA-SA 3.0
Eremburge de Mortain
(1060 - c.1087)
5. EREMBURGE de Mortain (-[1087]). Malaterra records the death of "Eremburga filia Gulielmi comitis Mortonensis" wife of "comes Rogerius", dating the event to 1089[1047]. m ([1077]%29 as his second ...
Geoffroi I, Count of Gâtinais
(c.864 - 952)
Individual Record FamilySearch™ Pedigree Resource File Search Results | Print --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Geoffrey Viscount Of ORLEANS Compact Disc #...
Frederuna von Ringelheim
(885 - 917)
([1/18] Apr 907) FREDERUNA, sister of BOVO [II] Bishop of Châlons, daughter of --- (-10 Feb 917, bur Reims, église abbatiale de Saint-Rémi). The charter of "Karolus…rex" dated "907 XIII Kal Mai" refers...
Gerberge du Gâtinais, comtesse d'Anjou
(913 - 952)
, d'Orléans, de Gâtinais, Comtesse d'AnjouParents: (uncertain) Geoffroy, Vicomte d'Orléans. Comte de Gâtinais & his (unknown) wifeSpouse: Foulques II d'AnjouChildren: 1. Geoffroy2. Guy3. Adalais4. Drog...
Anlach Goronog mac Cormac, King of Ireland
(c.370 - d.)
King of Garthmadrun, Wales
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Lands Called Garthmadryn; . (Steven Ferry, may 4, 2021.)
See Peter Bartum, (February 8, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Cynan Garwyn ap Brochfael, Brenin Powys
(c.545 - aft.580)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 6, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Bartrum's "Pedigrees of the Welsh Tribal Patriarchs" #14 Mam Tudor Trefor; . (Steven Ferry, September 20, 2019....
Robert FitzHamon, Sieur de Creully, Lord of Gloucester & Glamorgan
(c.1050 - 1107)
Robert Fitzhamon (died March 1107), or Robert FitzHamon, Sieur de Creully in the Calvados region and Torigny in the Manche region of Normandy, was Lord of Gloucester and the Norman conqueror of Glamo...
Minna Canth
(1844 - 1897)
Kirjailija, tasa-arvon puolustaja
Canth, Minna (1844 - 1897) Daniel Nyblin 1887. SKS, Kirjallisuusarkisto.
Minna Canth on Suomen ensimmäinen huomattava naiskirjailija. Hän kirjoitti novelleja, pieno...
Rogneda of Polotsk
(962 - c.1002)
Rogneda of Polotsk ==* The Primary Chronicle names Rogned, daughter of Rogvolod Prince of Polotsk, recording that she at first refused to marry Vladimir, preferring his half-brother Yaropolk[80].* Rogn...
Rev. John Stovall, Sr.
(c.1706 - 1781)
John Stovall DAR Ancestor #: A110786
Birth: 1702 - Henrico, Virginia, USA
Death: July 9 1781 - Granville, North Carolina, USA
Parents: Bartholomew Stovall, Ann Burton
Married: Dorcas
No ...
NN poss Ermengarde de Tours
(aft.825 - d.)
Lothaire & his wife had eight children: ...* 3. daughter ([825/30]-). The Gesta Francorum records that "Gisalbertus, vassallus Karoli" abducted "filiam Hlotharii imperatoris" and took her to Aquitaine ...
Margery Webber
(1622 - 1672)
Rabbi Yekutiel Meshulam HaCohen Rappa, the 1st Rapoport
(c.1385 - c.1450)
Rap(p)aport, Rap(p)oport, Rappeport or Rapa Porto (Hebrew: רפפורט) is a family name from an ashkenazi (Jewish) Kohenitic pedigree. It takes its origins in the Rapa family of Porto Mantovano located in...
King Haakon Sigurdsson
(937 - 995)
Haakon II Sigurdsson Jarl (Old Norse: Hákon Sigurðsson, Norwegian: Håkon Sigurdsson), (died 995) was the son of Sigurd Haakonsson, Earl of Lade, and thus Trøndelag. Haakon claimed descent from the divi...
Suanehildis of Holland
(c.1020 - 1078)
m ---. The identity of the wife of Comte Emmo has not been established beyond doubt. The Annalista Saxo names "Bertrada, soror Suanehildis comitisse de castro quod dicitur Lon in Hasbania, cuius fili...
Nathaniel Loomis, Sr., Kg.Philip's War Vet.
(1626 - 1688)
Nathaniel Loomis
BIRTH 1626 Braintree District, Essex, England
DEATH 19 Aug 1688 (aged 61–62) Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut, USA
BURIAL Palisado Cemetery, Windsor, Hartford County, Con...
Marie de Ponthieu, Comtesse de Ponthieu
(1196 - 1250)
de Ponthieu (av.1199 † 1250), fut comtesse de Ponthieu de 1221 à 1250. Elle était fille de Guillaume II, comte de Ponthieu, et d'Adèle de France.Probablement sous l'influence de Philippe II Auguste, el...
Eleanor de Bohun, Countess of Ormonde
(1304 - 1363)
"Eleanor de Bohun, Countess of Ormond (17 October 1304 – 7 October 1363) was an English noblewoman born in Knaresborough Castle to Humphrey de Bohun, 4th Earl of Hereford and Elizabeth daughter of King...
Rohesia de Monmouth
(c.1130 - c.1181)
 Photo by Emily Higgins. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Usha_Vance,_official_portrait_(2025)_(cropped_reasonable).jpg
Usha Vance, Second Lady of the United States
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Usha Vance is an American lawyer who has been the second lady of the United States since January 20, 2025, being married to Vice President JD Vance. A former trial lawyer, she has also worked with just...
Pedro Ruíz de Castro "Alhastac"
(c.1230 - d.)
"...D. Pedro Ruiz de Castro, á quien llamaron los moros 'Alhastac,' porque era romo, conquistador de Cordoba, y muy celebrado en las historias de aquellos tiempos, que le llaman expresamente hermano de...
illegitimate daughter of Vladimir of Kiev
(c.971 - 1018)
...*15. [--- Vladimirovna . Baumgarten states that the wife of Markgraf Bernhard was the illegitimate daughter of Grand Prince Vladimir Sviatoslavich. He cites a single German secondary source, dated t...
Philip Harvey Evans
(1807 - 1880)
Residence : Jefferson, Adams, Ohio, United States - 1850* Residence : Ohio, United States - 1870* Residence : Old Town, Greenup, Kentucky, United States - 1880** Reference: FamilySearch Genealogy - Sma...
Richard Warren, "Mayflower" Passenger
(aft.1580 - 1628)
Richard Warren (c. 1580–1628) was a passenger on the Mayflower (old "May Floure") in 1620. He was born between 1580 and 1590 and died in Plymouth Colony in 1628. [1][2]
Parents: not known. See Christ...
Vinitharius "the Just", Warlord of the Ostrogoths
(c.325 - 400)
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Hungary:
VALARAVANS (Ostrogoth Generation 11)
Iordanes names "Valaravans" as the son of Vultwulf[36].
VINITHARIUS (Ostrogoth Generation 12)...
Lady Sibella Cathcart
LADY SIBELLA CATHCART [Note] Lady Sibella Cathcart [Note], here treated, is the daughter of John Cathcart, 2nd Lord Cathcart and his wife Margaret Douglas, of Drumlanrig . The Scots Peerage II: 512
Amadeus, Comte de Oscheret von Ivrea von Langres von Dijon, Conde Borgoña Italia
(c.790 - c.867)
- , son of --- (-after 827). He owned land as vassal of the abbey of Saint-Bénigne, and land at Lecey as vassal of the bishop of Langres. m ---. The identity of the wife of Amedée is not known. Amedée ...
(1034 - 1086)
See Peter Bartrum, (May 27, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Shropshire Walcot Family- Chart III: First Powys Dynasty; . (Steven Ferry, May 17, 2020.) This link shows Gruff...
Mathilda de Clermont, comtesse de Dammartin
(c.1138 - 1200)
de Clermont (-after [May/Jul] 1218). "…Matildis soror mea…" consented to the donation by "Radulfus…comes Clarimontis" to the abbey of Notre-Dame d'Ourscamp by charter dated 1162[153]. The primary sourc...
Drahomira of Stodor
(aft.882 - aft.935)
The Hevelli or Hevellians were a Slavic tribe who lived around the river Havel in the Havelland area of Brandenburg in eastern Germany from the 8th century onwards.The Hevelli built fortifications at B...
 Photo by Raphael Pour-Hashemi. CC BY 2.0. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Miley_Cyrus_Primavera19_-226_(48986293772)_(cropped).jpg
Miley Cyrus
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, United States
Miley Cyrus is an American singer, songwriter, and actor. She became a teen idol in 2006, starring in the Disney Channel television series Hannah Montana as the character Miley Stewart. Her father, mus...
Cecily Neville, Duchess of York
(1415 - 1495)
a short summary from Wikipedia:
Lady Cecily Neville
Duchess of York
Spouse: Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York
Anne of York, Duchess of Exeter
Edward IV, King of England
Edmund, Earl o...
Ann Cleveland
(c.1628 - 1682)
Biography Ann Winn, the daughter of Edward and Joanna Winn, was born in 1626, and died in 1682. She was probably born in England. The date of her death does not appear in the town records.[1], but it w...
Ken Matsudaira
Ken Matsudaira (松平 健, Matsudaira Ken, familiarly shortened as Matsuken, born November 28, 1953) is a Japanese actor and musician from Toyohashi, Aichi, Japan.[1] His real name is Sueshichi Suzuki (鈴木...
Mary II, Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland
(1662 - 1694)
Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia * Find a Grave * Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland: Reign13 February 1689 – 28 December 1694 together with her husbond William of Orange
Sir Henry "Hotspur" Percy
(1364 - 1403)
a short summary from Wikipedia:Harry Hotspur (Sir Henry Percy)Spouse: Lady Elizabeth MortimerIssue:Henry Percy, 2nd Earl of NorthumberlandLady Elizabeth PercyNoble family House of PercyFather: Henry P...