The Imperial School of Jurisprudence in St. Petersburg is one of the most prestigious institutions of higher education in pre-revolutionary Russia. The school was opened in December 1835 and already in 1840 the first graduation of 14 officials into the civil service took place. In total, over the years of the existence of the school until the beginning of 1918, more than 2,000 professionals wer...
Te Henui Cemetery, also known as New Plymouth Cemetery, is the oldest public cemetery in New Plymouth, New Zealand. It was first used in 1861. The cemetery is the resting ground for the last eight victims of Titokowaru's War (1869) and contains the Commonwealth war graves of 12 men who served in the First World War, and 19 men who served in the Second World War.World War I:* Private Henry Benne...
The New Zealand Wars are an indelible part of the history of Aotearoa and, as such, an ingredient in the shaping of national identity. The Battle of Gate Pā at Pukehinahina (puke hill, hinahina or mahoe tree) on 29 April 1864 was one of the few outright victories for Māori against the British and occurred during a period of great identity upheaval for Māori. Read the full article, Identity and ...
Vrij Nederland is ontstaan als verzetskrant tijdens de Duitse bezetting in de Tweede Wereldoorlog. De eerste uitgave verscheen op 31 augustus 1940. De naam was geïnspireerd op de radiozender Radio Vrij Nederland ( bron ). ‘Reeds enige maanden gevoelt de Nederlander behoefte aan een werkelijk Nederlandse krant, daar sedert de bezetting van ons land door de Duitse overweldiger, het grootste ged...
Het Scheveningse huis van bewaring bestaat al sinds 1919, maar na de capitulatie van Nederland werd het door de Duitsers in gebruik genomen als 'Deutsches Untersuchungs- und Strafgefängnis' en 'Kriegswehrmachtgefangnis.' Al snel werd de gevangenis 'Het Oranjehotel' genoemd, omdat er vooral verzetsstrijders werden vastgehouden voor ondervraging en proces omdat zij zich op welke manier dan ook ve...
This project is created to gather Geni profiles of persons who worked as watchmakers in Finland.
Municipality of Norrköping, East Gothland, Sweden This is a regional project in Geni for the Municipality of Norrköping , Sweden. Everybody who is interested in the history of the town or its residents is welcome to join the project. Once you have joined the project you can add profiles, photos, documents etc. of people who have resided here or who otherwise are related to the history of the to...
Project start 15.6.2018. Under constructionNote that the project is about the urban city of Lund, not the present municipality Lund in english is sometimes mentioned as the oldest town or city in present-day Sweden, although it has only been a formal Swedish city for 300 years of its at least thousand year long history. It's so old that its origins are unclear, but was presumably existing by th...
Stipendium "Ela ja sära" - on Eesti Kultuurikapitali 2000. aastast välja antav stipendium, et luua loomeinimestele tingimusi erialaseks pühendumiseks. Aastas antakse välja tavaliselt 16 stipendiumi, iga Eesti Kultuurkapitali valdkonna kohta kaks. Isikud 2000-2024 palume lisada koostöös Osa leiab siit:
Ka kaasprofessorid lisame siia.
POPISNA KNJIGA OKRUG JAGODINSKI, SREZ LEVAČKI 1863 GOD. Mesto: MALA DRENOVA 1. Jovan Stevanović , zemljedjelac, star 32 g., žena Milena 30 g., usinjeni pastorak Nićifor 17 g., pastorka Petkana 19 g. Nepokretno imanje: jedna kuća s dve zgrade s placom od 1 dana. Jedna njiva od 6 dana. Jedna livada od 4 kose. Jedan zabran od 2 dana. Jedan vinograd od 6 motika - 121 dukata cesarski. Od stoke, ze...
Montjuïc Cemetery, known in Catalan as Cementiri del Sud-oest or Cementiri de Montjuïc, is located on one of the rocky slopes of Montjuïc hill in Barcelona. Wikipedia PRIVACY DISCLAIMER: Only profiles that are deceased and public will be added into this project.
The University of Barcelona is a public research university located in the city of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. With 76,000 students, it is one of the biggest universities in Spain. It was established in 1450. It has 106 departments and more than 5,000 full-time researchers, technicians and research assistants, most of whom work in the 243 research groups as recognized and supported by the Gov...
The purpose of this project which is a subproject to Noble houses of Europe is to make a total overview of all the countries ruled by the house, and its rulers.== Wikipedia ==== Official website ==== Countries ruled by the house:==== County, Principality, and Duchy of Anhalt: c. 1100-1252 1863–1918 ==* Otto, Count of Ballenstedt ?-1123 Count of Ballenstedt and first Count of Anhalt * Albert "th...
Siia kogume Kommunismi mustadele kuritegudele kaasaaitajaid - Stalinistlikesse hävituspataljonidesse Eestis (1941) kuulunuid või nende kaastöölisi. Siia võib lisada ka juba 1940 bolševikega koostöös samalaadseid tegusid teinuid isikuid. Paljusid võib neist leida raamatust „Suvesõda Harjumaal 1941“ (Tartu 2015)
English Battles, Wars and Conflicts - Main Page The Battle of Trafalgar By Clarkson Frederick Stanfield 6em>===== Attribution - image by Clarkson Frederick Stanfield - [1], Public Domain, Wiki Commons The object of this project is to build a timeline of significant English Battles, Conflicts and events. The aim is to encourage the creation of supporting projects where these can be docume...
This projects goal is to document the participants in the Battle of Agincourt which occurred on Friday, 25 October 1415.* Le but de ce projet est recenser les acteurs de la bataille d'Azincourt qui eu lieu le vendredi 25 octobre 1415, pendant la guerre de Cent Ans.=== English ===* Henry V Commander * Edward of Norwich, 2nd Duke of York (Killed)* Michael de la Pole, 3rd Earl of Suffolk (Killed)*...
The Civil Guard in the Philippines was the branch of the Spanish Civil Guard organized under the Captaincy General of the Philippines and a component of the Spanish Army. It was disbanded after the Spanish–American War. This project includes people who served in the Carabinier Corps of Public Security (Spanish: Cuerpo de Carabineros de Seguridad Pública ) in the Philippines, whether Filipinos,...
The Distinguished Service Medal (DSM) is a military decoration of the United States Army that is presented to soldiers who have distinguished themselves by exceptionally meritorious service to the government in a duty of great responsibility. The performance must be such as to merit recognition for service that is clearly exceptional. The exceptional performance of normal duty will not alone ju...
Filppula Rippikirja = Philpula, Filppula • Valitse Toiminnot => Liity projektiin. • Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Merikarvian kylät Alakylä , Etelämaa , Filppula , Honkajärvi , Kangasniemi , Kasala , Köörtilä , Lammela , Lankoski , Lauttijärvi , Peippu , Riispyy , Tuorila , Ylikylä
Rahvusvaheline Revolutsioonivõitlejate Abistamise Organisatsioon - MOPR - Международная организация помощи борцам революции - МОПР * Siia lisage teada olevad Eesti / eestlastest liikmed 1922-1947 (1940-1941 oli neid palju, mitmed RO ja hävituspataljoni liikmed liitusid).
The Crimean War (October 1853 – February 1856) Image Right - Russo-French skirmish during the Crimean War 2em>===== By Anonymous plate - Public Domain, Wiki Commons The object of this project is to assemble Geni Profiles of people who were involved in the Crimean wars and share stories about them. The Crimean War was a conflict between the Russian Empire and an alliance of the French Em...
Rosemary Hall=Choate Rosemary Hall (often known as Choate; /tʃoʊt/) is a highly selective, private, college-preparatory, boarding school located in Wallingford, Connecticut. Its history, academic influence, and reputation make it one of the leading schools in the United States.It took its present name and coeducational system with the merger in 1971 of two single-sex establishments, The Choate ...
Cornell University= Cornell University ( /kɔrˈnɛl/ kor-NEL) is an American private Ivy League research university located in Ithaca, New York, United States. Founded in 1865 by Ezra Cornell and Andrew Dickson White, 1st President of Cornell University , the university was intended to teach and make contributions in all fields of knowledge—from the classics to the sciences, and from the theoreti...
Chabad Worldwide extends to communities across the globe, from Miami to Moscow, and from Mumbai to Basel. Chabad was founded in the late 18th century by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi . The Lubavitch branch takes its name from Lyubavichi, the Russian town where the group was based until the early 20th century. Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn , the sixth leader, fled war-torn Europe for New York in 194...