Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Province di Sondrio - Lombardia, Italy

    BORMIO - Deborah Compagnoni. CAMPODOLCINO - Catherine Levi. CHIAVENNA - Tognoni MORBEGNO TOVO S. AGATA - Foppoli VAL FURVA - 17 july 2022

  • De Vere Earls, Dukes and Barons (and their relatives when it applies)

    Gathering the De Vere profiles mainly because the De Vere family is an important part of our history. Edit: For more information, please go to: because it got 1035 profiles listed there (before somebody will tell me something about my project, I did a search on projects before starting it, that's why I did not see it listed since it's listed under surnames and people)

  • Lokalitet Åhus, Skåne, Sweden

    Åhus town, Skåne, Sweden Åhus was a danish town until 1658, when it became Swedish. Åhus is the second largest locality in Kristianstad Municipality, in the historical province of Skåne and in Skåne County, Sweden. It had 9,423 inhabitants in 2010, but the number triples during the summer due to tourists who come seeking the beaches and nature of the Helgeå and Hanöbukten area. Åhus is also ...

  • Fayette County, Kentucky

    Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Fayette County, Kentucky. Overview Fayette County—originally Fayette County, Virginia—was established by the Virginia General Assembly in June 1780, when it abolished and subdivided Kentucky County into three counties: Fayette, Jefferson and Lincoln. Together, these counties and those set off from them later in that decade separa...

  • Culpeper County, Virginia, USA

    At the time of European encounter, the inhabitants of future Culpeper County were a Siouan-speaking sub-group of the Manahoac tribe called the Tegninateo. Culpeper County was established in 1749, with territory partitioned from Orange County. The county is named for Thomas Colepeper, 2nd Baron Colepeper, colonial governor of Virginia from 1677 to 1683. In May 1749, the first Culpeper Court con...

  • Ojibwe, Ojibwa, Chippewa, or Saulteaux

    The Ojibwe, Ojibwa, Chippewa, or Saulteaux are an Anishinaabe people in what is currently southern Canada, the northern Midwestern United States, and Northern Plains. They are Indigenous peoples of the Subarctic and Northeastern Woodlands. According to the U.S. census, Ojibwe people are one of the largest tribal populations among Native American peoples in the United States. In Canada, they ar...

  • Red Lake Band of Chippewa

    The Red Lake Indian Reservation is home to the federally recognized Red Lake Band of Chippewa . It is unique as the only "closed reservation" in Minnesota. In a closed reservation, all land is held in common by the tribe and there is no private property.[4] The tribe claims the land by right of conquest and aboriginal title; they were not reassigned to it by the United States government.[4] Th...

  • Locality tree of Mänttä, Finland

    Mänttä on entinen kaupunki ja nykyään osa Mänttä-Vilppulan kaupunkia. Mänttä erotettiin Vilppulan itäosista omaksi kirkkoherrakunnaksi 1.5.1921 ja kunnaksi 1.1.1922 (1920). Mänttä kuului perustamisvaiheessaan osana Vilppulaa Hämeen lääniin. Ennen Vilppulan perustamista se kuului Keuruun pitäjään paitsi Ajostaipaleen kylän osalta Ruoveteen. Kun lisäät Mäntässä, Vilppulassa ja Mänttä-Vilppula...

  • Provincia di Prato, Toscana, Italy

    Cantagallo, Carmignano, Montemurlo, Poggio a Caiano, Prato, Vaiano, Vernio, 27 dec 2022

  • Kylä Ilola, Muolaa

    Suomelle kuuluessaan Ilola sijaitsi Muolaan eteläosassa Kivennavan ja Kanneljärven vastaisella rajalla noin 13 kilometriä Muolaan kirkonkylästä Kirkkorannasta lounaaseen. Sen naapurikyliä olivat Muolaan puolella lännessä Perkjärvi, pohjoisessa Sormula, koillisessa Harvola ja Soittola, Kivennavan puolella idässä Pamppala ja kaakossa Kaukolempiälä sekä Kanneljärven puolella etelässä Häme.Ilolan k...

  • Jewish families from Vlachovo Březí (Wällischbirken), Bohemia, Czech Republic

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Vlachovo Březí (Wällischbirken) in Bohemia, Czech Republic About: Vlachovo Březí (German Wällisch birches, also Wällischbirken, older even Welsch Birch [2] ) is a town of 1669 inhabitants (2006) in the Czech Republic . It is located nine kilometers north of Prachatice and belongs to prachatice district .

  • Potrebno pronaći unos u MKU, Danilo Kraljice

    Osobe iz župe Danilo Kraljice za koje vjerojatno postoji unos u MKU u periodu 1858. - 1895., ali još nije pronađen.

  • Jewish Families from Čkyně, Bohemia, Czech Republic

    The project seeks to assemble all of the Jewish families from the small town of Čkyně in Southern Bohemia. JewishGen Čkyně page Synagogue in Ckyne Ckyne Synagogue June 2013 Marriage permissions 1736-1783 , page 23 of Fond 291 (defunct!) Current: Židovská komise Praha Inv./přír. číslo: 12 Datace: 1718-1783 Obsah: Kniha svatebních konsensů 1718-1783, image 23/246 Current Czech Name...

  • Canadian Indigenous Peoples Portal

    First Nations====Inuit====Métis=====Links=== Naming Conventions ==Working Notes for ref only==Some Canadian TribesIncludes the Following Indian TribesAlgonkin Anicinape' Arapaho Assiniboin Atsina Bellabella Bellacoola Beothuk Family Chilliwack Chippewa Cowichan Cree Crow Dakota Etchaottine Etchareottine Etheneldeli Haida Hidatsa Huron Iroquois Kawchodinne Kitksan Kutchin Kutenai Kwakiutl Lilloo...

  • Provincia di Pordenone, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy

    BUDOIA Zambon Vialmin Gabbana CASARSA DELIZIA - Jacuzzi PORCIA - Battistlela SACILE - Zanette S. VITO TAGLAIMENTO - Bryan Cristante, Andreis, Arba, Aviano, Azzano Decimo, Barcis, Brugnera, , Caneva, , Castelnovo del Friuli, Cavasso Nuovo, Chions, Cimolais, Claut, Clauzetto, Cordenons, Cordovado, Erto e Casso, Fanna, Fiume Veneto, Fontanafredda, Frisanco, Maniago, Meduno, Montereale Valcel...

  • Suuri adressi 1899 - Suuri lähetystö

    Tämä projekti kokoaa Suuren lähetystön jäsenten Geni-profiilit. Pitäjittäin ja kaupungeittain oli koko maasta oli valittu 500 miehen lähetystö, joka lähti 13.–20.3.1899 viemään adressia keisarille. Lähetystön jäsenten ammattina tai asemana on mainittu muun muassa talollinen, tilallinen, rustitilallinen, maanviljelijä, pankinjohtaja, kreivi, kirja- tai muu kauppias, agronomi, kansakoulunopettaja...

  • The Lapland War 1944-1945

    Projektin tarkoituksena on koota yhteen Lapin sodan taisteluihin ja muihin suoriin sotatoimiin osallistuneiden, sankarivainajien ja siviiliuhrien profiilit Genissä. Jotta projektimme onnistuisi omalta osaltaan edistämään myös profiilien laadun kehittämistä Genissä, suosittelemme seuraavaa käytäntöä: 1. Kun liität henkilön profiilin tähän projektiin, tarkista, että profiilista ilmenee muillekin ...

  • Kylä Vuolenkoski, Iitti

    Vuolenkosken kylän asukkaiden projekti. Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Vuolenkosken kyläyhdistys ry Vuolenkoski ...lyhyt katsaus Vuolenkosken ja Koskenniskan kylien historiaan -"Vuolenkoskea pidetään myöhäiskeskiajan iittiläisistä kylistä suurimpana ja vahvimpana ja vuoden 1539 Hämeen maakirjassa Ruuhij...

  • Lodz Ghetto – גטו לודז׳

    The Łódź Ghetto (German: Ghetto Litzmannstadt ) was the second-largest ghetto (after the Warsaw Ghetto) established for Jews and Roma in German-occupied Poland. Situated in the town of Łódź and originally intended as a temporary gathering point for Jews, the ghetto was transformed into a major industrial centre, providing much needed supplies for Nazi Germany and especially for the German Arm...

  • Čvrljevo kod Šibenika

    Ovaj projekt je dio projekta Hrvatsko Rodoslovlje - Dalmacija - Čvrljevo kod Šibenika / Croatian Genealogy – Dalmatia, of Cvrljevo near Sibenik Ovaj projekt tj. potprojekt se odnosi na / This subproject is a related to Šibenik / Sibenik Ovaj projekt uključuje mjesto/ naselje: Čvrljevo / Cvrljevo , Hr | Hu * Lokacija / Location: Čvrljevo / Cvrljevo Trtar (vjerojatno star...

  • Saint Patrick's Cemetery, Middletown, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania

    This project is for those buried in Saint Patrick's Cemetery, Middletown, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. Find a Grave

4476-4500 of 72579 projects