Progenitors=See the parent Sicily Project for an explanation and criteria of the progenitors list Culotta* Culotta, Pasquale Imburgia* Imburgia, Frank ==Matrimoni==*1886-1895 Index
Mathias Klauk, proveniente de Theley, RP, emigrou ao Brasil aos 27.06.1846 com sua esposa Elisabeth Atz e três filhos: Anna, Jakob e Matthias. Com exceção do filho Matthias, a família Klauk estabeleceu-se em Lajeado, na Picada Forqueta, onde estão sepultados no Cemitério Católico. Já o filho Matthias Klauk casou-se em 1869, São José do Hortêncio, com Maria Seffrin, natural de São Leopoldo e f...
Un lugar para que todos los descendientes de esta familia podamos compartir información y hacer crecer nuestro árbol genealógico.
Inspireret af Tom Buk-Swienties bøger om 2. slesvigske krig og med udgangspunkt i "mine egne" veteraner fra de 2 slesvigske krige forsøger jeg her at skabe et projekt, som kan samle personlige historier op om de slesvigske krige. Velkommen ombord, der er plads til flere veteraner og flere hænder.Opbygningen af projektet er indtil nogen kommer på en bedre idé, at der her under opbygges en kronol...
Bakgrund=Jägarrörelsen uppkom spontant efter att Ryssland kungjorde 1914 sitt senaste förryskningsprogram som skulle mer eller mindre ämna att radera den finska identiteten. Ändamålet var att förbereda en framtida separering från Ryska riket.1895 stycken jägare påbörjade skolningen i Tyskland.Jägarna deltog i frihetskriget och utgjorde ryggraden i de vitas officers- och utbildarkår. Efter frihe...
Menachem Mendel Morgensztern of Kotzk , better known as the Kotzker Rebbe (1787–1859) was a Hasidic rabbi and leader. Born to a non-Hasidic family in Goraj near Lublin, Poland, he became attracted to Hasidim in his youth. He was known for having acquired impressive Talmudic and Kabbalistic knowledge at an early age. He was a student of Reb Bunim of Peshischa, and upon the latter's death attract...
Hartford is the capital city of the U.S. state of Connecticut. It was the seat of Hartford County until Connecticut disbanded county government in 1960. It is the largest city in the Capitol Planning Region, and core city of the Greater Hartford metropolitan area. Census estimates since the 2010 United States census have indicated that Hartford is the fourth-largest city in Connecticut with a 2...
Siia kuuluksid need eestlased, kes aegade jooksul Eestist välja rännanud suure Venemaa avarustesse ABIKS INFO LEIDMISEL: Eestlaste väljarändamise ajaloost August Nigol. Eesti asundused ja asupaigad Wenemaal. Lingid EESTI KOGUDUSED PETERBURI OBLASTIS ja mujal OTSIMISEKS Leningradi oblasti vähemusrahvuste elanike nimekirjad 1941-1944 Idakandieestlased "Ülem-Suetuki eestlaste küla...
Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Ringgold County, Iowa. Official Website Founded in 1847, the county is named after Maj. Samuel Ringgold, a hero of the Battle of Palo Alto fought in May 1846, during the Mexican-American War. Adjacent Counties Decatur County Harrison County, Missouri Worth County, Missouri Taylor County Union County Cities, Township...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Alpena County, Michigan. Official Website The county was created by the Michigan Legislature in 1840 as Anamickee County, then renamed in 1843 to Alpena County, a pseudo-Native American word — a neologism coined by Henry Schoolcraft , meaning "a good partridge country." This was part of a much larger effort to rename a great many of...
Randolph was a member of the American, Tennessee State, and Memphis and Shelby County bar associations, Shelby County Farm Bureau, Shelby County Soil Erosion Control Association, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Memphis Chamber of Commerce, and the Memphis University Club. His religious affiliation was with Grace-St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Memphis. Politically a Republican, in the 1920's he helped plan a...
Projektin tarkoituksena on koota yhteen Tuomas Laurentii Paldaniuksen jälkeläisten sukupuu. Taustaa Paldanius-nimen varhaisin kantaja Tuomas Laurentiin poika Samuel Thomae Paldanius (k. 1651) toimi Paltamon kirkkoherrana. Paltamo”on johdos sanasta ” palta ”, joka merkitsee ’rinnettä, rantapengertä’, joten siihen sukunimikin pohjimmiltaan palautunee. Sukunimi Paldanius on muodoltaan ns. suoma...
Dyeing is the process of adding color to textile products like fibers, yarns, and fabrics. Dyeing is normally done in a special solution containing dyes and particular chemical material. After dyeing, dye molecules have uncut chemical bond with fiber molecules. The temperature and time controlling are two key factors in dyeing. There are mainly two classes of dye, natural and man-made.The prima...
Olete teretulnud kõik need, kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. 'Projekt "Häädemeeste luteri kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. * ]
Varhaiset kirkonrakentajat ja ylimmät rakennusmestarit ovat mukana. Arkkitehtius eriytyi vähitellen rakennusmestariudesta. Tietoa arkkitehtien töistä saa profiilin "Lisätiedoista", missä on usein linkki wikipediaan. Tietoa myös Arkkitehtuurimuseosta: arkkitehdit . Suomen arkkitehdit ja kirkonrakentajat syntymävuosijärjestyksessä 1400 1400 . . " Pernajan mestari " wikipedia 1500 ...
Projekti on tarkoitettu kaikkien Terijoen Kuokkalan kylässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileille.Terijoki erotettiin Kivennavasta itsenäiseksi kunnaksi 1911.Ennen toista maailmansotaa Kuokkala oli Suomen Terijoen kuntaan kuulunut kylä ja Suomen suuriruhtinaskunnan aikaan ennen vuotta 1918 suosittu pietarilaisten kesänviettopaikka; Kuokkalan rautatieasema sijaitsee Pietarin radan varrella. Nimen R...
This subportal is part of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Portal and the Education in the United States Portal . Welcome to the Education in Massachusetts subportal! This subportal is part of the Education in the United States portal, which is in turn part of Geni's umbrella portal for all education-related projects. We hope this categorization makes things easier for you to find! If you hav...
The Royal Navy (RN) Founded in 1660>>"In times of conflict or peace, the Royal Navy is key to the prosperity of Britain and the stability of the high seas. Explore our role on the global stage."===== Images; Right - "Peter Pomegranate" sister ship of the "Mary Rose " Photo by Gerry Bye. Original by Anthony Anthony. - Anthony Roll as reproduced in The Anthony Roll of Henry VIII's Navy: Pepys Li...
Please do not edit in this project. If you have something you think need to be changed, you can contact me. Anette Guldager Boye Ragnar Lodbrog is a mythical Viking we only know from the sagas and there are various spellings of his name: Ragnar or Regnar. The same goes for his nickname: Lodbrog, Lodbrok, Lodbrock. However the oldest is Loðbrókawhich comes closest to the original name.He is most...
List of Explorers Exploration is the act of searching or traveling around a terrain (including space, see space exploration) for the purpose of discovery of resources or information. >> Please feel free to add to this project, or even create the framework for an Explorers and Navigators sub-project. How to add a link is explained in the attached document - Adding links to Geni profiles to proje...
The University of Bologna (Italian: Alma mater studiorum - Università di Bologna, UNIBO) is a research university in Bologna, Italy. Founded in 1088 by an organised guild of students (hence studiorum), it is the oldest university in continuous operation in the world, and the first university in the sense of a higher-learning and degree-awarding institute, as the word universitas was coined at i...
Tähän projektiin kootaan laivojen ja veneiden suunnittelijoiden, telakanjohtajien, laiva- ja venerakennusmestareiden ja erilaisissa alusten rakennustehtävissä toimineiden suomalaisten ammattilaisten profiilit Genissä. Kun liität henkilöprofiilin tähän projektiin, tarkista, että profiilisivulta löytyy tieto, miten henkilö liittyy tähän projektiin. Projektikuva: "Laivanrakentaja Suursaarella". ...
This subportal is part of the USA Portal and Education Portal . This is a subportal for all projects related to education in the United States . Please add your projects to their applicable subportal(s). Do not add profiles. By State States linked in bold have their own education subportals. Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | Florida |...
This subportal is part of the USA Portal . WASHINGTON "The Evergreen State" Washington (Listeni/ˈwɒʃɪŋtən/) is a state in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States located north of Oregon, west of Idaho, and south of the Canadian province of British Columbia on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Named after George Washington, the first President of the United States, the state ...