Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Grant County, North Dakota

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Grant County, North Dakota. Official Website The territory of Grant County was created on November 7, 1916 and is named after Ulysses S. Grant , the US President from 1869 to 1877. Adjacent Counties Adams County Hettinger County Sioux County Morton County Stark County

  • Italian Portal

    Buongiorno. Vorrei provare a concentrare in questa pagina risorse genealogiche italiane, possibilmente consultabili via internet, dato che risiedo in Irlanda, anche se sto cercando (come molti di noi, credo) di rintracciare informazioni sulla mia famiglia. Se avete informazioni su anagrafi e altri archivi consultabili tramite internet, vi pregherei di aggiungere le risorse in questa pagina. ...

  • Eesti sõjaväelased rahvusvahelistel sõjalistel operatsioonidel ja missioonidel alates 1995

    Eesti sõjaväelased rahvusvahelistel sõjalistel operatsioonidel ja missioonidel alates 1995 Kõik osalenud siia (võib teha alamprojekte riikide ja piirkondade ning aastate kaupa)

  • Village Ylijärvi, Säkkijärvi, Ylämaa - Village Project

    Joined in 1929 to the newly established Ylämaa municipality, which was merged into Lappeenranta at the start of 2010. Locality Project: Säkkijärvi Ylijärvi was the eighth largest village in Säkkijärvi, located in the remote areas of Ylämaa . It borders Lahnajärvi's Mättö to the north and Sirkjärvi and Ihaksela to the northwest, with Urpalanjoki river forming the western boundary, beyond which l...

  • Locality Jepua - Jeppo, Ostrobothnia, Finland

    Attention! Jeppo belonged to Nykarleby before 1870, so the affected profiles belong to the Nykarleby-project. Nykarleby ~ Uusikaarlepyy . Most of people in Jeppo before 1975 were Swedish speaking (84%).

  • Jewish families from Bezdružice (Weseritz), Bohemia, Czech Republic

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Bezdružice (Weseritz) in Bohemia, Czech Republic. See this excerpt from the Action Reconciliation Service for Peace project in Bezdružice: Report by Dietrich Erdmann, who worked with a work camp group in Bezdružice (Czech Republic) from May 29 to June 5, 2010 In the register documenting all the births, marriages and de...

  • Kapiteins in de familie

    Kapiteins --in zee- & binnenvaart-- in de familie bronnen - documentatie - bronnen NVKK : Ned. Ver. van Kapiteins ter Koopvaardij MKN : Maritieme Kring Nederland KVMO : Kon. Ver. van Marineofficieren - since 1883 zoektermen : kapitein - gezagvoerder - maritiem - zeevarende - koopvaardij - ===== ZUID-HOLLAND: Dordrecht ‧ Alblasserdam ‧ Nieuw-Lekkerland 1819-1869: Bro...

  • Jewish families from Přeštice (Prestitz), Bohemia, Czech Republic

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Přeštice (Prestitz) in Bohemia, Czech Republic. History Přeštice is a town of 6000 inhabitants, on the River Úhlava in the historic region of Bohemia. A Jewish presence is believed to have existed from ancient times and Dolní Lukavice, a village close to Přeštice, has a Jewish cemetery dating from the 15th century.Early J...

  • Republic of Dagestan

    Dagestan (Russian: Дагестан), officially the Republic of Dagestan, is a republic of Russia situated in the North Caucasus of Eastern Europe, along the Caspian Sea. It is located north of the Greater Caucasus, and is a part of the North Caucasian Federal District.

  • Belarus

    Belarus Belarus Project on ftDNA + GEDmatch Ancestor Projects (Surname, Geographical, Historical Roots) Brest Region Belarus, officially the Republic of Belarus, is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe. It is bordered by Russia to the east and northeast, Ukraine to the south, Poland to the west, and Lithuania and Latvia to the northwest. Belarus covers an area of 207,600 square kilometres...

  • Hungary Portal

    Welcome to the Hungarian Portal on Geni= This Hungarian Portal has been created to: * Link together existing Hungarian projects * Encourage new Hungarian projects to be created * Encourage collaboration between Hungarian-based Geni users, and Geni users worldwide who have Hungarian interests and connections * Promote and facilitate Hungarian genealogical research * Promote Hungary, its people, ...

  • 〜memorable〜history〜moments〜

    〜〜〜terribilis impetus〜〜भयानक हमलों〜〜ymosodiadau erchyll〜〜verskriklike aanvalle〜〜жахливих нападів〜〜vreselijke aanslagen〜〜שרעקלעך אנפאלן〜〜attentats terribles〜〜страшно напади〜〜d'attaque terribles〜〜φοβερές επιθέσεις〜〜các cuộc tấn công khủng khiếp〜〜mengerikan serangan〜〜ひどい攻撃〜〜ionsaithe uafásach〜〜خوفناک حملوں〜〜fruktansvärda attacker〜〜schrecklichen angriffe〜〜սարսափելի հարձակումները〜〜korkunç saldırılar...

  • Teachers in nine-year primary school in the current Finnish school system (1972-)

    Projekti on tarkoitettu peruskoulunopettajien henkilöprofiileille Genissä. Peruskoulu on yhdeksänvuotista perusopetusta antava yhtenäiskoulu, jossa lähes kaikki Suomen kansalaiset suorittavat oppivelvollisuutensa. Siirryttäessä peruskoulujärjestelmään 1970-luvulla lakkautettiin aiempi kansakoululaitos. Projektiin liittyminen: Valitse Geniin kirjautuneena ollessasi tällä sivulla Toiminnot > Liit...

  • True Crime Medieval

    One thousand years of people behaving badly True Crime Medieval is a podcast hosted by Anne Brannen and Michelle Butler. It appears biweekly, each episode focusing on a crime committed in Medieval Europe. Find us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and wherever else podcasts hang out. Show notes and transcriptions of episodes are available at -- and you can find direct links to the podcasts there, too....

  • Talot ja talonhaltijat, Haapajärvenkylä, Haapavesi

    Tämä on Paikkakunta Haapaveden aliprojekti ja Mieluskosken talonhaltijoiden sisarprojekti. Digitaalinen versio Suurpyhäjoen historia -teoksen kantataloluettelosta, sivut 665-681. Tässä projektissa on tarkoitus luetteloida Haapaveden Haapajärvenkylän kantatalot ja niiden haltijat. Taloluettelon rajavuodet ovat 1635-1870. 1. Marttala I (Tähtelä) 1635-1672 Lauri Heikinpoika 1673-1690 Tuomas ...

  • Asikkala, Riihilahden kylä

    Projekti on aloitettu 20.5.2020.==Tervetuloa yhteistyökumppaniksi== Asikkala, Riihilahden kylä -projektiin! (Toiminnot > Liity projektiin ) Kun lisäät kylässä asuneen henkilön profiilin projektiin, tarkista että syntymäpaikkatiedot ovat oikeassa kohdassa , mikä helpottaa jatkossa projektiin liitettyjen profiilien tarkastelua ja lajittelua (ks. ohje: paikkatiedon tallennus profiiliin ).Tärkeää o...

  • Kaponga Cemetery, Taranaki, North Island, New Zealand

    The small town of Kaponga was settled by Europeans in 1882, and has strong Swiss connections. The cemetery is located in Fitzgerald Avenue, off the main highway, Kaponga and there are 2 Commonwealth burials of the 1939-1945 war here.

  • CWGC: Cite Bonjean New Zealand Memorial, France

    The Memorial is located within Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery. Armentieres is a town in the department of the Nord, on the Belgian frontier, 14.5 kilometres north-west of Lille. From the town of Armentieres take the D945 to Estaires. Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery is signposted off this road just before Erquinghem-sur-la-Lys. Source: The memorial commemorates 47 officers and men of the New Ze...

  • Jewish Families from Svätý Jur (Pezinok), Slovakia

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Svätý Jur (Pezinok), Slovakia also known as Svätý Jur [Slov], Jur pri Bratislave [Slov, 1960-90], Szentgyörgy [Hun], Yergen [Yid], Sankt Georgen [Ger], Fanum Sancti Georgii [Lat], Sanctgeorgen. JewishGen-Svätý Jur (Pezinok) Family Search-Svätý Jur (Pezinok)

  • 16th Century British Politicians

    16th Century British Politicians Pictured right is Sir William Drury, of Hawstead , Suffolk (8 Mar 1550 – 1590) - English landowner and member of parliament. Image by Unknown artist – Artist - pAHoiuuRUtCdwA at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level, Public Domain, Wiki Commons It would be helpful if anyone adding profiles to this project could please also add them to the alphab...

  • Medelpad, Sweden

    Medelpad, Sweden=Medelpad is a province in the north of Sweden. It borders Hälsingland, Härjedalen, Jämtland, Ångermanland and the Gulf of Bothnia.The province is a part of Norrland and as such considered to be Northern Sweden, although the province geographically is located in the middle of Sweden. It is a common misconception that the name "Medelpad" ("middle land" or "middle ground") reflect...

  • Lycksele municipality, Lappland, Sweden

    Lycksele municipality, Lappland, Sweden=Parishes:* Lycksele socken och * Örträsks socken (från 1895).==Population centres:==* Lycksele* Hedlunda* RuskseleThis project group is newly started in October 2021. Please join!

  • Order of the State of Palestine

    The Order of the State of Palestine is the highest civilian order of the State of Palestine. It can be given to foreign dignitaries, kings, heads of state or government and persons of similar rank by the State of Palestine. Wikipedia

  • Families & farms on Brändö / Åland Islands

    This list is about the old farms of Brändö all that came back to Bråndö 1723 Location on the map Brändö in Wiki =Asterholma=>==Asterholma nr1, Pellas>* Jakob Jakobsson (1683-1764)>==Asterholma nr2, Tomases >* Göran Mattson (1660-1740)>* Tomas Tomasson (1725-1802)=Baggholma=>==Baggholma nr1, Södergård>* Per Göransson (1710-1786)>==Baggholma nr2, Norrgård>* Jöns Eriksson (1711-1778)

  • Potrebno pronaći unos u MKR

    Osobe za koje vjerojatno postoji unos u MKR na, ali još nije pronađen. Mogući uzrok je krivi datum rođenja.

5226-5250 of 72588 projects