Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Dickson-Cottrill Ancestors

    The ancestors of Ruby Naomi Dickson Cottrill (1911-1998) and Lester Beryl Cottrill (1912-1985) of West Virginia, United States Of America.

  • Historic Buildings of Stirlingshire, Scotland

    Historic Buildings of Stirlingshire == Historic County of Scotland >==Now Stirling which includes part of PerthshireSee Historic Buildings of Britain and Ireland - Main Page Image right - Stirling Castle

  • First Presbyterian Church, Gibson City

    A listing of all members of the 1st Presbyterian Church in Gibson City, IL with special emphasis on the "charter members".Church was organized October 28, 1871First church building was erected in Sept 1874-July 1875. Interior finished in stages and dedicated November 6, 1881.Existing church building was erected in 1902-03, at a cost of $18,879.00Dedicated, debt free, on April 5, 1903

  • Bleeding Kansas: New England Emigrant Aid Company

    In 1854 and 1855, a group of businessmen and clergymen from New England arranged a company to transport more than 2,000 Yankees to the disputed Kansas Territory, in hopes that they would be able to win the upcoming vote on whether to have Kansas become a free or slave state. The overall movement that inspired this idea was known as the "Kansas Crusade."Although they were relatively small in num...

  • Deaf Holocaust & Survivors

    Please visit at There were very terrible stories about the Deaf Holocaust and Deaf Survivors. Mitchell believe Hitler and Germany scientists have a very good records for the Deaf Holocaust names.Bernat Alexander - Deaf Holocaust ZILBERBERG - Deaf Holocaust MARKUS Nephew of Deaf midwife FALLENBAUM - Deaf Survivor . SARFATI - Deaf Survivor WACHTEL Deaf Survivor .

  • Bohdanowicze genealogy and DNA project: Grochowski, Rohatynski, Hulewicz, Hermanowski, Kijowski, Kormanicki

    Research of the descendants of Fedor Bohdan z Grochowca Grochowski - Junosza coat of arms (starosta of Przemysl in 1360).* His son Wasko z Wojutycz Wojutycki (castellan of Przemysl in 1382) was the founder of Hulewicz dynasty, which settled in Galicia and Volhynia.* The other son - Piehno Grochowski (starosta of Oleskо) was the founder of Grochowski, Hermanowski, Kijowski, Kormanicki dynasties....

  • Wiltshire - Main Page

    Wiltshire Mian Page == Historic County of England.===Related Projects>===== Wiltshire Burials >===== Wiltshire Famous People >===== Heytesbury, Wiltshire >===== Historical Wiltshire >===== Historic Buildings of Wiltshire >===== Wiltshire Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries & Graveyards >===== People Connected to Wiltshire

  • Sons Of Jamaica Roll of Honor

    To Honor Our Solders This Project is a Subgroup of Jamaica Graves And list Jamaicans and others of the Caribbean who Died fighting for our freedom. In the 113 years between 1702 to 1815, five major wars were fought, covering a period of 56 years, and in all these the islands were closely involved. The War of 1776 was quite different from the earlier ones. It was the first war of independence to...

  • Virginia Local Defense (CSA), US Civil War Project

    Virginia Local Defense=This is an umbrella project for all of the Virginia Local Defense Units. See the Related Projects for details. Point Of Contact For This Page: Donald Colvin

  • Phi Eta Mu

    Fraternity Phi Eta Mu (ΦΗΜ) is a fraternity founded in Puerto Rico in 1923 at the University of Puerto Rico now University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus.[citation needed] All its founders were Puerto Ricans, born on the island of Puerto Rico.

  • 1918 lnfluenza Pandemic - New Zealand: Survivors

    1918 Influenza Pandemic - New Zealand: Survivors

  • Mobile, Alabama Mayors

    Mayors of Mobile, AlabamaPresidents of Mobile (01) 1814–1815: James Innerarity (02) 1815–1816: Lewis Judson (03) 1816-1817: James Innerarity (04) 1817-1818: Daniel Duvol (05) 1818-1819: Samuel H. Garrow Mayors of Mobile (01) 1819–1820: Daniel Duvol (02) 1820–1822: Addin Lewis (03) 1822–1823: John Elliott (04) 1823–1824: Addin Lewis (05) 1824–1827: Samuel Garrow (06) 1827–1829: John Everett (07)...

  • Ordførere på Utsira

    Utsira ble skilt ut som egen kommune fra Torvastad på Karmøy i 1924. Sivert Helgesen ble valgt til vår første ordfører. Dette prosjektet har til hensikt å vise litt fra Utsira Kommune sitt politiske liv. Styre og stell i øykommunen fra 1934 og fram til i dag, Oversikt over ordførere i Utsira Kommune: * 1924-1925 Sivert Helgesen geni[ Sivert Martin Helgesen ]* 1926-1928 Åsa Helgesen - Norges før...

  • Ancestry project 4 my skool by aiyana age 10 hi yall

    well can any of u dude or dudettes hwelp me wit my ancestry porjcect plz thx so much just contact me here or at thx so much yall hers wat i hav 2 do*Interview 4ppl in my fam*Plan to meet someone who u havent seen at all in a long time*Find out wat countrys or tribes ur ancestors r from*Make a list of everybody in ur fam dat u and ur rents no of*Find out if someone in ur fam...

  • Earls of Bridgewater

    Scope of project ==This project identifies the Earls of Bridgewater.== History ==The earldom was first created in 1538 for Henry Daubeny, 9th Baron Daubeny. The Daubeney family descended from Elias Daubeny, who in 1295 was summoned by writ to the Model Parliament as Lord Daubeny. The eighth Baron was created Baron Daubeny by letters patent in the Peerage of England in 1486 and was also made a K...

  • Jewish Families from Tarnorudka, Ukraine

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Tarnorudka, Ukraine, also known as Tarnoruda. Gesher Galicia - Tarnorudka

  • Jewish Families from Erbenheim (Hessen), Germany

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Erbenheim (Hessen), Germany. Please refer also to Bierstadt. JewishGen-Erbenheim (Hessen)

  • Freyenmuth Family

    Alte, ab 1421 in Wigoltingen belegte, ab 1501 auch in Wellhausen (heute Gem. Felben-Wellhausen) verbürgerte, heute nur noch in ihrem Frauenfelder Zweig (1878) fortlebende ref. Thurgauer Familie. Der Zürcher Zweig (ab 1551) ist ebenfalls erloschen. Die F. stellten während Jahrhunderten Dorf- und Kirchenbeamte, bevor sie mit Johann Conrad ( -> 1) zu Beginn des 19. Jh. einen bedeutenden Thurgauer ...

  • Dynastic Name Progenitors

    A fun project to identify and illustrate the earliest origins of the most illustrious dynastic names=========If you don't agree with the selections or information provided, please discuss!=====.==Bourbon==* Progenitor : Aimon I, sire de Bourbon - born c900-905, died after January 954* Parents : Adhémar de Souvigny x Ermengarde* Dynasties : Bourbon, Orléans* Descendants : Kings of Navarra, Franc...

  • Neely Family - 1907 - William Miles Neely

    WILLIAM MILES NEELY ‘Miles’ or ‘Red’ May 13, 1907 - May 18,1987; 80 years old "I can do what has to be done" 'By Mary Frances Neely King William Miles Neely was born in Nolan County, Texas, near the town of Wastella (which had been named for his older sister Wastella). Blessed with his mother's flaming red hair and eight living older brothers, he began life needing to prove himself. As a self d...

  • Arledge Family History Project

    This project is for all the descendants of the Aldridge-Arledge family whose American experience began in Northumberland County, Virginia in the 1660s and has spread across America in the intervening 350 years.The project began in 1997 when a group of Arledge researchers discovered each other online and began sharing information about "their" branches of the Arledge family.In the years that fol...

  • County Cavan, Ireland - Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards

    Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards of County Cavan=====Republic of Ireland Image Right - Kirkmore Churchyard, County Cavan The aim of this project is to gather together information regarding cemeteries and graveyards in the county which either have available transcriptions or have been photographed and transcribed. Please update the project by adding links to any available m...

  • Jondalen

    Presentasjon av garden Jondalen (studentoppgave av Aslaug Jegleim): Løpenr 545a, gnr. 48 bnr. 23 Høgt og fritt oppe i åskanten, 750 m.o.h. med utsyn over store delar av Øygardo og Grønliane finn me fjellgarden Jondalen. Mot vest har ein godt utsyn over Hemsedalsfjella,"Storehødn" og "Veslehødn" med det karakteristiske "brudesløret", eit elveleie på 5-7 elvar som renn ved sida av kvarandre ned f...

  • Rosalia "Rose" Aprile Rosaria A Jensen

    Some family trees and profiles are not accurate and Birth was 1889. Death was not in Cleveland and she married Christopher Espinosa in Iowa, lived in Omaha, NB and buries in Iowa with him.Please contact me to correct your family tree

  • Huntingdonshire - Main Page

    Huntingdonshire == Historic County of England.===Related Projects>=====] People Connected to Huntingdonshire >=====Huntingdonshire Famous People >===== Huntingdonshire Genealogical Resources >===== Historical Huntingdonshire >===== Historic Buildings of Huntingdonshire >===== Huntingdonshire Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries & Graveyards

55201-55225 of 72164 projects