Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • מפגש משפחתי

    שלום רב, אתמול בשבעה נוצר לי הרושם, שכדאי לארגן מפגש משפחתי כולל של הבלמסים, אשמח לקבל טלפונים של אנשי קשר רלוונטיים למפגש כזה. צריך להחליט על אופי המפגש ותאריך יעד , האם באזור שבועות או מאוחר יותר? באיזה היקף, נכדים של סבא יוסף? נינים? או פתוח לכל המעוניין? (ילדים של הנשים מבעלים אחרים וכו') תנוחמו מהשמים יובל 052-5572010

  • Son of Sanjay Sinha

    Arihant Sinha

  • Dados e Fatos sobre a Ascendência de Isabel Fernandes Moreira

    Como cheguei a ascendência de Isabel Fernandes Moreira, dados e documentos.1 - No livro da Família não temos muitas informações sobre a matriarca, apenas o nome dos seus pais José Fernandes Moreira e Maria Magdalena de Vasconcelos. Seus avós paternos com poucas informações, que são da família Araújo Chaves dos Inhamuns e da família Moreira da Paraíba. Magdalena vínculo com a família do Visconde...

  • South African Stamouers/Progenitors - Prisoners and bandits

    Under construction. Link the Prisoners and bandits who came to the Cape of Good hope.

  • Clan Arbuthnott

    Clan Arbuthnott=> * Crest/Badge A peacock's head couped at the neck * Gaelic Name: Obar Bhuadhnait* Motto: Laus Deo ("Praise be to God")* Origin of Tartan: registered by Lord Lyon in 1962, based on Black Watch tartan* Name Variations: * Lands Kincardineshire; Aberdeenshire* Seat: Arbuthnott House* Clan Chief: The Rt. Hon John Arbuthnott The 16th Viscount of Arbuthnott ===Origins of the name==...

  • Battle of Degsastan

    Battle of Degsastan=The battle of Degsastan/Daegsastane was probably the start of the process of anglicisation the South of Scotland. * Date 603* Location Not known although There are three claimants as the site of this battle:>># Dalston, Carlisle

  • Obitelj Zrinski/Zrínyi/House of Zrinski

    The Zrinski family was a Croatian noble family, influential during the period in history marked by the Ottoman wars in Europe in the Kingdom of Croatia and Hungary and in the later Austro-Hungarian Empire. Notable members of this family were Bans (viceroys) of Croatia, considered national heroes in both Croatia and Hungary, and were patriculary celebrated during the period of romanticism; this ...

  • Kirpekar Family

    I am Subhash Shivram Kirpekar, My father was doctor, sfter having served in Indian Medical Services with British Army before India,s independance he started his practice at Nagpur. He expired in 1955. My eldest brother is Chintaman, then Sanjeev kumar and after me Viswas. We hhad one sister who was doctor married to Krisnarao Sapre. Both have expired about two years back. I want to search for g...

  • Drugeth

    family==---------------------------------------- {Vol. III.} Drugeth family see: p.398-405

  • Battle of Corbridge

    Battle of Corbridge=The Battle of Corbridge was important in deciding the fate of the Viking kingdom of Northumbria and the English earldom of Bamburgh. Please join the project and add information if you can. >>>>>>>> HELP is always welcome - Please get involved!! ===Contributions welcome - but please do not copy and paste Wiki!!==Date: >913-918==Location:>Corbridge. Northumberland==Result> Ind...

  • Salley`

    Jean Salle: born near the beginning of the 17th century in Courteid, France. He is the first Salle' family member traced back to on record. ] Jean married Suzanne Mestey , they had a son name Jean also, he was baptised on March 28, 1625. The family were protestants, known then as, " French Huguenots". These French protestants were persecuted by the catholic church and they left France and in St...

  • The Children's Friend Society - Ships to South Africa - Charles Kerr

    The Children's Friend Society Ships=See Main Project Page - The Children's Friend Society ===To participate in any project===- you do need to first be a collaborator - so please join the project using the request link under "actions" at the top right of the page. Visit Geni Wikitext, Unicode and images which gives a great deal of assistance. See the discussion Project Help: How to add Text to a...

  • משפחה אחת גדולה

    המשפחה הגדולה שלי 1 ניב כץ נולד 17.3.1991

  • kranskotarn

    Var kan man komma åt uppgifter om släkten när det tydligen saknas kyrkböcker? Jag är pensionär och har inte råd att köpa alla släktforskningsprogram som finns. Som bekant är dom inte precis gratis.

  • Breslauer Family of Wroclaw, Poland

    We started this collaborative project on November 18, 2012 and welcome participation from all family members. Adam Brown and Andrew Klein

  • 1820 Settlers - Private Parties aboard the Garland

    1820 Settlers - Private Parties aboard the Garland= Not in M D Nash's Settler's Handbook ==References =====1. LEIGH, John (Independent Settler), 1820 Settler ======2. 1820 ===The aim of this project is to link profiles on Geni to the names in the list, and to expand notes about individuals - mostly on the Profile page in the "About Me" field, or here if no profile exists.The aim of...

  • Quilters-gilde Nederland

    Quiltersgilde Nederland -Groningen-* Quiltgroep van 't Vinkhuys -Friesland- -Drenthe- -Overijssel- -Gelderland- -Utrecht- -Noord-Holland- -Zuid-Holland- -Zeeland- -Noord-Brabant - -Limburg- - ==Quilters & Quiltsters* Mies BOEREMA* Gerda ROEST - Hooglanderveen*==Musea met Quilts* Spakenburg - Klederdracht-/-visserij-museum Kerkstraat 20-achter Noorderkerk-*

  • Edmund Rice Descendants- Quintuple

    This project is for descendants of Edmund Rice with at least 5 lines of descent.Couples whose descendants would have at least 5 lines of descent: Robert Alonzo Drury and Alice Katherine Fuller Abel Rice and Mary Howe Bigelow

  • L'Isle-Verte, Québec, Canada

    Aperçu ~ Overview =L'Isle-Verte sur la ( carte ~ map )=Toponymie ~ Toponymy =* « L'Isle-Verte » : Nom utilisé depuis la seigneurie de L'Isle-Verte dans les années 1700s-1800s, et même avant par les jésuites. Nom toujours utilisé pour la municipalité courante.* « Saint-Jean-Baptiste-de-l'Isle-Verte » :** Nom de la paroisse depuis 1713.** Ce nom fut aussi utilisé par une municipalité qui s'est sé...

  • Fazil Suhaimi Talib; Arifin Abdul Latif

    In Search of the 'Real' Tok Ngah Jabar (Jabor), Perak's Dato' Panglima Kinta VII

  • Jackson Family of Georgia

    Description: ==Trying to meet and find out more about the Jackson, and other related families originating in (Washington County), Georgia, USA.Share your family history and tree with other relatives or could be relatives.== The Different Jackson Branches ==== Links and References

  • Russia ‧ 2016 ‧ Summer Olympics

    Russia ‧ 2016 ‧ Summer Olympics ==l'Equipe Olympique ======alphabetical—A—* —B——C— —D— —E— —F— —G— —H— —I— —J— —K— —L— —M— —N— —O— —P— —Q— —R— —S— —T— —U— —V— —W— —X— —Y— —Z—======atletiek• ♀ ‧ • ♂ ‧

  • Scheepswerf Boele Bolnes

    Scheepswerf BOELE in Bolnes 1839-1987Boele Shipyards and engineering co. ltd.Scheepswerf Boele in Bolnes was van 1839 tot 1987 in bedrijf. De gebroeders Arie en Jan Pot startten in 1839 een scheepswerf die overgenomen werd door Cornelis en Pieter Boele in 1854. In 1954 werd het 100 jarig bestaan gevierd. Motorschip Hollands Dreef was het 1000 ste schip te water op 17 mei 1962.Ir. Anton Kuiper w...

55276-55300 of 72164 projects