Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Ugrinović

    Ugrinović (Ugrinovich, Ugrin, Ugrun, Ugrinović Korjenić)== Hr Ugrinići ili Ugrinovići (lat. Vgrinich de Rog de genere Subich, Wgrinovich, Vgrinich de genere Subichiorum de Rog, Wgrinowich de Rogh, Ugrinowitsch i Wgrinowyth) [1], hrvatska velikaška obitelj, odvjetak knezova Bribirskih iz roda Šubića. Utemeljitelj obitelji je bribirski knez Ugrin (o. 1300.), sin kneza Vukeše, praunuka bribirskog ...

  • Obitelj pl. Cindro

    RODOSLOVLJE OBITELJI CINDRO Ovo je projekt rodoslovnog stabla obitelji Cindro Hr | En (not available) from wikipedia Obitelj Cindro - podrijetlo Cindro (Cindre, Cindri, de Cindris, Cindrić), splitska patricijska obitelj, podrijetlom iz Poljica čiji su članovi obavljali različite službe u Splitu te sudjelovali u javnom životu grada. Obitelj je stanovala u gradskoj četvrti sv. Martina, u sjeverno...

  • Hallein Displaced Persons Camp

    The purpose of this project is to collect all of the profiles of displaced persons or Holocaust Survivors who were residents of the Hallein Displaced Persons Camp. This camp was located in Hallein , Austria.==History of the camp==Hallein was the site of a work camp annex to the Dachau concentration camp during World War II. After the war, it was the site of a permanent Displaced Persons camp (B...

  • Jewish Families from Roman, Romania

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from Roman, Romania.

  • Obitelj pl.Maroli (de Marulis, Marulić)

    RODOSLOVLJE OBITELJI MAROLI (de Marulis, Maruli, Maroli, Marul, Marulić)Ovo je projekt o povijesti, podrjetlu i rodoslovlju splitske obitelji prezimena Marulić (de Marulis)Oblik ovog prezimena glasio je najprije de Marulis, zatim Maruli, te od 18. stoljeća Maroli. Nositelj prezimena je jedna od najstarijih splitskih plemićkih obitelji, koja je iznjedrila Marka Marulića , oca hrvatske književnos...

  • Grahams on the South Carolina Jury List, 1737-1783

    Back up to Graham Name Study, USA Back up to Graham Name Study, South Carolina . . .Year, Co., J, Name*1737, 1, 2, Collin Graham , -, 3, Collin Graham , 1, 2, Mungo Graham , 1, 3, Mungo Graham , 1, 1, James Graham*1767, 1, 2, James Graham*1767, -, 3, James Graham*1777, -, 2, James Graham*1783, 27, 2, David Graham See photos in this project for full text of the document. For Counties see P...

  • Template for a Project About A Family Name in South Africa

    This project is designed to collect Research Information, Discussions, Queries etc on the Insert Surname here family of South Africa. Please also come and join us on our [Insert link & Surname here Facebook Page].=Core profiles=* *=Overview of Family History / Progenitor Details= If you have it; add it here, otherwise delete this section until you've got enough to put into it. = Queries & Discu...

  • Рушкуль

    Проект посвящен изучению семьи Рушкуль

  • Cletrac and Oliver Crawler Tractor employees

    Former employees of the Cleveland Tractor Company (Cletrac) and the Cleveland plant of the Oliver Corporation. Project under construction.

  • Interlinked Jewish families of Ottawa, Canada

    This project is to discuss the interlinked Jewish families of Ottawa. Over the last few weeks, I have linked up several disparate geni trees of Ottawa based families. In the 60s and 70s and earlier, the Ottawa community was small (it is still of moderate size), so it is inevitable that many families link up by marriage, and in fact most families would have some sort of connection once you get t...

  • Название

    Имелась Тихвинская церковь, в ней крестили Диомида ( Деомида) , венчалась его мать Александра Алексеева , дядя Дмитрий Алексеев, сводная сестра Пелагея Порфирьева и есть записи про предков

  • Полюбинские

    Полубинские — княжеский, ныне утративший титул, род герба Ястрженбец, происходящий, по мнению старых польских геральдиков, от Андрея-Вигунта Ольгердовича, кн. литовского. Первым упоминается из этого рода кн. Андрей П., в конце XV в. Один из его сыновей, кн. Василий († 1550), был маршалком великого княжества Литовского и старостой мстиславским, а другой, Андрей († 1556) — маршалком королевским. ...

  • Kielce Pogrom

    The Kielce Pogrom was an outbreak of violence against the Jewish community centre' gathering of refugees in the city of Kielce, Poland on 4 July 1946 in the presence of the Polish Communist armed forces (LWP, KBW) which resulted in the killing of 42 Jews. Polish Communist courts later tried and condemned nine people to death in connection with the incident. Numerous academic sources assert that...

  • New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery

    New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery is located in Boscawen, New Hampshire. Find a Grave

  • Jewish Families from Przysucha, Poland

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Przysucha, Poland.

  • Jewish Families from Gowarczów, Poland

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Gowarczów, Poland.

55826-55850 of 72161 projects