Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • האסון בהילולת רבי שמעון בר יוחאי (1911)

    ה אסון בהילולת רבי שמעון בר יוחאי אירע בליל ל"ג בעומר של שנת ה'תרע"א, 15 במאי 1911, כאשר קהל רב גדש את מתחם קבר רבי שמעון בר יוחאי בהר מירון בארץ ישראל העות'מאנית. מעקה שעליו נשענו אנשים רבים התמוטט, וקרוב למאה איש נפלו מגובה של כ־7–8 מטרים אל החצר למטה. רקע העלייה השנתית לקברו של רבי שמעון בר יוחאי בל"ג בעומר בעת החדשה ידועה לראשונה מן המאה ה־17, אז החלו לערוך ביקור והילולה המונית על הקבר....

  • Obitelj Karaman (Caraman)

    RODOSLOVLJE OBITELJI KARAMAN (Caraman) Ovo je projekt o povijesti, podrjetlu i rodoslovlju splitske obitelji prezimena KARAMAN (Caraman) , splitska građanska obitelj podrijetlom iz Poljica. Prvi pripadnik obitelji Karaman u Splitu, je Marko Bilinić iz primorskih Poljica, vjerojatno Jesenica, u vrelima je zabilježen 1652. Pripadnici splitskoga ogranka obitelji u XVII. i XVIII. st. nastanili su s...

  • Islas del Caribe Portal

    El siguiente portal abre El Paso a resumir en un solo proyecto todos los subportales de las islas del Caribe.

  • Solomon Briks

    Build the family tree

  • Jewish Families from Gröningen (Sachsen-Anhalt), Germany

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Gröningen (Sachsen-Anhalt), Germany also known as Groetzingen, Karlsruhe-Grötzingen. JewishGen-Gröningen (Sachsen-Anhalt)

  • Er.P 2

  • MorningStar Community Church Family Tree

    This is a group of members of MorningStar Community Church in Salem, Oregon.

  • Jewish Families from Burgkunstadt, Germany

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Burgkunstadt, Germany. JewishGen-Burgkunstadt

  • Felix Fuld

    I am writing about Felix Fuld, partner with Louis Bamberger in the Bambergers & Co. department store of Newark NJ. Welcoming any and all information related to Felix Fuld and the people he surrounded himself with including Louis Bamberger and Frank Liveright. Thank you in advance.

  • Ulbinai

    Giminės lizdas yra Kijučiai (Eišiškės). Turtingi valstiečiai. Didelė, bet endogamiška giminė kur gan įprasta praktika buvo imti į žmonas tolimesnes puseseres. Ar tai susiję su lokacijos izoliacija, ar su noru nešvaistyti turto kraičiams su pašaliečiais - dar neaišku. Aišku, kad labai sunku suvesti galus, kai visur panašūs vardai ir vienoda pavardė.

  • Stonewall Confederate Cemetery

    The Stonewall Confederate Cemetery is the last resting place for over 3000 Confederate soldiers who died in the fields and hospitals around Winchester, Virginia. Dedicated in 1866, it is part of the Mount Hebron cemetery complex and is the final resting place for such famous soldiers as General Turner Ashby (and his brother) and General Robert Johnson. Separated into smaller sections, one for e...

  • Chmielnik - Harris

    The Chmielnik - Harris tree . Add the Chmielnik/Harris profiles you manage, so we can perform merges and build the tree together!

55876-55900 of 72159 projects