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Averbuch Genealogy and Averbuch Family History Information

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  • Adil, Udil (Eidel) (Della) Averbuch, 1st Breslaver dau. (bef.1787 - 1864)
    Rabbi Nachman's first child, was born in Ossatin in ac.. 1787. She was named after the Rebbe's grandmother, the Baal Shem Tov's daughter. In 1800, Adil was married to Rabbi Yoske, the son of Rabbi Avr...
  • Freyda Chana Averbug (c.1877 - 1923)
    Born around 1877 in Kishinev to Mikhel and Leya Brik, from the prominent Brik merchant family. Granddaughter of Abram Brik, who established the family wood factory and money exchange business in Kishin...
  • Odel Eidel Auerbach (c.1775 - 1868)
    בתו השלישית של רבי ברוך ממז'יבוז', מרת אדל, אשת רבי יעקב פנחס אויערבך מלעטשוב, בנו של רבי אברהם דוב אויערבך מחמעלניק, חתנו של ר' יעקב יוסף מאוסטרהא, בעל התולדות יעקב יוסף, ומגדולי תלמידיו של הבעש"ט. הו...
  • AVERBUCH (deceased)

About the Averbuch surname

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