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  • Aaron Broide A.B.D. Kalwarija and later dayan Vilnius (1715 - c.1798)
    "... in the small town of Kalvaria, near Suwalki, there was a Jewish settlement led by Rabbi Aaron Brody 250 years before Jews came to Suwalki..." And about Zelig Reuven Bengis , his wife, Shayna, was...
  • R' Aryey Lieb Braude, A.B.D. Lvov (1840 - 1928)
    Leib of Lwów (1840–1928) married Ḥana, the daughter of Tsevi Hirsh Orenstein, the rabbi of Brisk. After the authorities became aware of the fact that Orenstein was not a Russian citizen, the latter was...
  • Ha'Gaon Ha'Adir Reb Avraham (Eshel Avraham) Broda (1645 - 1717)
    Broda, Avraham ben Sha’ul (ca. 1650–1717), rabbi and Talmudist. Born in Prague, Avraham ben Sha’ul Broda studied in Poland with Yitsḥak ben Ze’ev Ḥarif, later chief rabbi of Kraków. Returning to Bohe...
  • Sir Israel Brodie (1895 - 1979)
    (another possible death date is 13 February 1979 ???) Rabbi of The United Kingdom
  • Moishe Moses Broda (Brod) (c.1680 - 1741)
    Rabbiner in Hanau, Bamberg, WormsMany books show Moshe to be the son of Rechla Ulmo (second wife), but this is completely wrong. In his introduction to Eshel Avraham, Moshe specifically mentions Lippma...

About the Braude surname

Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic): Germanized form of Yiddish Broyd, the Jewish name for the town in Moravia called Ungarisch Brod in German and Uhersky Brod in Czech.