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Brubacher Genealogy and Brubacher Family History Information

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  • Deacon Abraham Blosser Brubaker (1814 - 1883)
    Birth: Feb. 16, 1814 Death: Jul. 19, 1883Family links: Parents: Jacob Hess Brubacher (1788 - 1854) Mary Elizabeth Blosser Brubacher (1797 - 1830) Spouses: Barbara Shirk Brubaker (1817 - 1855)* Lydia ...
  • Rev. Abraham Eshleman Brubacher, II (1774 - 1850)
    Birth: Sep. 10, 1774 Churchtown Lancaster County Pennsylvania, USADeath: Sep. 15, 1850 Lancaster County Pennsylvania, USAAbraham was the son of Abraham Herr Brubacher and Magdalena Eshleman. Accordin...
  • Rev Abraham M. Brubacher, Sr. (1696 - 1753)
    Marriage to Maria Herr: (21 Feb 1722 — Age: 26) .Abraham was a Mennonite deacon in 1732 in the Ibersheim congregation. In 1738 he was living at Ibersheim listed next to his brother Hans Jacob Brubacher...
  • Abraham Ernst Brubaker (1723 - 1804)
    In the profile picture, the pioneer Abraham Brubaker was buried. His grave was marked with a sandstone without any dates or inscription. The old part is on the east and most of the graves are marked w...

About the Brubacher surname

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