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FitzRichard Genealogy and FitzRichard Family History Information

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  • Adela of France, countess of Flanders (1009 - 1079)
    Adela of France, known also as Adela the Holy or Adela of Messines; (1009 – 8 January 1079, Messines), was, by marriage, the duchess of Normandy (January – August 1027), and countess of Flanders (1035–...
  • Alice de Essex (aft.1093 - aft.1185)
    From MedLands: =a) ADELISA ([1105]-after 1185). Leland quotes a Vere manuscript which names "Albericus de Ver pater meus…Adeliza filia Gilberti de Clare" and "Adeliza de Estsexa, filia Alberici Ver et ...
  • Amice (Amuria) de Betham (born FitzRichard) (c.1190 - d.)
    Name might be Amuria. Ralph de Betham mentioned above had a son, Thomas, who married Amuria, daughter of Richard Fitz-Roger, lord of Wood Plumpton, in Lancashire. Their eldest son, Ralph de Betham, was...
  • Bertha FitzRichard (1105 - 1167)
    Medlands: English Lords A–C :— iv) BERTHA (-after 1167). A charter dated to [1127] records that "Ricard Pontii filii" granted the manor of " Lechia " to " Mathildi uxori mee in matrimoniu " in exch...
  • Geoffrey de Brionne, Count of Eu & Brionne (aft.953 - bef.1015)
    de Brionne (Crispin), comte d'Eu (Geoffrey, Godfrey or Goeffroy de Brionne), illegitimate son of Richard Duke of NormandyParents: Richard I Sans-Peur, Duke of Normandy, and a mistress (not his wife Gun...

About the FitzRichard surname

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