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Gambino Genealogy and Gambino Family History Information

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  • Alberico Gambino
    Alberico Gambino (Pagani, 7 dicembre 1967) è un politico italiano.
  • Charles Gambino (1902 - 1975)
    Overview=Carlo Gambino was an Italian-born American gangster, notable for being boss of the Gambino crime family , which is still named after him. After the 1957 Apalachin Convention he unexpectedly se...
  • Domenico Maria Gambino (1890 - 1968)
    Domenico Maria Gambino (Torino, 17 maggio 1890 – Roma, 17 aprile 1968[1]) è stato un attore, regista, sceneggiatore e produttore cinematografico italiano.
  • Giuseppe Giacomo Gambino (1941 - 1996)
    Giuseppe Giacomo Gambino (Palermo, May 21, 1941 – Milan, November 30, 1996), also known as u tignusu (the bald one) was a member of the Mafia and head of the San Lorenzo mandamento. Giuseppe Giacomo...
  • Jana Rae Kramer
    Jana Rae Kramer[1] (born December 2, 1983)[2] is an American country music singer and actress. She is known for her role as Alex Dupre on the television series One Tree Hill. Kramer began her musica...

About the Gambino surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Gambino surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Gambino surname.

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