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Gresham Genealogy and Gresham Family History Information

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  • Adaline Wells (1803 - 1854)
    Adaline and Lt. Col. Ransom Wells married in KY and moved to Saline County, MO in 1836. They moved to Knob Noster, MO in 1852. Ransom was married three times. Apparently his third wife was named Adalin...
  • Agnes Berry (deceased)
  • Alice Marshe (b. - 1633)
    John Marshe, b. by 1516, 1st s. of Walter Marshe of London by w. Eleanor. educ. L. Inn, adm. 31 July 1536, called 1545. m. 1543, Alice, da. and h. of William Gresham of Holt, Norf. and London, at least...
  • Alice Gresham (1465 - d.)
  • Ann Gresham (c.1520 - 1596)
    References* Reed, Edward, F. “The English Ancestry of William Reade of Weymouth” in Proceedings of the Reade Historical and Genealogical Association, Boston: 1907. Page 19. * The history an...

About the Gresham surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Gresham surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Gresham surname.

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