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Montlhery Genealogy and Montlhery Family History Information

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  • Adelaide Montlhery (1048 - 1104)
    It is recorded that she was married to Guy II Montlhery but also married to Bouchard Corbeil. Dates and locations unknown. She mothered Hugues de Montlhery, Melissende Crecy and Lucienne de Rochefort. ...
  • Alix de Montlhéry (1044 - aft.1097)
    - iv) ALIX (-after 1097). The Historia of Monk Aimon names "Milonem de Brayo et Guidonem Rubeum, Comitissam quoque Reiteste, et Bonam-vecinam de Pontibus, Elizabeth etiam uxorem Joscelini de Cortecin...
  • Biote de Montlhéry (deceased)
    Biote de Montlhery A. COMTES de ROCHEFORT (SEIGNEURS de MONTLHERY)GUY [II] "le Rouge" de Montlhéry, son of GUY [I] Seigneur de Montlhéry & his wife Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferté (-1108). ... m firstly EL...
  • Beatrix de Montlhéry de Crécy (c.1073 - c.1143)
    MONTLHERY * Birth: 1050/1079 * Partnership with: Anselm de Garlande, Count of ROCHEFORT o Child: Agnes of GARLANDE Birth: ABT 1095Descendants of MONTLHERY1 MONTLHERY =Anselm de Garlande, Count of ROCHE...
  • Elisabeth de Montlhéry (c.1040 - 1113)
    Elizabeth de Montlhéry marriedseigneur de Dommart-en-Ponthieu Guthier de St. Valéry, son of Bernard II de St. Valéry. Later (in 1065) she married Josselin, seigneur de Courtenay, son of Athon, châtelai...

About the Montlhery surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Montlhery surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Montlhery surname.

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