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Pierce Genealogy and Pierce Family History Information

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  • *Amanda Boykin Pierce (1830 - 1857)
    Amanda Boykin Pierce, dau. of Benjamin K. Pierce and Amanda Boykin, was born . 1830 and m. James Owen Boykin on Feb. 1,1847 at Dallas Co., Alabama. She died age 27.Children were 1.) William Boykin c. 1...
  • *Benjamin Kendrick Pierce, Jr. (1831 - 1831)
    Amanda Boykin Pierce was buried at Immanuel Episcopal Church, located upriver in nearby New Castle along with two Pierce children; Henry Jackson (died March 3,1830) and Benjamin Kendrick Jr (died Augus...
  • *Charlotte Boykin Pierce (1828 - 1852)
    Verified a true daughter of Benjamin Kendrick Pierce.. Info from Pierce Genealogy by Frederick Beech Pierce, of 166 and letters on file at NH Historical Society (two letters from Amanda Boy...
  • *Elizabeth Boykin Pierce (1827 - 1847)
    Died unmarriedPer letter written by Benjamin Kendrick Pierce to Franklin Pierce c/o John McNeil: "Much mortified and greived to learn that daughter Elizabeth will not attend to her studies at Derry." I...
  • *Harriet Josephine Pierce (1818 - 1854)
    Harriet, first born child of Benjamin and Josette, was left in the care of Elizabeth McNeil (and sometimes her Grandmother Madame LaFramboise) at Mackinac after Benjamin was re-assigned to Florida...Be...

About the Pierce surname

origin and meaning

Pierce is of Englisn and Welsh origin and is adapted from the given name Piers (a derivation of Peter, which means "rock") and usually means "son or descendant of Piers or Peter."

other versions of this surname

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