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Reinitz Genealogy and Reinitz Family History Information

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  • Abraham Jacob Reinitz (c.1839 - 1919)
    Rabbi of Nagykapos (Veľké Kapušany) and then Balkány Abraham's death record reads as follows: page 42, record 122. report date December 23, 1919 death date: December 23, 1919, 4 am Ábrahám Reinitz, d...
  • Rabbi Jozsef Shlomo Reinitz, A.B.D. Miskolc (c.1840 - 1925)
    He was the first Rabbi of the Sephardic congregation in Miskolc. The second Rabbi of the Sephardic congregation was Mózes Vitriol in Miskolc. MCP: An article in a Hasidic newspaper about Jozsef Shlomo...
  • Rabbi Nathan Feitel Reinitz (1797 - 1862)
    Parents and Birth Nathan Feitel (secular name of Filip/Fulop) was born in the town of Hranice in approx. 1797. According to books (e.g., Toledot Gaonei Hagar (1910); Shem Ha-Gedolim Me-Eretz Hagar (191...
  • Rabbi Yehoshia (Samuel) Baruch Reinitz (1823 - 1912)
    [MCP] Shem Ha'Gedolim Me'Eretz Hagar lists him as being born in 1823 in "Kissingen," which appears to be a reference to Gussing (also called Kiszing or Nemetujvar), which is the birth place of his moth...
  • ?? Reinitz (deceased)

About the Reinitz surname

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