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Ritchie Genealogy and Ritchie Family History Information

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  • Adelaide Ahyahba (c.1881 - d.)
    Mrs. Adelaide Ahyahba is # 676 on the 1907 Wooster Roll where she is identified as the daughter of Wilson Ritchie # 653. No traditional name is recorded.In 1907 when Mrs. Adelaide Ahyahba was age 26 sh...
  • Agnes Crockett (1726 - 1767)
    Agnes Ritchie AKA Richey Birth: 1726, Ireland Death: 1767 Prince Edward County, Virginia Parents: Alexander Richey (1690-1749) (born Ireland) and Jeanne “Jeane” Caldwell Richey (born Ireland)...
  • Agnes Craig (1667 - d.)
  • Gov. Albert Cabell Ritchie (1876 - 1936)
    en.wikipedia.... ; cover of Time Magazine cover, May 24, 1926 * Albert Ritchie was born on August 29, 1876 in Richmond, Virginia to relatively distinguished parents. *His father, Albert Ritchie , had s...
  • Alexander Crockett Ritchie, I (1778 - 1878)
    By the 1830 Kentucky census the County lines had been redrawn and Alexander and his family were now in Perry Co., Kentucky.Crockett lived in a cave while he built a house for his family in Hammonds Gap...

About the Ritchie surname


Scottish: from a pet form of the personal name Rich, a short form of Richard. [Reference: Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-508137-4]