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Trigg Genealogy and Trigg Family History Information

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  • Lt. Col. Abram Trigg (Colonial Militia) (c.1744 - aft.1828)
    A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA with the rank of CAPTAIN. DAR Ancestor # A134695 Trigg (1750 –unknown) was an American farmer and politician from Bedford County, Virginia. He fought w...
  • Ann Trigg (1755 - 1795)
  • Anna Munford Trigg (1816 - 1888)
    reference number 511531
  • Colonel Bingham Trigg, (CSA) (1840 - 1886)
    [. [ ...] Lancaster From Virginia to Texas - Salt Lake City ]==Biography== Colonel Bingham Trigg was born on February 26, 1840, in Boonesville, Saline, Missouri, United States. His parents were John A...
  • Clement Trigg, Sr. (aft.1705 - 1763)
    Tobacco Planter in Maryland. Clement inherited land from Sarah's father, Capt. Thomas Bullet>The elder Trigg was heavily into debt with London merchants. He absconded in the middle of the night, leavin...

About the Trigg surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Trigg surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Trigg surname.

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