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  • Saint prince Alexander Nevsky (1221 - 1263)
    Saint Alexander Nevsky (Russian: Алекса́ндр Яросла́вич Не́вский)​, Prince and Knjaz of Novgorod and Vladimir Born: 5 June 1221, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia Died: 14 November 1263 (aged 42), Gorodets, R...
  • Dmitry Donskoy (1350 - 1389)
    Saint Dmitry (Dimitrii) Ivanovich Donskoy (Russian: Дми́трий Ива́нович Донско́й) also known as Dmitry of the Don, sometimes referred to as Dmitry IBorn: 12 October 1350, MoscowDied: 19 May 1389, Moscow...
  • Grand prince Ivan I "Kalita" (1288 - 1340)
    Ivan I Danilovich Kalita (Ива́н I Дани́лович Калита́ in Russian) Born: 1288Died: 31 March, 1340, MoscowFather: Daniil AleksandrovichMother: MariaIvan I Danilovich was Prince of Moscow (from 1325), and ...
  • Ivan II "The Handsome" (1326 - 1359)
    Ivan II Ivanovich the Fair (Иван II Иванович Красный in Russian), Grand Prince of MoscowBorn: 30 March 1326Died: 13 November 1359Father: Ivan I Mother: HelenaSpouses: Fedosia of BryanskAlexandra Velyam...
  • Mikhalko Yuryevich of Vladimir-Suzdal (1138 - 1176)
    Mikhalko Yuryevich (Михалко (Михаил) Юрьевич in Russian) (died June 20, 1176) - Prince of Torchesk (mid-1160s-1173), Vladimir and Suzdal (1175-1176) and Grand Prince of Kiev (1171). Yuri Dolgoruky's e...

About the Vladimir surname

The city of Vladimir / Volodymer in Russia ,in the Merya territory ,might have been named after
Doo-Mansa Wulading ,or after one of his kinsmen or descendants of the same name .

He was the emperor ,according to Mali historians ,of a country called Doo ,that might have been the
one of the Doo-Go(n) people .
They in turn may be of Asian origin ,and may be related ,together with the Ono and other Gur tribes ,
and with the likely founders of Dogon-Duchi in Niger ,to peoples of Hun-Bolgar alliance at Volga river,
as are the Ono-Gur and Duchi-Bolgar .

He was the uncle of Mari Dyatta ,king of Nyaani ,identical with Mithridat,king of Parthyaia ,
ruling until about 94 BC ,which is 1255 according to the earlier ,now abandoned old European aera of
begin in 1349 BC .
TRhis means ,his father might have been the latter's grandfather ,Mamadi Kani ,that is M'hammad ,
who may be identical with Mohammed ,father of Jalal-al-Din ,ruling in Sumatra until 149 ,and with Bikoru ,
father of Jalal-al-Din ,king of Borno at lake Chad ,and originally that of Borneo .
His other ,Bikoru may stem from Big-Hor(n)-Woe ,which ,together with Masinissa ( Maha-Sing-Nihsaha ) ,
is a depiction of a Rhinoceros .
This also corresponds to Prussian and Georgian Ragas Didis and Rka Didi ,as well as to Peruvian
Didu Roca .
In Irish history ,using the Northern aera of begin in 1065 BC ,his name may be Flann Sinna ,
which has been interpreted as Red Old River ,but may rather derive from Red Rhinoceros .
One of Flann Sinnas sons was called Domnald - as was a nephew of his wife - who may thus be
identical with Doo-Mansa-Wulading .
His name may namely stem from Doo-Man-Wulad too .
The older Domnald,Dasachtach ,deceased in about 165 BC,which is 900 of the Northern aera ,
may be identical with Timotheos ,leader os some troups against the Makkabaians in Iudaia .
Later Domnalds namely were called also so : there was Mithridat's son SInatruk's son Héródés ,
that is Kalvis' son Sventaragis' son Daumantas,alias Mongkak's sons Shikiratu's son Man-Anta-Wa-Dawan
in the Parthyaian ,Baltic and Mongol royal genealogies respectively ,after whom apparently a
next-generation Daumantas and Héródés also were called Timotheos .
In Somalia his name was Deer ,son of Karuure son of Osmaan Samaale ,and in Abyssinia Ida-Me'er-A'ade ,
successor of Waqini Amalaka .
Mithridat was called Amal in Aryan Gothic genealogies ,using the Seleucid aera at describing events .

Some of these Timothies ,if not all of them,may be the ancestors of Timote peoples in Venezuela
around the town that is called after the latter variation Mérida .
Volodymer / Vladimir thus may be named Ucrainian ,later Onogur chiefs of Doo ,Wulading alias
Me'er-Ida : Wulading-Me'er .
Rumanians might have called such rulers Domnu Vlad .

So Vladimir is Donald and Donald is Vladimir .

See Valdimirsky,Donalds,McDonald,Ono,Dogon,Edinger,Kaleva,Somalia,Suomalainen,Malinka,Rusinko,
Calabaca,Weissenstein,Antipenko,Antipan,Tepter,Boavista,Boiariu,Lech,Malek,Panenka,Quito and more !

Balázs Déri