Asur Fernández
(b. - c.945)
"Assur Fernández o Asur Fernández o Ansur Fernández fue el primer conde de Monzón (c.943-?) y conde de Castilla (944-945).
Situación del condado de Monzón de Assur Fernández.
Assur Fernández fue...
Rabbi Moshe Lazers Isserles, of Cracow
(b. - 1661)
1. Source: The Unbroken Chain, Neil Rosenstein, Page 216, 495 Father of Hesya Miriam Heschel (Isserles); Isaiah Isserles; Jekutiel Solomon Isserles and Gt.Grandfather of the Baal Shem Tov, Grandchild o...
Anna Claesdotter Groth
(1606 - 1660)
Mathilde de Boulogne
(c.500 - 580)
Kong af Viken Tryggve Olavsson
(c.928 - c.963)
Today's historians assume that Snorre's sagas are not historical facts when it comes to the kings living before 11th century, therefore his link to his ancestors has been deleted. Tryggve Olavsson Also...
 Unknown illustrator of Geraldus Cambrensis's
Expugnatio Hibernica."
Richard de Clare, 6th Earl of Gloucester
(1222 - 1262)
other possible death dates18 June 126215 July 1262=================================================================================="Richard de Clare, 5th Earl of Hertford, 6th Earl of Gloucester (4 Au...
Hamelin de Warenne, Earl of Surrey
(c.1130 - 1202)
Wikipedia, Medlands and various notes below state that Hamelin's mother was Adelaide of Angers.
Primary Sourced Information and Rationales
Medlands: Anjou: Comtes d’Dnjou, Ducs d’Anjou .
Pehr Mattsson Smolander
(c.1656 - 1728)
Huomaa, että Kuopion pitäjässä asui kaksi eri Pekka Voutilaista, toinen Ohtaanniemen Liukonpellossa ja toinen Jänisjärvellä (myöh. Hietajärvellä); onko oikea sukujuonto? VOUTILAISTEN-SMOLANDERIEN SUKUK...
Gaute på Ornes, Ænes
(c.1120 - 1160)
Gaut fra Ornes ikke fra Ænes Lendmann under Magnus V Erlingsson,konge av Norge i perioden 1161–1184. Han bodde på Ornes (Urnes) - gnr 183/1 Luster, Sogn og Fjordane * ca 1120 Gauts foreldre er ukjent. ...
Rudolph "Rudy" Meyer, II
(1724 - 1783)
MYERS, RUDOLPH SR Ancestor #: A083975
Death: 1783 LANCASTER CO PENNSYLVANIA Service Source: PA ARCH, 3 SER, VOL 17,...
Taina Elg
Taina Elisabeth Elg on suomalaissyntyinen tanssija ja näyttelijä, joka loi Hollywood-uraa ja esiintyi myöhemmin Broadwaylla. Häntä on kutsuttu Suomen ainoaksi Hollywood-tähdeksi, jonka käynnit kotimaas...
Edern Aeturnus ap Padarn
(c.355 - c.429)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 3, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Darrell Wolcott, "Beli Mawr and Llyr Llediath in Welsh Pedigrees," -- for help in untangling these lines. (May 18, 2016, Anne Brannen, ...
Heinrich III "der Erlauchte", Markgraf von Meißen, Landgraf von Thüringen
(c.1215 - 1288)
Links:==* Wikipedia * Genealogics
Lady Joan de Elmedon
(1416 - aft.1465)
De Elmedon was the daughter of Elizabeth De Umfreville. Her great great great grandfather, Gilbert De Umfreville married Elizabeth Comyn (chart 506). Her great grandfather, Richard Comyn married Hextil...
Rabbi Shlomo Luria, MaHaRSHaL
(1510 - 1573)
Leading rabbinical authority of his generation.=== Solomon Luria (1510 - November 7, 1574) (Hebrew: שלמה לוריא) was one of the great Ashkenazic poskim (decisors of Jewish law) and teachers of his time....
John Mure of Rowallan
(aft.1524 - 1591)
JOHN MURE OF ROWALLAN=== John Mure of Rowallan is the son of Mungo Mure of Rowallan and his wife Isabel Campbell. Historie, pp. 79-80 A date and place of birth has not been identified for him but he is...
Aélis de Beaumont-sur-Oise
(c.1032 - 1091)
ADELISE [Aelis] de Beaumont , daughter of IVO Comte de Beaumont & his first wife Judith --- ([before 1045]-Rouen 11 Jul 1091, bur Saint-Evroul[310]). She is named as wife of Hugues by Orderic Vitalis, ...
Margaret Cunningham
(1499 - d.)
Bellentyne Born 1495 in Berwickshire, Scotlandmap Daughter of [father unknown] and Marion (Douglas) Cunningham Sister of William (Cunningham) Fourth Earl of Glencairn and Alexander Cunningham Wife of J...
Marguerite de Ramerupt, Dame de Roucy
(1045 - c.1110)
MARGUERITE de Ramerupt de Roucy, daughter of Hilduin IV de Ramerupt, Comte [de Montdidier], Seigneur de Ramerupt, and Adelaide de RoucyGenealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "secundam filiam comitis ...
Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar
(1264 - 1298)
according to Wikipedia and another website her living dates areBorn (circa) 18 June 1269died29 August 1298websites give the dates listed on this profilesuch as: one website gives another death year (bu...
Captain Francis Slaughter
(1630 - 1657)
9-Francis (1630-56) capt. of militia, justice Rappahannock, Va. m 1652, Elizabeth, dau. of Col. William Underwood;
notes 5 Jun 1663-4. (Old Rappahannock VA Records 1656-64, p. 326) Mrs. Margaret UPTO...
Princess Alice of Battenberg
(1885 - 1969)
mtDNA haplogroup H (16111T, 16357C, 263G, 315.1C)
Alice of Battenberg, Princess of Greece and Denmark Burial
10 December 1969 St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle Re-internment 3 August 1988 Church of ...
Maj. John Bradford
(1653 - 1736)
Descendant of Mayflower passengers William Bradford and Dorothy (May) Bradford
Maj. John Bradford was born on 20 February 1651/2 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts. His date of birth has al...
Charles Boyer dit Lafontaine
(1675 - 1727)
Berenguela de Barcelona, reina consorte de León y Castilla
(c.1116 - 1149)
Berenguela de Barcelona De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre ña Berenguela de Barcelona (1105 - 1149) era una dama catalana. Hija de Ramón Berenguer III, conde de Barcelona, y doña Dulce de Provenza. Er...
Herbert FitzHerbert, lord of Blaen Llyfni
(c.1090 - bef.1155)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Herbert Family Pedigree; . (Steven Ferry, April 21, 2020.)Herbert was also called Herbert of Winchester.Herbert was an adult before 1127.He succeeded to his father's lan...
Ælla, king of Northumbria
(aft.800 - 867)
Ælla or Ælle (died 21 March 867) was king of Northumbria in the middle of the 9th century. Sources on Northumbrian history in this period are limited. Ælla's descent is not known and the dating of his ...
Henry Percy, 1st Earl of Northumberland
(1341 - 1408)
other possible death date20 February 1408================================================================================="Henry Percy, 1st Earl of Northumberland, 4th Baron Percy, titular King of Mann...
Ingegerd Haraldsdotter, of Norway
(1046 - 1120)
Ingegerd of Norway=Ingegerd Haraldsdotter of Norway (Old Norse: Ingigerðr Haraldsdóttir, c. 1046 – c. 1120) was a medieval Scandinavian Queen, Princess of Norway, and the Queen consort first of King Ol...
John Haynes, of Sherborne
(bef.1554 - bef.1621)
Not the son of Nicholas Haynes, of Hackney in Middlesex & Elizabeth Haines
John Haynes Summary
We know nothing about John Haynes other than his date and place of marriage to Alice Lambert. Based o...
Sultan Bolkiah ibni Sultan Sulaiman [Sultan Brunei ke-5, 1485-1524]
(c.1481 - 1524)
5. SULTAN BOLKIAH (TM 1485 - 1524) Baginda adalah Sultan Bolkiah Shah Alam [Sultan Brunei ke-5, 1485-1524] da merupakan anakanda kepada Al-Marhum Sultan Sulaiman. Nama Bolkiah dikatakan diambil daripad...
Brigadier General Jedediah Preble, I
(1707 - 1784)
A Patriot of the American Revolution for MASSACHUSETTS with the rank of BRIGADIER GENERAL. DAR Ancestor # A092655 See page 59 of "Genealogical sketch of the first three generations of Prebles in Americ...
Samuel Mendel Bacharach, zum Drach
(b. - 1628)
ben Menachem (Schmuel (Sohn des) Herrn Mendles) [28.05.1628] top of the page Diplomatische Transkription und Übersetzung הר״ר שמואל ר׳ מענדליש Der Meister, Herr Schmuel, (Sohn des) Herrn Mendles. ...
Maximilian IV (I) Joseph von der Pfalz-Zweibrücken, König zu Bayern
(1756 - 1825)
Golden Fleece - Knights: Austrian Branch === Links: * The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia: English Deutsch * Johann the Younger #626 * Elector of Bavaria Reign 1 April 1795 – 26 December 1805
Blume Aschaffenburg
(b. - 1560)
Blum bat Josef [03.04.1560] Seitenanfang Diplomatische Transkription und Übersetzung ...[%D7%A4%D7%94 שוכבת הנעימה ... Hier liegt die Liebenswürdige ...והנאהבת מ׳ בלום ... und Geliebte, Frau...
Ingerid Svendsdatter of Denmark, Queen Consort of Norway
(1054 - 1093)
Ingerid Svendsdatter. Ingrid Sven daughter, died after the year 1093, Norwegian Drottning 1067-93. Dotter till Danmarks kung Sven II of Denmark. Married year 1067 with kung Olav III Kyrre.Ingrid was th...
Lady Eleanor Butler, Countess of Wiltshire
(1431 - 1501)
Eleanor Beaufort (1431–16 Aug 1501) was the daughter of Edmund Beaufort, 2nd Duke of Somerset and his second wife, Lady Eleanor Beauchamp, Duchess of Somerset.Eleanor married Sir Robert Spencer in abou...
Edel Oppenheim
(1605 - 1668)
Sara Sarlan Brilin
(b. - 1673)
"Die Familie Wolf" - by Ernst Wolf 1924 -pg. 114, 110see family chart "Die Inschriften des Alten Judenfriedhofes in Wien"Band II- by Dr. Bernhard Wachstein- page 16See "Geshichte der Juden in der Kurpa...
Olaf II "the Black", King of Isle of Man
(c.1173 - 1237)
Óláfr Guðrøðarson , commonly known in English as Olaf the Black , was a mid 13th century sea king who ruled the Isle of Man (Mann) and parts of the Hebrides. == Wikipedia == Olaf II "The Black" Gudröds...
Edel Lauchheim-Bacharach
(b. - 1599)
A wonderful joint Tombstone survives in Frankfurt
Gutlin Weissenberg
(b. - c.1531)
Adolf Friedrich von Holstein-Gottorp, Kung av Sverige
(1710 - 1771)
Links:== * Peerage * Geneall * Find a Grave * King of Sweden: Reign 25 March 1751 – 12 February 1771 Coronation 26 November 1751> Predecessor: Frederick I Successor: Gustav III
John Compton, of Charles County
(c.1638 - bef.1718)
Disputed origins There is no evidence supporting John Compton, of Charles County as son of John Compton, of Kent & Roxbury & Susannah Compton with a birth of 20 April 1638 at Ipswich, Essex, Massachuse...
Archibald More Campbell of Lochow
(1310 - 1372)
(or Gillespic) Campbell, Lord of Lochow, was granted several forfeited estates 2 May 1343, and received also from Mary, Countess of Menteith, a grant of Kilmun, confirmed by charter of King David II 11...
nn Sigurdsdatter
(c.1270 - bef.1308)
Kommentar 02.11.2024:
Hypotesen av Asgaut Steines om at N. Sigurdsdatter far var Sigurd Lodinson Vereide og morfar til Agnes Håkonsdatter må karakterisert som klart usikkert da artikkel i Norsk Slekthi...
Brás Esteves Leme
(c.1600 - bef.1657)
§ 2.º 1-2 Braz Esteves Leme, f.º do Cap. 1.°, foi casado com Margarida Bicudo de Brito f.ª de Antonio Bicudo e de Maria de Brito. Com geração em Tit. Bicudos.
PÁG. 209
Matthew Charles Sanders
Matthew Charles Sanders (born July 31, 1981), known by his stage name M. Shadows, is an American singer and songwriter. He is the lead vocalist and a founding member of heavy metal band Avenged Seven...
Queen Yrsa Hildi Hailagasdottir
(565 - 597)
Birth: circa 565 ** Danmark *Death: 603 (38) **,Uppsala, Sweden Immediate Family: *Daughter of Helgi* "Acutus" "Hvasse" Halfdansson, of Denmark and Olaf the Mighty, a queen of Saxland*Wife of Adils* "A...
Arvo Pärt
Arvo Pärt (sündinud 11. septembril 1935 Paides) on rahvusvaheliselt tuntuim eesti helilooja. Ta on tuntud eelkõige isikupärase kompositsioonitehnika poolest (nn tintinnabuli-tehnika). ja elukäikPärt al...
Amleth (Hamlet)
Gunhild of Wessex
(1055 - 1097)
Gunhild, daughter of Harold Godwinsson and Eadgyth Swanneck ===Notes >Edgiva, or Eadgifu in Old English, was an immensely wealthy lady who died after 1066 and whose lands had initially been given to th...
Roger Clifford, Lord of Kingsbury
(c.1215 - 1286)
The birthdate given for this man in the following sources (c. 1231) is clearly not correct, since his wife's birthdate is given c 1215 and his son 1243. I've adjusted his to align with his wife's until...
Princess Helena Sverkersdatter, of Sweden
(1190 - 1247)
Helen of Sweden (c. 1190 – 1247, Swedish: Helena) was a Swedish princess and abbess, daughter of King Sverker II of Sweden and the mother of Queen Catherine of Sweden. She was Abbess of Vreta Abbey.Bio...
 Photo by Alain Zirah. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Nick_Nolte_2008_(2544500287).jpg
Nick Nolte
Malibu, Los Angeles County, California, United States
Nick Nolte is an American actor, producer, author, and former model. He won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Motion Picture Drama and was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for the 1...
 By Czar Brodie - Own work by uploader.This vector image includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this: Lion rampant.svg (by S@m).This vector image includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this: Heraldique meuble nef.svg (by S@m).This vector image includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this: Niederried bei Kallnach-coat of arms.svg (by Aliman5040)., CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=7106894
Duncan MacDougall, 2nd of Dunollie and of Lorn, King of the Isles
(c.1177 - 1245)
DUGALD , son of SOMERLED Lord of Argyll & his wife --- of Man (-after 1175). The Chronicon Manniæ et Insularum names “Dulgallum, Reginaldum, Engus et Olavum” as the four sons of “Sumerledo regulo Herer...
Lady Janet Douglas
(1415 - 1490)
of Thomas Erskine, 2nd Lord Erskine (d. 1494)
Archibald "Bell the Cat" Douglas, 5th Earl of Angus
(1445 - 1513)
ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS Earl of Angus Bell the Cat The Scots Peerage I: pp. 178-86
] The Scots Peerage I: 178-86]
Stirnet: Douglas 92
Archibald Douglas, 5th Earl of Angus, was a Scottish ...
Gerhard I, count Wassenberg
(c.980 - c.1042)
van Gerard I van WASSENBERGI.1 Graaf Gerard I van WASSENBERG (Flamens), geboren ca. 985, overleden na 1033, waarschijnlijk 1021 door keizer Hendrik II met Wassenberg beleend, zijn broer Rutger I wordt ...
Stanley Armour Dunham
(1918 - 1992)
The family is found living with Ruth's parents in the 1920 federal census of Sedgwick County, Kansas. In 1930, following the death of their mother Ruth, Ralph Jr. and Stanley are living with their mate...
(1869 - 1916)
Perhaps it was Rasputin's eyes that pierced his way into history. The mystic and advisor to the Romanov family in Russia became known for his entrancing gaze that seemed to hypnotize people. Equipped ...
Charles de Blois, Duc de Bretagne
(1319 - 1364)
Charles, Duke of Brittanyof Blois (Blois, 1319 – September 29, 1364), claimed the title duke of Brittany, from 1341 to his death.Charles is the son of Guy I of Blois-Châtillon, count of Blois, by Marga...
Thomas "Scotch Tom" Nelson, Sr.
(1677 - 1745)
Thomas Nelson
Birth: Feb 20 1677 - Penrith, Cumberland, England
Death: Oct 7 1745 - Yorktown, York, Virginia, British Colonial America
Spouses: Margaret Reade, Frances Courtenay
Children: Mary ...
Agneta Hansdotter Wörensis
(1579 - c.1691)
Casparus Martini Alstadius oli Isonkyrön ja Alastaron eli Vähänkyrön yhteinen kappalainen vuosina 1593-1606. Vuonna 1607 hän vahvisti kirkkoherrana Vähänkyrön kymmenysverojen luettelon nimikirjoituksel...
Capt. Samuel Comstock, Jr.
(1654 - 1727)
Samuel Comstock*Born 1654 in Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island* Died 27 May 1727 in Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island*Son of Samuel Comstock and Anne * Husband of Elizabeth (Arnold)...
Meadaib mac Ros Ruanaid
(c.340 - d.)
Bengta Ebbesdatter Galen, Queen of Sweden
(1170 - 1199)
Bengta Ebbesdatter Galen, Queen of Sweden
Daughter of EBBE Sunesen [Galen] from Knardrup & his wife
List of Queen Consorts
KINGS of SWEDEN - FAMILY of SVERKER Project MedLands Sweden
Harold I Harefoot, King of England
(c.1015 - 1040)
Harefoot, or Harold I, (c. 1015–17 March 1040) was King of England from 1035 to 1040. His cognomen "Harefoot" referred to his speed, and the skill of his huntsmanship.[1] He was the son of Cnut the Gre...
Margred verch Llewelyn
(1202 - 1264)
The maternal parentage of Marared/Margred/Margaret, daughter of Llywelyn has not been definitively determined, as this discussion between medievalists will attest: -------------------=B: 1202 1210 1215...
Agnes Duchess of Austria
(1206 - 1238)
Albert I, Duke of SaxonyFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMarriages and issueIn 1222 Albert married Agnes of Austria (*1206–before 29 August 1238*) daughter of Duke Leopold VI of AustriaBernard (d. ...
Thomas Stanley, 1st Earl of Derby
(c.1435 - 1504)
Thomas Stanley, 1st Earl of Derby== Thomas Stanley, 1st Earl of Derby, KG (1435 – 29 July 1504) was titular King of Mann, an English nobleman and stepfather to King Henry VII of England. He was the eld...
Sir Hervey de Stafford
(c.1178 - c.1237)
Multiple sources refer to him in his parent's master profiles. Especially see Cawley's Medilands webpage titled England, Earls Created 1207-1466 .
"In 1227, [Nicholas de Verdun] obtained free warre...
Nils Hake
(1696 - 1786)
Lieutenant in Turku province lifedragoonregiment's life-company. Stationed in Rövarnäs, Pargas. Promoted to corporal on the 1st of June 1721.
Henkirakuunarykmentti generalmönsterrulla 1721-1721 (WA122...
Ilon Wikland (Pääbo)
Saltsjö-Boo, Stockholms län, Sweden
Ilon Wikland (born February 5, 1930 in Tartu, Estonia) is an Estonian-Swedish artist and illustrator, born in Tartu, Estonia, but raised in Haapsalu on Estonia's Baltic coast. In 1944, just before the ...
Torgny Karl Segerstedt
(1876 - 1945)
Religionshistoriker, publicist och redaktör på GHT i Göteborg. Känd motståndsman mot nationalsocialismen.Referens:* Biografi på svenska Wikipedia
Karin Jakobsdotter
Karin Jakobsdotter eller Andersdotter - Släktboken är oklar. Placeras in som Jakobsdotter tills vidare.Född i Bure, Skellefteå lfs (Johan Bure X36 sid Y). Karin ägde 5 lotter i lappmarken. Andersdotter...
William FitzWilliam Fitzgerald
(c.1134 - 1192)
Many web trees, and many sources, give several different possible mothers for William Fitzwilliam FitzGerald. Here, his mother is Marie de Montgomery, as explained in the Wikipedia article on Nest verc...
Unknown Father of Robert de Brus
Please use the Discussion tab if you have a theory to discuss.
Æthelstan Half-King of Wessex and Mercia, Ealdorman of East Anglia
(b. - 957)
Foster father of Edgar.
Enn Eesmaa
Enn Eesmaa (sündinud 07. juunil 1946 Tallinnas) on Eesti poliitik ja endine ajakirjanik. Ta on XIV Riigikogu liige ja Eesti Keskerakonna aseesimees. * * - VT IV
Sir Leonard Hastings, Lord of Leicestershire
(c.1396 - 1455)
Sir Leonard Hastings M.P.(706) was born in 1396. He died on Oct 20 1455. Sir Leonard Hastings fought at Agincourt in the retinue of the Earl of March. He was attorney for Ireland under the governorship...
Joseph HaLevi, zum Storch
(b. - c.1536)
William Jefferson Blythe, Sr
(1884 - 1935)
Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy : Apr 5 2016, 22:54:50 UTC "Sherman Democrat", Sherman, Grayson Co., TX William Jefferson Blythe,51, died at his home five miles north of Sherman Tuesday...
William Spooner of Dartmouth
(1621 - 1684)
Indentured servant to John Coombs
Williams parents are: John Spooner born 1596 in Buckinghamshire, England- death 1628 Leyden, Netherlands. Ann Peck born 1600 in Hertfordshire, England-death 1650 Sale...
Louis XIV "le Grand" roi de France et Navarre
(1638 - 1715)
Louis XIV of France belonged to DNA haplogroup R1b (Y-DNA) The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia * King of France and Navarre: Reign 14 May 1643 – 1 September 1715 (72 years, 110 days) Coronation 7 June 16...
Per (i Granö) Nilsson
(c.1530 - c.1571)
Kråken 19 person 259242 Per NilssonBlev högst 41 år. Född::1530 Umeå lf 1)Död::1571 Umeå lf 2)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Familj med ?Barn:Mats Perss...
Margarita Stāraste-Bordevīka
(1914 - 2014)
Peder Juusten
(1470 - 1530)
Viipurin porvari Peder Juusten
Juustenin suku oli Ramsayn mukaan vanha rälssisuku Viipurin pitäjästä. Vanhin nimeltä tunnettu edustaja oli Viipurin porvari Peder Juusten. Hän omisti kivitalon luostari...
 Stattholderembetet 1572-1771, RA/EA-2870/Ek/L0011/0001: Jordebøker til utlikning av rosstjeneste 1624-1626: / Odelsjordebøker for Bergenhus len, 1624, s. 225
Erik Olufson Rygg
(c.1565 - c.1624)
Ein Y700-test av etterkomar her viser haplogruppe R-FT268315
Eirik Olufsson Vereide fra Augustinus-ætta.
Ludvig Daae, En gammel Ætlæg. (Nordfjord-Søndmøre.),
[Dansk] Personalhistorisk Tidsskrift, [...
Yehuda ben Yom Tov of Falaise, R"I haZaken - The Elder
(bef.1130 - aft.1155)
Rabbi Yehuda of Paris (c.1130 - c.1155 or much later) married the widow of RIBAM (who died young) See
Erik Nilsson Sluk
(c.1475 - c.1530)
Vuolteen mieslinja sammui 1511 ja Mats Vuolteen vävy Eric Sluk sai Vuolteen tilan.
Lähteenä seuraavaan: Anu Lahtinen, Suojatit, apurit ja kiistakumppanit, Flemingin sukupiirin vähäosaiset jäsenet: ...
Tesselin de Vascoeuil, vicomte de Rouen
(c.970 - c.1021)
Marriage: Beatrice's mother (de Crépon family)
* Married: ABT 0996
2. Richard DE LILLEBONNE Vicomte
3. Gotmund Rufus DE VASCOUEIL
William de Beauchamp, 9th Earl of Warwick
(1237 - 1298)
WILLIAM [V] de Beauchamp, son of WILLIAM [IV] de Beauchamp of Elmley, Worcestershire & his wife Isabel Mauduit ([1237/41]-Elmley 5 or 9 Jun 1298, bur 22 Jun 1298 Worcester Franciscan Church). The wil...
James Beckwourth
(1798 - 1866)
James Pierson Beckwourth
6 Apr 1798
Fredericksburg, Fredericksburg City, Virginia, USA
29 Oct 1866 (aged 68)
Denver, Denver County, Colorado, USA
Crow Indian Settlement Cemetery
Alice de Camoys
(c.1400 - 1455)
Daughter of Thomas Camoys and Elizabeth Louches (not Elizabeth Mortimer) Leonard HASTINGSBorn: 1396, Kirby, Leicestershire, EnglandDied: 20 Oct 1455Father: Ralph HASTINGSMother: Maud SUTTONMarried: Ali...
Johann Köler
(1826 - 1899)
Johann Köler was a leader of the Estonian national awakening and a painter. He is considered as the first professional painter of the emerging nation. He distinguished himself primarily by his portrait...
James Akin, Sr.
(1631 - 1712)
Not a known husband of Elizabeth Archer
Father: John Akin[3] 1604 - 1713
Mother: Kelly Akin[4] 1610 - 1670
Spouse: Sarah Akin (born Oliver)[5]
Siblings: Unknown
Children: Mary A...
James Rogers, of Newport
(c.1600 - 1676)
James Rogers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 was born Abt. 1600 in England, and died 5/3/1676 in Newport, Rhode Island.He married Mary on Abt. 1629 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts.More About James Rogers:...
Marie-Louise-Angelique Henry
(c.1700 - c.1767)
LOUISE ANGELIQUE HENRY:Baptism: 24 January 1699/00, Port Louis, France61Emigration: January 1764, Sailed to New Orleans for relocation, rather than live under English domination in Alabama.Mob. bb I:61...
Jimmy Donaldson (born May 7, 1998), better known as MrBeast, is an American YouTube personality. He has been credited with pioneering a genre of YouTube videos that centers on expensive stunts His ma...