Henry Percy, 1st Earl of Northumberland
(1341 - 1408)
other possible death date20 February 1408================================================================================="Henry Percy, 1st Earl of Northumberland, 4th Baron Percy, titular King of Mann...
Sir Gilbert de Umfreville, 10th Earl of Angus
(c.1310 - 1381)
Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Apr 30 2017, 4:33:24 UTC www.thepeerage.comX. GILBERT, fourth earl of Angus, who was one of the sureties for the English in a treaty with the Scots,anno...
Vortigern, King of the Britons
(c.385 - d.)
Please refrain from coping and pasting entire content from other websites into Geni profile overviews. Much content is under copyright protection and is now gone from this overview. Please be content i...
Jakob (Jeppe) Kurki
(c.1400 - c.1456)
Kartanonomistaja. Laukko, Vesilahti, Ylä-Satakunta.
HUOM! Vain Jakob (eli Jeppe) Kurjen äidin alkuperä tunnetaan - hän oli Herman Svärdin nuorin tytär. Älä yhdistä uusiin häntä vanhempiin, ellei ole ...
Gerhard I, count of Metz
(875 - 910)
GERHARD ([870/75][796]-killed in battle 22 Jun 910). The De Rebus Treverensibus sæculi VIII-X Libellus names two brothers "Gerardus et Meffridus" specifying that Gerhard married Oda, widow of King Zwen...
Walter fitz Alberic de Cadomo
(c.1050 - aft.1086)
Walter de Caen (aka Walter de Cadomo, Walter fitz Alberic or Walter de Huntingfield), had been a Domesday Book tenant of Robert Malet, and had, in addition to Robert, two other sons, Ralph and Roger, a...
Ranalphus de Praers Lord of Stoke
(c.1038 - 1127)
Sources: "Stokes--1,000 Years" by W.E.D. Stokes; "Falaise Roll."WED: Ranulphus de Praers, the first ancestor of the Stokes family in England.Lord of the vil of Stoke near Liverpool. Also known as the B...
Sunyer I, XIII comte de Barcelona
(c.870 - 954)
NOTE: Sunyer I and Sunifred II were not the same person: they were apparently brothers, sons of Guifre/Wilfred the Hairy.Sunyer, Count of BarcelonaFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaSunyer (c.870-950...
Adelolf, count of Boulogne
(891 - 933)
Alternative Date of Death: 913sur Mer de Therouanne1,2b. circa 893, d. 13 November 933, #35255Birth* circa 893 Adaloff sur was born circa 893 at St Pol sur Mer, Dunkerque, Artois, France.1 Marriage* ...
Grand Prince of Kiev Iziaslav Dmitri Yaroslavich Rurikids
(1024 - 1078)
M. Angel's summary:Relationships:Parents:Father: Ярослав Владимирович "Мудрий" (Yaroslav I "The Wise"), Grand Prince of Kiev (1019-1054)Mother: Ингегерда (Ingegerd Olofsdotter), Grand Princess of Kiev ...
Grand Duke of Russia Vladimir Alexandrovich Romanov
(1847 - 1909)
Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich of Russia==Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Johann the Younger #1625 * Wikipedia
Gudrun Thordsdatter
(1029 - aft.1095)
Gudrun Tordsdotter
Daughter of Tord Folesson and Ålov Einarsdotter
Project MedLands, Norway Nobility OGMUND Thorbergsson His name is confirmed by Snorre naming his son "Skopte Ogmund...
Ethelred I 'the Pious', king of Wessex & Kent
(c.837 - 871)
King Ethelred of Wessex (Old English: Æþelræd) (c. 840 – April 23, 871) was the fourth son of King Ethelwulf of Wessex, and an older brother of Alfred the Great. He is sometimes referred to as King Eth...
Gosbert VI, seigneur d'Aspremont et de Dun
(c.1187 - 1263)
Hatheburg, Countess of Merseburg
(c.880 - d.)
Was Gerlint of Merseburg a sister or another name of Hatheburg? Hatheburg of Merseburg : From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHatheburg of Merseburg Born 876 Died after 909Spouse(s): Henry the FowlerIs...
Thurstan de Holland
(c.1220 - c.1275)
Sir Thurstan de HOLLAND (1) was born about 1220 in Upholland, Lancashire, England.(1) He died after 1272 in Upholland, Lancashire, England.(1) He married three times. Thurstan de Holland first married ...
Pépin I, king of Aquitaine
(c.797 - 838)
PEPIN ([797]-Poitiers 13 Dec 838, bur Poitiers, église collégiale de Sainte-Radégonde). Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names (in order) "Hlutharius, Pippinus, Hludowicus" as sons of Emperor Ludwig...
Adelaide of Normandy, countess of Aumale
(c.1029 - c.1090)
of Normandy (also called Adelais, Adélaïde, Adèle or Adeliza) (c. 1026 in Calvados, France - c. 1090) was the sister or half-sister of William the Conqueror.She was the daughter of Robert the Magnifice...
Margaret of Huntingdon, Duchess of Brittany
(1145 - 1201)
Margaret of Huntingdon
Duchess of Brittany, Countess of Richmond
Countess of Hereford
Born 1145
Died 1201
Spouse Conan IV, Duke of Brittany
Spouse Humphrey III de Bohun
Spouse Sir William...
Ystradwel "the Fair" verch Gadeon, of Rheged
(b. - 388)
See Peter Bartrum, See Peter Bartrum, (February 7, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 5, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
ID: I51197
Name: Ywstradwel ferch GADEON
Given Name: Yw...
Ferdinand I the Great, King of Castile
(aft.1016 - 1065)
Fernando I de León, llamado «el Magno» o «el Grande» (c. 1016-León, 27 de diciembre de 1065), fue conde de Castilla desde 1029 y rey de León desde el año 1037 hasta su muerte, siendo ungido como tal el...
Otto IV, Holy Roman Emperor
(c.1175 - 1218)
IV. (HRR)aus Wikipedia, der freien EnzyklopädieWechseln zu: Navigation, SucheOtto IV. und Papst Innozenz III. reichen sich die Hände (aus Heidelberg, Cod. Pal. germ. 19-23, um 1450)Wappen Ottos IV.Das ...
Heinrich Heine
(1797 - 1856)
Christian Johann Heinrich Heine (13 December 1797 – 17 February 1856) was born in Düsseldorf, Rhineland, into a Jewish family. He was called "Harry" as a child, but became "Heinrich" after his conversi...
Sir Edmund Sutton, of Dudley
(c.1425 - c.1483)
From Edmund Sutton (1425–1483) was a knight of Dudley Castle and Gatescombe. Sutton was born in Dudley, England, a son of John Sutton, 1st Baron Dudley, K.G, and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Joh...
Pentti Ilmari Saarikoski
(1937 - 1983)
Runoilija, kirjailija, kääntäjä.Impilahti; Helsinki; Kerava; Tjörnin saari, Göteborg, Ruotsi. Syntymä / Birth / Рождение: Pentti Ilmari Saarikoski syntyi 02.09.1937 Impilahdella. Avioliitto / Marriage ...
Cynreou (?) (1)M, #150361Last Edited=3 Feb 2006 Cynreou (?) is the son of Centwine (?). (2)Child of Cynreou (?)-1. Bassa (?)+ (2)Forrás / Source:
Earl Guttorm Ostmansson of Jämtland & Svealand
(bef.1120 - 1171)
Jarl GUTTORM Ostmansson of Jämtland & Svealand
Son of Jarl Ôstman Gudfastsson
Guttorm Östmansson, he is alleged to be the grandson of the chieftain Östman Gudfastsson, mentioned on the famous runes...
Ordulf III, duke of Saxony
(c.1020 - 1072)
Navn: Ordulf (Bildet: Orthilius Dux Saxoniæ) Regjeringstid: Sachsen: 1059–1072 Født: 1022 Død: 1072 Foreldre: Bernhard II av Sachsen ogEilica av Schweinfurt Ektefelle(r): Ulvhild av NorgeGertrud av Ha...
Isabella of Castile, Duchess consort of York
(c.1355 - 1392)
b. circa 1355, d. 23 December 1392
Isabella de Castilla was born circa 1355 at Morales, Spain.
She was the daughter of Pedro I, Rey de Castilla y León and Maria de Padilla.
She married Edmund o...
Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Segal, of Ludomir, TUZ father
(1560 - c.1600)
GEDCOM Source ===@R-1576397378@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. This information comes from 1 or...
Childéric I, King of the Franks
(b. - c.481)
MEROVECH (-[451/57]). m ---. The name of Merovech's wife is not known. Merovech is recorded as having one child: >1. CHILDERICH (-Tournai [481/82], bur Tournai). Gregory of Tours records that Merovech ...
Enguerrand V de Guines, seigneur de Coucy
(c.1243 - 1325)
Voir Wikipedia... * Enguerrand V de Guines, seigneur de Coucy, Montmirail, Oisy, Condé-en-Brie et la Fère
Afonso II, o Gordo, rei de Portugal
(1185 - 1223)
Afonso II de Portugal Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
D. Afonso II de Portugal (cognominado O Gordo, O Crasso ou O Gafo, em virtude da doença que o teria afectado), terceiro re...
Astrid Trygvesdatter
(c.962 - 1027)
Astrid Tryggvesdatter
ASTRID Trygvesdatter . Snorre, Ingebjorg and Astrid…daughters of Astrid by King Trygve"[209]. Snorre names Astrid, sister of King Olav Trygvason, and in a later passage records ...
Fyodor I of Russia
(1557 - 1598)
Fyodor I Ivanovich (Russian: Фёдор I Иванович or Feodor I Ioannovich Russian: Феодор I Иоаннович; 31 May 1557 – 16/17 January (NS) 1598)
Father: Ivan IV
Mother: Anastasia Romanovna
Spouse: Irin...
Blanche de Castille, reine consort de France
(c.1188 - 1252)
Blanca de CastillaDe Wikipedia, la enciclopedia librede Castilla, también conocida como Blanca de Borgoña (Palencia, 4 de marzo de 1188 – Melun, 1252), fue infanta de Castilla y reina consorte de Franc...
King Ivar "Vidfamne" Halfdansson
(c.612 - c.647)
Halvdansson 'Vidfamne' Ívarr inn víðfaðmi (Icelandic)== Basics ==* Father: Halfdan "Snälle" "The Valiant" Haraldsson (Sogubrot, Heimskringla, Hervarar Saga)* Mother: Moalda "Digri" (source unclear)* Wi...
Hesso I, count in the Sülichgau
(c.980 - 1035)
Hesso I. von Backnang, auch Hesso der Ältere, gilt als erster Herr von Backnang aus der Dynastie der Hessonen.Er wird im Nekrolog des Stifts Backnang, wo ihm der Beiname "der Gute" gegeben wird, als Va...
Ingeborg of Kiev
(c.1099 - c.1140)
Ingeborg af Novgorod - var gift med Knud Lavard, hertug af Sønderjylland. Wikipedia DA ==Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia , –1131–, Datter af den russiske Fyrste Mstislav og Christine, den s...
Margrave Bruno
(c.786 - 843)
LIUDOLF, son of BRUNO & his wife --- (-11 Mar 866, bur Brunshausen). Brun was named as father of Liudolf in the early 13th century Gandersheimer Reimchronik[126], but no earlier source has so far been ...
James Hamilton, 1st Lord Hamilton
(1423 - 1479)
James 1st Lord of Hamilton , 6th Lord of Cadzow, son of Sir James Hamilton, 5th of Cadzow Y-DNA Y-DNA of James Hamilton R1b1a1a2. Not Haplogroup I1a2a1a1 (I-L338) and not Haplogroups I1a3a, I1a4a (I-L1...
Margaret Bruce
(1308 - aft.1364)
Natural daughter of King Robert I of Scotland
Death: aft. 1346
Father: Robert I "The Bruce" King of Scotland; b: 18 July 1274 – Writtle, Essex, England
Mother: Miss de BRUCE
Marriage: Robert de GLE...
Willa of Burgundy
(893 - 967)
Willa II de Bourgogne , wife of Boson de Vienne, Marchese di Toscana (Tuscany) =daughter of Rudolf I, King of Upper Burgundy , and Willa (I) de Bourgogne (who also married Hugues d'Arles, Comte de Vien...
Eystein "kráku Konungurinn" Adilsson, King of Uppsala
(c.594 - c.655)
concerns== This Eystein is the same as Eystein "kráku Konungurinn" Adilsson, King of Uppsala biography==King of Uppsala==comments==Date and place of birth have also been (erroneously?) reported to be c...
Carin Larsdotter Teit
(c.1547 - aft.1610)
Elossa vielä 6.8.1610.
Siegfried I the Dane, count of Guînes
(aft.905 - 965)
Evidence needed to support Siegfried I the Dane, count of Guînes as child of Duke N.N. N.N. & N.N. N.N. , and N.N. N.N. as daughter of Lothair II, king of Lotharingia .
Egil "Tunnadolg Vendikraka" Anunsson
(c.530 - c.590)
Swedish king Egil Vendelcrow aka Ongentheow Ongentheow (Old English: Ongenþeow, Ongenþio, Ongendþeow; Old Norse: Angantýr) (died ca. 515) was the name of a semi-legendary Swedish king of the house of S...
Shoista Mullodzhanova, bat Levi, People's Artist of Tajikistan
(1925 - 2010)
Shoista Mullojonova (born as Shushana Rubinovna Mullodzhanova on September 3, 1925) was a famous legendary Tajik Shashmakom singer. She won many awards and titles in her career including the prestigi...
Eremburge de Bricquebec
(c.930 - 1003)
comments==Date and place of birth have also been (erroneously?) reported to be 950 at an unspecified location.Date and place of death have also been (erroneously?) reported to be circa 955 at an unspec...
(745 - c.776)
Parents not known. 2nd wife of Rothard:m secondly (before 9 Dec 771) ERMENANE , daughter of ---. “Ratardus filius Hardrardi quondam” donated property at “Mandris” to the abbey of Gorze, for the soul of...
William McKinley, 25th President of the USA
(1843 - 1901)
Wikipedia Biographical Summary:== William McKinley (January 29, 1843 – September 14, 1901) was the 25th President of the United States, serving from March 4, 1897, until his assassination in September ...
Esteban Estrada de Sosa
(c.1500 - d.)
Juan GÓMEZ GALLARDO LATAPÍ's Family TreeAna ESTRADA DE-LA-CABALLERÍA Sosa/Ahnentafel # 81,133 Family Tree Profile Matches Print Illustrated family tree Family Ancestry Charts & lists Family tree Check ...
Stephen de Longespée, Earl of Salisbury
(c.1216 - 1260)
Son of William de Longespée, Earl of Salisbury (illegitimate son of Henry II and Ida de Tosny Bigod) and Ela Devereux Countess of Salisbury.
married Emmeline de Rydeleford
Ela m. Roger la...
Hoël III ap Alain I, Emyr Llydaw
(c.580 - c.612)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Family of Emyr Llydaw; (Steven Ferry, October 7, 2022.)
King of Brittany Hoël III ab Alain de Bretagne1
b. circa 580, d. 612
Wiglaf, king of Mercia
(b. - 839)
Wiglaf (Witglaff) MERCIA7,27 died in 840. He was born in .Children were: WIGMUND.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\King Of Mercia\ Wiglaf Of MERCIA7,140 d...
Heikki Pietarinpoika Wirmala
(c.1586 - c.1666)
Suomen asutuksen yleisluettelossa:
* Padasjoki 1600-1619
Padasjoki 1620-1639
Padasjoki 1634-1653
Kasvoi aikuiseksi Padasjoen Jokioisten Saksalassa. Tuli Virmailan ratsutilan isännäksi ...
Gilbert de Lacy, 3rd Baron Lacy
(c.1093 - 1163)
There are conflicting versions of his parentage, although most agree that he was a grandson of Walter de Lacy . One account, supported by the Wikipedia article referenced below, states that his father ...
Arnulf II the Young, count of Flanders
(961 - 987)
Main sources
More info
Aubert II de Cambrai
(c.750 - 803)
historical [modern] place name:Cambrai, Austrasia, Kingdom of the Franks [Cambrai, Nord, Nord-Pas-de Calais, France]
for historical location see map of Austrasia in 752 AD in media section
Cambrai, o...
Tony Roberts
(1939 - 2025)
David Anthony "Tony" Roberts (born October 22, 1939) is an American actor. He is best known for his roles in several Woody Allen movies, most notably Annie Hall, usually cast as Allen's best friend.
Otto II, duke of Bavaria
(c.1015 - 1083)
Otto von Northeim (c1020 - 11 January 1083), Count of Northeim, Count in Rittegau, Vogt of Cowey, and Duke of Bavaria (1061-1070). He was made Duke of Bavaria by the Empress Agnes, but removed in 1070 ...
Stephen Coffin
(1664 - c.1725)
AKA "Offin" Stephen Coffin was born 18 Aug. 1664 Newbury, Essex, MA and died 31 Aug. 1725 Newbury, Essex, MA.Parents: Tristam Coffin, Jr. (1632/33-1703/4) [1] and Judith Greenleaf, widow of Henry Sower...
Philip IV, King of Spain and Portugal
(1605 - 1665)
The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia * King of Spain: Reign 31 March 1621 – 17 September 1665> Predecessor: Philip III of Spain Successor: Charles II of Spain
Catharina Eriksdotter Sursill
(c.1520 - d.)
Ensimmäinen Suomeen tullut Erikintytär Östenin sisar, joka otti veljen tyttäriä vastaan. Eivät siis olleet vauraita, tai korkea-arvoisia, Genos 2017...
Catharina Eriksdotter Sursill ca 1555 Teg, Ume, ...
Béatrice de Vascoeuïl
(c.1004 - c.1053)
Béatrice de Vascoueil
Parents: Tesselin de Vascoueil Vicomte de Rouen? & NN de Bolbec (daughter of Osbern de Bolbec and Avelina Crepon)
Spouse: Rudolph (Ralph) I de Warenne
1. Rudol...
Eleanor Sinclair, Countess of Atholl
(c.1457 - c.1518)
Eleanor Sinclair
Born: ABT 1457 in Ravenscraig Castle, Kirkaldy, Fifeshire, Yr Alban
Died: 21 March 1518. Buried: Dunkeld Cathedral, Scotland 1
Parents: William Sinclair, 1st Earl of Caithness, 3...
Pasgen ap Urien, Lord of Cydweli, Carnwyllion, Iscennen and all Gower
(c.850 - c.910)
See Peter Bartrum, (May 31, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Darrell Wolcott, , for the untangling of these lines. (February 2, 2016; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Bartrum's "Ped...
Lorcan na Long mac Lachtnai, King of Munster
(c.856 - c.942)
Lorcan "Fingin, King of Munster" MacLachtnae
Born 0881 in Killaloe, Clare, Ireland
ANCESTORS ancestors
Son of Lachtnae mac Corc and [mother unknown]
[sibling%28s%29 unknown]
[spouse(s) unk...
Cennétig mac Lorcáin, King of the Dál gCais
(c.896 - 951)
Cennétig mac Lorcáin King of Dál gCais/Dalcassians & King of Tuadmumu/Thomond/Limerick===
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy:
CEINNÉITIG (-951). His parentage is confirmed by the Annals of Ulster which...
Basinus II, king of the Thüringians
(b. - 506)
Bisinus (sometimes shortened to Bisin) was the king of Thuringia in the 5th century AD or around 500. He is the earliest historically attested ruler of the Thuringians. Almost nothing more about hi...
John V Palaiologos, byzantine emperor
(1332 - 1391)
Descendant of kings William the Conqueror , Stephen I of England and Louis VII of France
John V Palaiologos (or Palaeologus) (Greek: Ίωάννης Ε' Παλαιολόγος, Iōannēs V Palaiologos) (18 June 1332 – Fe...
Marion Boyd
(1477 - bef.1559)
A lady is always referred to with her own familyname, not her married surname so this has been corrected even if Margaret Boyd was legally married to John Mure of Rowallan.
Judith de Cambrai
(c.935 - c.995)
Mariage d'Amaury Ier de Hainaut avec Judith de Cambrai
Amaury Ier de Hainaut épouse vers 952 Judith de Cambrai.
Leurs enfants sont :
Amaury de Landas (vers 940-après 985) qui épousera Judith de ...
Nuño Rasura Núñez
(c.780 - 860)
No tenia aun treinta y cinco años, quando junto con su muger Doña Argilo, dió fueros á su Villa de Brañosera, estableciendo en ella un gobierno sabio, que después influyó infinito en el general de Cast...
* Nachman ben haGaon Yochanan, of Eretz Israel
Owen Donel O'Sullivan
(1599 - 1698)
Joined rebellion of 1641
OWEN-DONEL O'SULLIVAN b. after 1599, Dunboy Castle, Munster, Ireland, m. ELIZABETH SULLIVANT. Some sources say he also married a JO-ANN ELIZABETH BROWN (daughter of THOMAS BRO...
Hunuil of the Goths
(c.210 - c.280)
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Hungary Kings: . DYNASTY of the AMAL GOTHSIordanes sets out the ancestors of Athal, in order, as follows "Gapt…Hulmul…Augis…Amal a quo et origo Amalor...
Izyaslav II, Grand Duke of Kiev
(1097 - 1154)
Iziaslav II Mstislavich ( Изяслав II Мстиславич in Russian), born about 1097, died November 13, 1154.Prince of Pereyaslav (1132), Princ of Turov (1132–1134), Prince of Rostov, (1134- )Prince of Vladimi...
Casimir the Great, King of Poland
(1310 - 1370)
III Wielki – król Polski w latach 1333–1370, ostatni władca z dynastii Piastów na polskim tronie. III the Great (Polish: Kazimierz Wielki; April 30 1310 – November 5, 1370), last King of Poland from th...
Sir Owen Reagh O'Sullivan, of Dunboy
(c.1545 - 1594)
Sat in Parliament in 1585 sat in Parliament in 1585
Jarl av Halland Finn Arnesson
(c.1005 - c.1062)
Finn Arnesson (died c. 1065), Norwegian nobleman== Basics ==* Father: Arne Armodsson* Mother: Tora Torsteinsdatter* Wife: Bergljot Halvdansdatter, daughter of Halvdan Sigurdsson** Daughter: Ingebjørg F...
Rabbi Jakob Ben Yehuda Weil, MaHaRIV
(c.1385 - c.1456)
Talmudist, the MAHARI"V; Rabbi in Nuernberg, Augsburg, Bamberg, Erfurt (1444); Student of Rabbi Jakob ben Moshe Moellin, ( the MAHARI"L), who lived in Mainz and Worms. Rosenthal mentions in his book, "...
Simon II de Dammartin, Comte d'Aumale
(1180 - 1239)
Occupation: Count of Ponthieu Count of Dammartin Simon of Dammartin (1180 – 21 September 1239) was a son of Alberic II of Dammartin (Aubry de Dammartin) and his wife Mathildis of Clermont. Simon was th...
Sir Adam Mure of Rowallan
(b. - bef.1391)
Share some things about..................
SIR ADAM MURE OF ROWALLAN Sir Adam Mure of Rowallan is the son of Sir William Mure of Rowallan. According to the Historie, his father died in or about 1348 H...
 Photo by Justin Higuchi. CC BY 2.0. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chappell_Roan_@_Hollywood_Palladium_11_18_2022_(53886572991).jpg
Chappell Roan
Chappell Roan is an American singer and songwriter. She is known for her camp and drag queen-influenced aesthetic. She first signed to Atlantic Records and released her debut EP, School Nights (2017). ...
Egilmar I, Count of Oldenburg
(c.1040 - c.1108)
Justin Howery Swanstrom wrote on 10/27/2016: I recommend disconnecting Helyas 'The Swan Knight' von Potenburg, (Fictitious Character of Legend) as father of Elimar.
Medlands identifies Elimar as so...
Dr. George Tyron Harding, Sr.
(1844 - 1928)
Richard Talbot, 4th Baron Talbot
(c.1361 - 1396)
Wikitree: Richard Talbot (abt. 1361–abt. 1396)
Scrutinized and Well-Sourced Webpage.
Please refrain from copy-&-pasting it into this overly bloated Overview. Instead, perused Wikitree's webpage. ...
Enguerrand de Ponthieu, II, Comte de Ponthieu, Comte de Montreuil, Sire d'Aumale
(1030 - 1053)
concerns== Stirnet's "Ponthieu1" page does not mention this Enguerrand.==brief biography==Count of PonthieuCount of MontreuilLord of Aumalejure uxoris Lord of Aumale from about the time of his marriage...
Geza II, king of Hungary
(c.1130 - 1162)
ÉZA_II_1141-1162, *the URL must copy GÉZA, son of BÉLA II "the Blind" King of Hungary & his wife Jelena of Serbia ([1130]-3 or 31 May 1162, bur Székesfehérvár). The Chronicon Dubnicense names "Geysam, ...
Ṭāriḳ ibn Ziyād ibn ʿAbd Allāh
(b. - c.720)
Ṭāriḳ b. Ziyād b. Ziyād b. ʿAbd Allāh , Berber commander of the Muslim troops who undertook the conquest of the Iberian Peninsula in 92/711; his birth and death dates are uncertain. Ibn Id̲h̲ārī gives ...
Mary, mother of Jesus
The Siblings of Jesus: In the Christian New Testament:
Mark 6:3 [ Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?” ...
Rabbi Moshe HaKohen Katz, ABD Podhajce, Podolia] Shach s.#1
(aft.1638 - 1686)
Rabbi in Poodeiz. Outstanding Talmudic scholar. Advanced two of his grandfathers' works to print. (Nekudot Hakesef and Tokfe Kohen). (With silver dots on the work of Kohen) (iv 26)
Isaac Wheeler
(1672 - 1752)
Isaac Wheeler , son of Joshua Wheeler and Elizabeth Hayward, was born in 1672. He married Sarah Howe on 19 Jan 1700. The lived in Concord until about 1704 and then moved to Plainfield, Windham, Connect...
 Photo by the Strauss-Peyton Studio. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Charlie_Chaplin_portrait.jpg
Charlie Chaplin
(1889 - 1977)
Charlie Chaplin was a comedic British actor who became one of the biggest stars of the 20th century's silent-film era.
Who Was Charlie Chaplin?
Charlie Chaplin worked with a children's dance troupe...
Colmán Már mac Coirpri Ó'Dúnlainge
(c.530 - c.576)
Irish Kings and High-Kings by Francis John Byrne [ ]. See p. 289.
Annals of Ulster AU 628.1& and AU 633.2 — [ ]. Enter the number(s), or year + decimal, the into browser search.
Annals of Tigernach...
Cormac mac Ailella Ó'Dúnlainge
(480 - c.535)
Please see List of Kings of Leinster; . (Steven Ferry, April 13, 2019.)
Isabella of France, Queen consort of England
(c.1292 - 1358)
Isabella of France Queen-Consort of England & Lady of Ireland & Duchess of Aquitaine
Isabella of France (c. 1295 – 22 August 1358), known as the She-Wolf of France,[1] was the Queen consort ...
Alexander Nikolayevich Vertinsky
(1889 - 1957)
Alexander Vertinsky was a Russian and Soviet artist, poet, singer, composer, cabaret artist and actor who exerted seminal influence on the Russian tradition of artistic singing.
Géza I of Hungary
(aft.1040 - 1077)
ÉZA ([in Poland] [1044/45]-25 Apr 1077, bur Vac) . The Gesta Hungarorum names "Geichæ et Ladislai" as sons of "fratris sui Belæ" when recording that King András obtained their agreement to the future s...